---------------- The following is a list of activity as seen by the observers at the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO) in Hawaii. Additional information may be added by the personnel at the High Altitude Observatory (HAO) where the data is processed and analyzed. The initials of the HAO personnel are indicated in parenthesis. Dates are given by calendar day and by year/day-of-year. Key of abbreviations: ADF - Active dark filament AFS - Arch filament system AP - Active Prominence APR - Active Prominence Region AR - Active Region ASR - Active Surge Region BOU - Boulder, Colorado Observatory BSD - Bright surge on the disk BSL - Bright surge on the limb CME - Coronal Mass Ejection CRN - Coronal rain DPMON - Digital prominence monitor DSD - Dark surge on the disk DSF - Disappearing filament EPL - Eruptive prominence on the limb MDP - Mound prominence MLSO - Mauna Loa Solar Observatory QP - Quiescent prominence PA - Position angle (measured counterclockwise from north pole. eg. east equator = 90 degrees, west equator = 270 degrees) RV - Radius vector UT - Universal Time WL - White light NOTE: (bracketed letters indicate observer's initials) ***************************************************************************** 1/01/2002 2001d001 No MK4 data. 1/02/2002 2001d002 No MK4 data. 1/03/2002 2001d003 Mk4 Data: 17:29->20:51. No Apparent coronal activity. No PICS data. Isolated, suspended prominence PA 105, 1.15R. Active filaments PA 175, 0.75R & PA 140, 0.6R. 1/04/2002 2002d004 Mk4 data: 17:28 -> 21:59 No apparent coronal activity. No PICS data. Activity in same filaments as previous day. 1/05/2002 2002d005 Mk4 data: 17:28 -> 22:00 No apprent coronal activity. No PICS data. Activity in same filaments as previous two days and in a large filament at PA 5, 0.6R. 1/06/2002 2002d006 Mk4 data: 17:56 -> 22:09 No apparent coronal activity. No PICS data. Surging off limb near PA 65 and PA 270. 1/07/2002 2002d007 Mk4 data: 17:36 -> 22:04 No coronal activity. No PICS data. Eruption from near sunspot in active region at PA 280, 0.8R, at ~18:15; only related LASCO activity is narrow CME at PA 310, beginning ~17:00--probably not associated. Active prominence at PA 280. Active filaments at PA 220, 0.7R; PA 35, 0.5R. 1/08/2002 2002d008 Mk4 data: 17:27 -> 22:05 Large CME already in progress at 17:50 at PA 90. CME at PA 335 with faint loop and obvious prominence material starting at ~18:10. No PICS data. Large prominence at centered at PA 130, 1.2R shows substantial motions apparently associated with the passage of a wave arising from the earlier of the above-mentioned CMEs. Filament extending from PA 355, 0.9R to PA 300, 0.7R erupts, with portion at PA > 320 leaving the sun. This eruption corresponds to the second of the above-mentioned CMEs. Filament near PA 230, 0.7R shows extreme activity (with partial eruption) after 20:30. 1/09/2002 2002d009 Mk4 data: 17:46 -> 23:23 CME in progress 23:18 UT at PA 145, following EPL activity at PA 90. No PICS data. Very active, tall, suspended prominence at PA 110. Most of the prominence material has drained by the end of the day. 1/10/2002 2002d010 Mk4 data: 19:28 -> 20:10 No coronal activity. No PICS data. Few good CHIP images. No significant disk or limb activity. 1/11/2002 2002d011 Mk4 data: 17:42 -> 22:03 No coronal activity. No PICS data. Surging from active region at PA 270, 0.3R; material appears to flow to active region at PA 300, 0.6R. Active prominences at PA 225 and PA 255. 1/12/2002 2002d012 Mk4 data: 17:56 -> 22:08 Forgot to check for coronal activity. No PICS data. Poor quality CHIP data all day; no significant detectable disk or limb activity. 1/13/2002 2002d013 Mk4 data: 17:42 -> 22:12 No coronal activity. No PICS data. Large active prominence at PA 230. Surging from active region at PA 265, 0.7R. Active filament at PA 150, 0.55R. 1/14/2002 2002d014 Mk4 data: 17:32 -> 21:58 Small CME at PA 300 at ~19:20. Active, possibly eruptive, filament at PA 295, 0.9R, ~18:30. No PICS data. Post-eruption loops at PA 245. Active filament at PA 280, 0.65R. Active prominences at PA 55, 75, 110, and 220. 1/15/2002 2002d015 Mk4 data: 17:29 -> 22:04 Possible small CME at PA 280 at beginning of day. No PICS data. Erupting prominence at PA 115 in progress at beginning of day. No LASCO data, but EIT data consistent with a CME. Surging off limb at PA 85, ~17:50. Active filament PA 275, 0.8R. 1/16/2002 2002d016 Mk4 data: 17:35 -> 22:07 No coronal activity. No PICS data. Very active filament PA 275, 0.9R. Surging from near sunspots: PA 40, 0.35R; PA 315, 0.7R. Surging off limb PA 302. 1/17/2002 2002d017 Mk4 data: 17:33 -> 19:19 No coronal activity, but short Mk4 day. No PICS data. Surging from near sunspot: PA 305, 0.85R. 1/18/2002 2002d018 No Mk4 data. 1/19/2002 2002d019 No data. 1/20/2002 2002d020 Mk4 data: 18:39 -> 20:56 No coronal activity, but relatively short Mk4 day. No PICS data. No significant disk or limb activity. 1/21/2002 2002d021 Mk4 data: 17:41 -> 21:42 No coronal activity seen in raw Mk4 data, but LASCO shows a nice CME at PA 135 at ~18:30. No PICS data. No significant disk or limb activity. 1/22/2002 2002d022 No data. 1/23/2002 2002d023 No data. 1/24/2002 2002d024 No MK4 data. No limb or disk activity- very cloudy day in PICS and CHIP. 1/25/2002 2002d025 No MK4 data. No limb or disk activity- very cloudy day in PICS and CHIP. 1/26/2002 2002d026 No data taken at MLSO today. 1/27/2002 2002d027 No data. 1/28/2002 2002d028 No data. 1/29/2002 2002d029 No data. 1/30/2002 2002d030 No data. 1/31/2002 2002d031 Mk4 data: 18:10 -> 19:58 No coronal activity, but very cloudy Mk4 day. Erupting prominence seen at PA 300 (~19:20), but only the beginning is seen in the limb data due to clouds. Very active filament in NW- it probably erupts, but the clouds roll in right as it lifts up. 2/01/2002 2002d032 Mk4 data: 17:36 -> 22:09 Surging on the limb at PA 75 and PA 85. Active prominence at PA 100. Small two-ribbon flare just NE of center disk at ~19:00. Another larger two-ribbon flare in AR slightly NW starting at ~21:10. 2/02/2002 2002d033 Mk4 data: 17:59 -> 22:11 MK4: Faint CME at ~260 superposed on bright helmet from ~20:25 to just after 21:00 (jb) LASCO sees a CME at PA 260 at ~21:30. Thin prominence suspended above PA 90- shows some formation off to the south side later in day. Possible filament eruption in SW at ~20:00. 2/03/2002 2002d034 Mk4 data: 17:53 -> 22:21 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Thin prom. still suspended above PA 90. Active prom. at PA 125- has material draining along long field lines toward the north. Active filament just SE of center disk- material gets pushed northward. 2/04/2002 2002d035 Mk4 data: 17:42 -> 22:06 18:41 UT There may be a subtle CME at PA 220-240. The faint streamer there appears to be expanding laterally in the mid to outer region. We just missed a CME - MK4 is recording changes in the corona at the very end of a bright CME in the southwest seen in LASCO. Bright helmet visible on FEB 3 is gone. New helmet appears to be forming low in corona (low-lying but just visible over the occulter in MK4). - jb Prom. at PA 125 still active. No significant disk activity. 2/05/2002 2002d036 No MK4 data. Generally poor CHIP and PICS data (clouds). 20:04 UT Large flare and filament eruption centered at PA 130, 0.15R, with possible wave. No LASCO or EIT data. 2/06/2002 2002d037 Mk4 data: 17:49 -> 22:42 No coronal activity in raw data- also no LASCO data today. Draining prominences PA 75, 285. Coronal rain PA 230-280, PA 105-120. Flaring in active regions PA 60, 0.6R and PA 120 0.6R. Active filaments PA 310, 0.25R and PA 210, 0.9R. 2/07/2002 2002d038 Mk4 data: 17:32 -> 22:03 Start of CME at PA 300 at ~20:40. Hard to tell how wide the CME is in the raw data. Active or eruptive prominence (behind limb) at PA 230, 17:45 ff. Draining prominence PA 280. Surging off limb PA 85, 100. Flaring in active region PA 260, 0.95R. 2/08/2002 2002d039 Mk4 data: 17:29 -> 22:01 No coronal activity visible in raw Mk4 data- no LASCO white-light data either. No significant disk or limb activity. 2/09/2002 2002d040 Mk4 data: 17:58 -> 22:25 No coronal activity visible in raw Mk4 data- no LASCO white-light data either. Large prominence centered at PA 115. Surging off limb PA 70-100. Surging/flaring on disk PA 160, 0.15R and PA 190, 0.35R. Large active filament PA 235, 0.4R. 2/10/2002 2002d041 Mk4 data: 17:52 -> 22:13 Material seen lifting off by Mk4 at PA 150 starting at ~20:45. Prominences showing significant draining at PA 80, 120, 220, 260. Prominence at PA 120 appears to lifting at end of day; LASCO shows eruption at beginning of next day. Strong flaring with active or eruptive filament in active region near PA 70, 0.8R. Flaring in active regions at PA 220, 0.4R and PA 255, 0.2R followed by strong filament activity in filament from PA 210, 0.5R to PA 160, 0.4R. Active filament PA 245, 0.6R. 2/11/2002 2002d042 No MK4 data. Very cloudy day. No visible significant disk or limb activity. 2/12/2002 2002d043 No MK4 data. No CHIP or PICS data. 2/13/2002 2002d044 Mk4 data: 18:02 -> 22:14 CME begins ~20:07 UT, superposed on brighter helmet at ~107 degrees. Loop/cavity. -jb Prominence at PA 215 expelling material that flows all the way to PA 185. Coronal rain PA 265-285. Apparent eruptive filament at very end of day (22:00) PA 205, 0.6R to PA 225, 0.55R. 2/14/2002 2002d045 Mk4 data: 17:45 -> 22:22 No coronal activty in raw Mk4 data. Large blob of material appears to be ejected upwards at about PA 260 to about 1.03R ~20:04; material moves nearly horizontally with significant dip, possibly indicating flow along a flux rope. Projected velocity ~ 70 km/s. 2/15/2002 2002d046 Mk4 data: 17:21 -> 22:00 There appears to be a subtle CME ongoing since MK4 sun-up at 1745 UT at PA 300-310. Surging of limb PA 263. Large prominence centered at PA 245 sending material all the way to PA 260. Active filament PA 205, 0.95R; not clearly related to large prominence at same PA. Flaring, possible eruption at PA 285, 0.93R, ~20:20; could be associated with LASCO event centered near PA 295, beginning 2 hours earlier, but continuing through day. 2/16/2002 2002d047 Mk4 data: 18:08 -> 22:18 No coronal activity in raw data. Surging off limb PA 245-250. Prominences expelling material in near horizontal flows at PA 50, 245, 285. Possible filament eruption PA 133, 0.8R, ~20:30 (disappearance in PICS, outflow in CHIP); no apparent EIT or LASCO association. Active filament PA 330, 0.3R. 2/17/2002 2002d048 Mk4 data: 17:44 -> 22:19 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data, but LASCO sees a very slow CME at PA 270 starting at ~11:30. Erupting filament with two-ribbon flare and probable wave at PA 0, 0.6R. EIT has 12-minute time resolution for this event. Active filaments at PA 330, 0.35R and PA 185, 0.7R. 2/18/2002 2002d049 No data taken at MLSO today. 2/19/2002 2002d050 Mk4 data: 17:27 -> 19:27 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Large, mildly active prominences PA 280, 310. Surging off limb PA 265. Small, active (possibly eruptive) filament PA 140, 0.4R. 2/20/2002 2002d051 No data. 2/21/2002 2002d052 Mk4 data: 17:52 -> 22:23 Material can be seen lifting off in raw Mk4 data at PA 320 at ~19:00. LASCO shows a couple of CMEs in this area, and shows material settling/falling back down in between the CMEs (at PA 300). Active prominences PA 130, 300. Surging and/or post-eruption loops PA 280-290. Coronal rain PA 90-105. Active filaments PA 120, 0.7R and PA 305, 0.8R. 2/22/2002 2002d053 Mk4 data: 17:42 -> 22:08 No coronal activity. Active prominences at 65, 125, 280, 300. Post-eruption loops near PA 260. Surging off limb near PA 80. Active filaments near PA 300, 0.9R and PA 235, 0.6R. 2/23/2002 2002d054 Mk4 data: 17:46 -> 22:21 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data, but LASCO shows a slow CME at PA 225 which starts at ~14:30, but also has material leaving at ~18:00. Active prominences at PA 125, 300. Apparent filament eruption with flare and EIT dimming PA 50, 0.7R; no evident LASCO association. 2/24/2002 2002d055 No data. 2/25/2002 2002d056 Mk4 data: 17:22 -> 20:16 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data, but a lot of bad data. Poor data (cloudy day); no visible significant disk or limb activity. 2/26/2002 2002d057 No data taken at MLSO today. 2/27/2002 2002d058 No data taken at MLSO today. 2/28/2002 2002d059 Mk4 data: 18:52 -> 22:50 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Very large, mildly active prominence extending from PA 100-135. Flaring in active region at PA 310, 0.7R at beginning of day. Active or eruptive filament with flaring in active region at PA 30, 0.5R, begining ~21:00. 3/01/2002 2002d060 Mk4 data: 17:38 -> 22:02 Small CME at PA 280 at ~17:30 (although I don't think this PA is correct- LASCO shows CMEs at other locations, and the CME is measured in raw data, so it could be wrong). Suspended prominence condensing and draining at PA 270. Apparent post-eruption loops at PA 255, which seem to correspond to LASCO CME activity near PA 250. Off-limb surge or prominence activity near PA 90, ~20:00; could be fountain of material from near a sunspot (which is just at or over the limb) producing flows toward and away from the observer (along field lines diverging from the sunspot) and thus a complex projected structure. Very large active prominence extending from PA 100 to PA 135. Filament eruption PA 210, 0.6R beginning ~18:45; possible wave. Active filament extending from PA 160, 0.8R to PA 185, 0.6R. Surging on disk PA 330, 0.6R. Small, cross-shaped active filament PA 305, 0.5R. 3/02/2002 2002d061 Mk4 data: 18:00 -> 22:18 Faint CME in MK4 data in south (~165 degs.) ~21:00 until ~22:00 (jb). CME seen by LASCO in the south. Prominence eruption from behind limb near PA 180 appearing in PICS limb data at 21:08; LASCO CME centered at PA 160 appears at 21:30; prominence material in this CME appears to be centered near PA 180, at the edge of the CME. Flaring in active region near PA 310, 0.55R. 3/03/2002 2002d062 Mk4 data: 17:49 -> 22:35 No coronal activity. Filament activity throughout active region centered at PA 310, 0.6R. Large active filament extending from PA 160, 0.7R to PA 240, 0.6R. Small active filament at PA 290, 0.8R. 3/04/2002 2002d063 Mk4 data: 18:51 -> 22:06 No coronal activity. Active prominence PA 270. Active filament system from PA 170 to PA 250, ~0.7R. Strong surging and/or filment eruption PA 295, 0.85R. 3/05/2002 2002d064 No MK4 data. Large filament eruption centered at PA 210, 0.7R; corresponds to large LASCO CME. Filament eruption begins ~18:00, while CME enters LASCO field of view between 20:30 and 21:30. Very cloudy day; little good PICS limb data. 3/06/2002 2002d065 Mk4 data: 17:46 -> 20:39 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Tall, mildly active prominence at PA 45. 3/07/2002 2002d066 Mk4 data: 18:05 -> 19:22 No coronal activity, but short day. Coronal rain PA 95. Tall, mildly active prominence at PA 45. Active filament PA 50, 0.95R. Active filament PA 120, 0.4R. 3/08/2002 2002d067 Mk4 data: 17:12 -> 17:15 No good Mk4 data. Filament eruption at PA 145, 0.3R, ~18:45; possible faint wave. Substantial surge or prominence flow along a loop between PA 260 to PA 270. Surging off limb PA 280. 3/09/2002 2002d068 Mk4 data: 20:52 -> 23:20 CME at PA 110 starting at ~22:15. Large eruptive filament/prominence from active region near PA 95, 0.93R, beginning ~21:40. Prominence moves out near PA 85, as does LASCO CME beginning ~22:30. Possible wave event. Suspended (spider) prominence PA 105. Probable post-eruption loops PA 100. 3/10/2002 2002d069 Mk4 data: 17:38 -> 22:04 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data, but LASCO sees a couple of CMEs in our time window. Suspended (spider) prominence showing substantial draining from top. Surging off limb PA 85, ~21:00, PA 95, ~22:00. 3/11/2002 2002d070 Mk4 data: 17:12 -> 22:09 No coronal activity in the raw mk4 data. Post-eruption loops PA 105. Active filament in active region at PA 105, 0.7R. Flaring in active region at PA 45, 0.6R. 3/12/2002 2002d071 Mk4 data: 17:08 -> 21:45 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Very active filament in active region at PA 105, 0.5R. Draining prominence at PA 90. Strong prominence activity at PA 80 with material rising rapidly from behind limb. No apparent eruption. 3/13/2002 2002d072 No data. 3/14/2002 2002d073 Mk4 data: 17:25 -> 20:28 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Post-eruption loops PA 105. Coronal rain Pa 270-290. Small active prominence PA 88. Active filaments PA 330, 0.55R; PA 170, 0.15R; PA 90, 0.45R; PA 110, 0.6R. 3/15/2002 2002d074 Mk4 data: 17:16 -> 20:41 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Erupting filament PA 80, 0.7R; faint LASCO CME. Active filament PA 305, 0.9R to PA 330, 0.8R. 3/16/2002 2002d075 Mk4 data: 19:16 -> 19:44 No coronal activity, but very short day. Very short day. No significant disk or limb activity. 3/17/2002 2002d076 No MK4 data. 3/18/2002 2002d077 Mk4 data: 19:31 -> 21:27 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Very cloudy day with few good PICS limb images. Prominence eruption PA 130 beginning ~17:50; LASCO CME extending from PA 135 to PA 160 appears in C2 at 18:06. Active region filament eruption from PA 165, 0.25R, beginning ~19:00; LASCO CME extending from PA 180 to PA 200 appears in C2 at 19:54. 3/19/2002 2002d078 Mk4 data: 19:25 -> 19:28 Only a couple of images- no Mk4 activity. Very cloudy day with few good PICS limb images. Prominence eruption PA 120 beginning ~18:50; LASCO CME centered at PA 130 appears in C2 at 19:31. 3/20/2002 2002d079 Mk4 data: 17:31 -> 21:12 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data, but a lot of bad data. Cloudy day, few good PICS limb images. Apparent small filament eruption near PA 250, 0.4R, ~20:00; involves minor flaring. Active/eruptive filament/prominence near PA 260, ~18:00. 3/21/2002 2002d080 Mk4 data: 17:56 -> 22:35 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Faint active/eruptive prominence at PA 90, ~21:10. Prominence activity at PA 275 involving apparent draining, condensation, and ejection (along loops). Filament activity and flaring in active region PA 245, 0.5R. 3/22/2002 2002d081 Mk4 data: 17:07 -> 22:03 No coronal activity in raw data. Post-eruption loops from PA 250 to PA 280 associated with very large CME earlier in the day (~12:00). Active prominence rises and falls from behind limb at PA 290, beginning 17:26. Active prominence near PA 80. Active filament extending from PA 155, 0.5R to PA 205, 0.7R. 3/23/2002 2002d082 Mk4 data: 17:43 -> 22:15 No coronal activity in raw data. Post-eruption loops at PA 250 associated with CME entering C2 field of view ~15:00. Active prominence at PA 50 associated with CME outflow. Large active prominence between PA 120 and PA 140 showing mass excahange between two sides. 3/24/2002 2002d083 Mk4 data: 19:48 -> 21:07 No coronal activity, but only a few good Mk4 images. Cloudy day, only a few good PICS limb images. Prominence eruption PA 105, beginning ~18:49, corresponds to rather faint LASCO CME. Prominence eruption PA 300, beginning ~18:43, corresponds to bright LASCO CME. Apparent filament eruption from active region PA 110, 0.4R; begins ~17:30 (beginning of observing day). 3/25/2002 2002d084 No MK4 data. Few good disk or limb images; no observable activity. 3/26/2002 2002d085 No MK4 data. Few good disk or limb images; no observable activity. 3/27/2002 2002d086 No MK4 data. No good PICS limb images, few good disk images; no observable disk or limb activity. 3/28/2002 2002d087 Mk4 data: 17:33 -> 22:23 No coronal activity in raw data. Post-eruption loops: PA 265 (bright); PA 280, PA 100 (faint). Surging: PA 275 (bright); PA 112 (faint). Active filaments: PA 315, 0.7R; PA 315, 0.3R; PA 137, 0.9R. 3/29/2002 2002d088 No data taken at MLSO today. 3/30/2002 2002d089 Mk4 data: 17:49 -> 22:38 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Active prominence PA 125. Surging off limb: PA 115. Activity above the limb at PA 285; may be post-eruption loops. Flaring in active regions along an arc from PA 60, 0.5R to PA 110, 0.9R. 3/31/2002 2002d090 Mk4 data: 17:31 -> 21:15 No coronal activity in raw data. Filament eruption from PA 50, 0.5R, ~20:00; could be associated with slow LASCO CME centered at PA 70, beginning well before filament eruption. Active prominence PA 235. Two very large active filaments: one at PA 150, 0.8R to PA 220, 0.4R; the other at PA 120, 0.9R to PA 90, 0.5R. 4/01/2002 2002d091 Mk4 data: 17:07 -> 19:28 No coronal activity in raw data. No significant disk or limb activity. 4/02/2002 2002d092 No MK4 data. Very cloudy day. No significant (observable) disk or limb activity. 4/03/2002 2002d093 No MK4 data. 4/04/2002 2002d094 Mk4 data: 17:19 -> 22:26 Start of a CME visible at the end of our observing day at PA 100. Suspended active prominence at PA 240. Eruption (possibly of a small filament) at PA 260, 0.1R, ~19:45. 4/05/2002 2002d095 Mk4 data: 17:15 -> 18:53 Only one good Mk4 image- no activity. Cloudy day; few good limb and disk images; no observable activity. 4/06/2002 2002d096 Mk4 data: 17:22 -> 22:21 CME at PA 135 starting at ~20:40- LASCO sees a CME at the same time centered at ~PA 95. Surging off limb: PA 85 (along loop); PA 113, 128, 395. Active, possibly eruptive prominence PA 65, ~17:30. Active prominences: PA 110, 240. Active filaments: PA 10, 0.6R; PA 265, 0.3R. 4/07/2002 2002d097 Mk4 data: 17:25 -> 21:03 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data, but LASCO sees a faint CME at PA 100 starting at ~21:50. Active prominences: PA 40, 235. 4/08/2002 2002d098 Mk4 data: 17:46 -> 17:49 No coronal activity- only a couple of Mk4 images. Surge near limb at PA 65 at ~19:12 (also seen in PICS limb data). Flows seen in large filament in NW (along the spine). 4/09/2002 2002d099 Mk4 data: 20:02 -> 20:58 No coronal activity in Mk4. Surge in NE and simultaneous motion along a filament in SE at ~21:00. Also an erupting loop prom. at PA 105 at the same time. 4/10/2002 2002d100 Mk4 data: 17:22 -> 22:17 Faint CME in Mk4 data in south from about 17:51 to 19:30. Loop/cavity with core. LASCO sees a CME at PA 200 at ~19:25. Large flare and possible wave in NE at ~19:05. Material is also erupting from this area. 4/11/2002 2002d101 Mk4 data: 19:17 -> 22:02 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Active prominence PA 85 to PA 105. Post-eruption loops PA 65. 4/12/2002 2002d102 Mk4 data: 16:51 -> 21:59 No coronal activity. Flaring in active region PA 310 0.65R; possible small filament eruption. Active prominence system PA 280-305. Active prominence PA 220. 4/13/2002 2002d103 Mk4 data: 17:28 -> 22:08 No coronal activity. Some surging on the disk near sunspot near NW limb at ~20:40 until the end of the day (also seen in limb data). Only a few CHIP images. Fairly cloudy day. 4/14/2002 2002d104 No MK4 data. Very cloudy day- no visible limb or disk activity. 4/15/2002 2002d105 Mk4 data: 18:45 -> 22:05 No coronal activity, but not a very good day of data. Cloudy day, but PICS limb sees what appears to be a large erupting prom. in west in one frame (18:02). Erupting filament near west limb (~PA 260) at 17:13- this must be the one that PICS limb sees. There is also a small two-ribbon flare associated with it. 4/16/2002 2002d106 Mk4 data: 17:24 -> 22:35 No coronal activity, but mostly bad data. No disk activity. Possible post-eruption loops on west limb (also seen in EIT). Prom. on SW limb that is suspended shows some draining. 4/17/2002 2002d107 Mk4 data: 17:26 -> 21:49 Possible prominence material seen to disappear in Mk4 at the very beginning of the day- probably associated with a CME seen in LASCO at PA 110 starting at ~17:00. MK4: Very small, low lying loop/cavity in MK4 at start of day on west limb on south side of helmet. Disappears. No clear front. Changes in helmet - is a cavity moving outward through the helmet? Large quiescent filament near NE limb. Lots of activity on the west limb- prom. in a loop shape (~PA 260) has either lifted up or erupted right at the beginning of our observing day, and we see lots of subsequent draining and falling back to the surface. Right to the north is prominence material suspended high with draining below it to the surface. Also a long thin surge at PA 300 at ~19:45. 4/18/2002 2002d108 Mk4 data: 17:36 -> 19:27 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data, but fairly short day. Filament just north of center disk shows motion toward the NE at the same time that a faint filament in NE appears to erupt. These do not seem to be associated with a CME in the NE like I expected. There are a couple of other CMEs in the south and southwest seen by LASCO. 4/19/2002 2002d109 Mk4 data: 16:50 -> 19:21 No coronal activity- quiet in LASCO also. Post-eruption loops in the west, apparently associated with two earlier LASCO CMEs. Tall, suspended (spider) prominence PA 245, with draining. 4/20/2002 2002d110 No MK4 data. No good PICS limb data. Active filament PA 250, 0.9R. 4/21/2002 2002d111 Mk4 data: 17:34 -> 22:09 No coronal activity, but mostly bad Mk4 data. Note: this is the day of the X-flare and event caught by TRACE. Beginning of day (17:35) spectacular ejection of material off limb (PA 265) in progress. It is possible that this material follows a completely loop-like trajectory extending to 1.2R, and that none (or at most a tiny amount) escapes. This is near the same position angle of the X-flare and large mass ejection occurring near 0100. Post-eruption loops PA 255, PA 295. Active prominences PA 80, PA 225. Active filament extending from PA 120, 0.8R to PA 150, 0.4R. Surging on disk PA 80, 0.7R. 4/22/2002 2002d112 Mk4 data: 16:49 -> 21:11 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Active, suspended prominence PA 75. Condensation followed by draining PA 255, beginning ~19:30. Coronal rain PA 260-280. Low, active prominence PA 270. Active filament PA 250, 0.6R. Long active filament of April 21 still showing activity. 4/23/2002 2002d113 Mk4 data: 16:51 -> 21:20 No coronal activity, but most of the data was bad. Cloudy day; few good PICS limb images. Suspended prominence PA 75 showing substantial draining. Apparent post-eruption loops southwest to west. Active filaments PA 290, 0.9R; PA 140, 0.5R (see past two days for activity in this latter, long filament. 4/24/2002 2002d114 No data taken at MLSO today. 4/25/2002 2002d115 Mk4 data: 17:05 -> 21:32 No coronal activity in raw Mk4 data. Active prominence systems PA 65-100; PA 245-260. Surging off limb PA 62. Active filament PA 235, 0.9R. 4/26/2002 2002d116 Mk4 data: 16:48 -> 20:13 Mostly bad Mk4 data- no visible activity. LASCO sees a nice CME in SW at ~19:00. Cloudy day; only a few good limb images. Prominence eruption PA 315, beginning ~18:00; probably associated with LASCO CME centered at PA 310, appearing in C2 ~17:00. Large filament eruption centered near PA 200, 0.6R, underway at the beginning of the observing day (16:48). Corresponds to LASCO CME centered near PA 210, appearing in C2 after !8:30. Active filament PA 60, 0.75R. Active prominences: PA 65-95; PA 260; PA 285. 4/27/2002 2002d117 Mk4 data: 17:18 -> 22:07 Data quality is poor. No apparent solar activity Slow CME seen in LASCO in northeast most of day ending on April 28. Motion not apparent in MK4 probably due to poor MK4 data quality and the very low speed of the event. Lots of active prominences, both large and small: PA 60-85; PA 125; PA 220-310. Mildly active filament extending from PA 145, 0.7R to PA 205, 0.6R. Minor flaring in northern active region belt. 4/28/2002 2002d118 Mk4 data: 18:42 -> 21:43 No visible activity. Data are a noisy in the far field of view. Getting very noisy by 20:00. LASCO CME between 18:27 and 18:51 in southeast. Some minor brightening in CME region earlier. CME not visible in MK4 data beginning at 18:42. CME may be off-limb, or in noise in far field. Prominence activity much like preceding day (02d117). Small active filament in active region at PA 260, 0.9R. 4/29/2002 2002d119 No Mk4 data taken at MLSO today. 4/30/2002 2002d120 No MK4 data. 5/01/2002 2002d121 No MK4 data. Few good disk and limb images; no observable activity. 5/02/2002 2002d122 Mk4 data: 18:46 -> 18:55 Few good disk and limb images; no observable activity. 5/03/2002 2002d123 No MK4 data. No good disk or limb images. 5/04/2002 2002d124 No MK4 data. 5/05/2002 2002d125 No MK4 data. 5/06/2002 2002d126 Mk4 data: 16:56 -> 17:05 Few good disk and limb images; no observable activity. 5/07/2002 2002d127 No MK4 data. Very cloudy day; only a couple of usable PICS limb images. Prominence at PA 230 slowly rises from ~16:45 to ~18:45 and then slowly erupts; also seen in EIT(~19:13) and LASCO(~19:50). Active prominence PA 115. 5/08/2002 2002d128 No MK4 data. Very cloudy day. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 5/09/2002 2002d129 No MK4 data. 5/10/2002 2002d130 Mk4 data: 16:50 -> 17:05 Very cloudy day. No significant disk or limb activity observable. 5/11/2002 2002d131 No MK4 data. Very cloudy day with only a few images. Filament centered at PA 25, 0.7R erupts; seen in PICS, CHIP, and EIT, with associated CME visible in LASCO. 5/12/2002 2002d132 No MK4 data. Cloudy day; no good PICS limb images. Active filament PA 245, 0.7R. Surging on disk near sunspot PA 260, 0.9R. 5/13/2002 2002d133 No MK4, CHIP, or PICS data. 5/14/2002 2002d134 No MK4, CHIP, or PICS data. 5/15/2002 2002d135 No MK4 data. Very cloudy day with only a few images. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 5/16/2002 2002d136 Mk4 data: 17:30 -> 20:33 Post-eruption loops PA 75-85. Active prominence PA 295. Active filaments PA 135, 0.8R; PA 175, 0.5R. 5/17/2002 2002d137 No Mk4 data taken at MLSO today. 5/18/2002 2002d138 Mk4 data: 17:23 -> 20:01 Cloudy day. Active prominence PA 275. 5/19/2002 2002d139 Mk4 data: 17:25 -> 19:57 Active prominence PA 275. Filament eruption beginning ~19:30 (filament active in CHIP velocity throughout observing day). Eruption seen in PICS, CHIP, and EIT; corresponds to LASCO CME appearing in C2 at 20:26. 5/20/2002 2002d140 No Mk4, CHIP, or PICS data taken at MLSO today. 5/21/2002 2002d141 Mk4 data: 16:50 -> 20:31 Active prominence PA 285 extending from on disk to well off limb. Coronal rain PA 72. Active prominence PA 65 after ~19:30. 5/22/2002 2002d142 No MK4 data. Active or partially eruptive prominence PA 75, appearing from behind limb ~21:45. Mildly active filament PA 315, 0.8R. 5/23/2002 2002d143 Mk4 data: 17:40 -> 19:50 Active prominence systems PA 65-80, PA 245-255. Coronal rain PA 70. 5/24/2002 2002d144 Mk4 data: 16:28 -> 21:20 Active prominences: PA 65, 240, 310. Erupting filament PA 55, 0.9R: beginning slow liftoff before 17:00; rapid eruption after 18:00; seen in CHIP, PICS disk, EIT;LASCO CME first appears in C2 ~18:50. Clear EIT dimming/CHIP brightening; possible wave. Active filament PA 275, 0.5R with possible (minor) eruption and flaring after 19:00. 5/25/2002 2002d145 Mk4 data: 17:19 -> 19:45 Active prominences: PA 65, 85, 235, 280, 300. Active filament PA 205, 0.6R. Small filament eruption with flaring PA 215, 0.3R. 5/26/2002 2002d146 Mk4 data: 17:14 -> 22:33 Large active prominences near PA 65, 225, 305. Surging off limb and post-eruption loops PA 95-125; may be associated with LASCO CME centered near PA 120. Active, slowly disappearing filament extending from PA 105, 0.45R to PA 125, 0.65R to PA 145, 0.4R. Strong surging from PA 345, 0.35R (near a sunspot) extending along a large, loop-like trajectory. Small filament eruption with flaring near PA 170, 0.2R, ~20:00. Small active filament near PA 10, 0.2R. Active, nearly circular filament centered at PA 45, 0.65R. 5/27/2002 2002d147 Mk4 data: 16:26 -> 22:01 Surging and/or prominence eruption near PA 105; may be related to LASCO CME in this region. Tall (1.2R), broad (PA 215-240), active prominence showing swirling motions. Active prominence PA 60; may be an active prominence/filament system extending well onto disk. 5/28/2002 2002d148 Mk4 data: 16:31 -> 22:05 Possible post-eruption loops in east in the beginning of the day. Active filament in NE. Another large active filament in SW- this one shows some disappearance of material. A thinner filament also in SW shows material movement along the spine and appears to be mostly horizontal to the surface. 5/29/2002 2002d149 Mk4 data: 17:15 -> 22:16 Surge at ~PA 70 at 20:56. Active prominence at PA 50-60. No significant disk activity. 5/30/2002 2002d150 Mk4 data: 17:10 -> 23:28 No significant disk activity. Small active prominence at ~PA 115 starting at 20:00. 5/31/2002 2002d151 Mk4 data: 16:33 -> 22:04 Surging at the limb (PA 110) around 20:00. Surge on the disk very near limb at PA 110 at 19:17- the surge appears white then dark in H-alpha. Possible eruption of a small filament in NW (~PA 300). A two-ribbon flare follows this activity. 6/01/2002 2002d152 Mk4 data: 18:02 -> 22:46 No significant limb or disk activity. 6/02/2002 2002d153 Mk4 data: 17:28 -> 22:18 20:40 UT CME at PA 135. Small active prom. at PA 65 at 19:05-19:43. Active prom. at PA 280 at 20:52-21:58 (lifts up then drains back down to surface). Filament eruption and flare near SE limb at ~20:45-22:18. 6/03/2002 2002d154 Mk4 data: 17:00 -> 17:56 No significant disk or limb activity- cloudy day. 6/04/2002 2002d155 Mk4 data: 16:26 -> 21:54 No limb activity. Some clouds. Small two-ribbon flare with a possible filament eruption in NW at ~21:40. Large filament to the NW of this also shows activity at this time. 6/05/2002 2002d156 Mk4 data: 17:36 -> 22:35 It looks as though part of the large prominence that just passed over the west limb lifts up and while much of the material drains down along either side of the loop while lifting- a piece seems to erupt (19:15-19:48). 6/06/2002 2002d157 Mk4 data: 16:52 -> 22:23 Huge erupting prominence from behind the NE limb at the beginning of the observing day- shows possible helical structure. Also visible in Mk4. Small flare and surge on the disk in NW (~PA 300) at 17:07. 6/07/2002 2002d158 No data taken at MLSO today. 6/08/2002 2002d159 Mk4 data: 16:59 -> 21:58 Large active prominence at PA 115-130. No significant disk activity. 6/09/2002 2002d160 Mk4 data: 17:06 -> 21:48 Prominence material appears and subsequently drains at PA 270 starting at ~19:05. Some activity in filament in south- shows some oscillating motion. 6/10/2002 2002d161 Mk4 data: 16:32 -> 21:31 No significant limb activity. Activity visible in several filaments- just north of center two filaments show slow motion followed by a disappearance. Another filament in the east disappears at the same time (all at ~20:45). 6/11/2002 2002d162 Mk4 data: 16:33 -> 18:35 No significant limb activity. Some flows along an S-shaped filament close to SW limb. 6/12/2002 2002d163 Mk4 data: 17:13 -> 22:18 Active prominence at PA 110-120. Some material appears to get pushed up and the down behind the limb (~19:00)- don't think anything erupts. No significant disk activity. 6/13/2002 2002d164 Mk4 data: 18:08 -> 24:34 No significant limb activity. Small area on disk surging and flaring for a long period of time- located at ~PA 260, 0.6R (activity starting at ~18:42 and lasting all day). 6/14/2002 2002d165 Mk4 data: 16:23 -> 19:46 No significant limb activity. A filament in the SE shows motion toward the SE- the velocity data indicates that the material is mostly draining down, but the filament disappears in the H-alpha data after these flows are visible. Some flaring very near west limb (PA 255) at 17:17- SOHO has bad data- hard to tell if there is a CME there. 6/15/2002 2002d166 No MK4 data. No significant disk activity. Some activity on NE limb very close to surface (unable to see in PICS limb data due to clouds)- might be post-eruption loops resulting from an earlier CME seen in LASCO. 6/16/2002 2002d167 Mk4 data: 17:46 -> 20:48 No significant limb or disk activity. 6/17/2002 2002d168 Mk4 data: 16:32 -> 22:11 Large prominence covering a good portion of the NW limb has a piece of material erupting poleward (north) at the beginning of the day, followed by a larger piece erupting (more radially) starting at ~20:12. Simultaneous to the larger erupting piece of prominence material is an erupting filament and two-ribbon flare near the SW limb (~PA 250). Motion along an apparent neutral line at the NE limb (~PA 45-75) at ~19:12. This moving material can be seen popping above the limb at ~19:18, although nothing seems to be erupting. LASCO only sees a very faint, small CME in the NW at ~22:15. 6/18/2002 2002d169 Mk4 data: 21:27 -> 22:07 Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Some activity visible along the spine of the filament in NE. 6/19/2002 2002d170 Mk4 data: 17:20 -> 19:31 No significant limb or disk activity. 6/20/2002 2002d171 Mk4 data: 16:20 -> 22:02 Prominence material lifts up at PA 285 at ~20:55. Filament in NE shows some activity- in the velocity data, some material at the north end oscillates between dark and white, and it seems to disappear in the PICS data. 6/21/2002 2002d172 Mk4 data: 16:18 -> 22:45 Very cloudy day. No significant limb activity observable. Surging on disk from near sunspot: PA 40, 0.3R. 6/22/2002 2002d173 No Mk4 data taken at MLSO today. 6/23/2002 2002d174 No Mk4 data taken at MLSO today. 6/24/2002 2002d175 Mk4 data: 17:30 -> 21:45 Very cloudy day; no significant observable disk or limb activity. 6/25/2002 2002d176 Mk4 data: 16:27 -> 22:31 Rising (from behind limb), swirling prominence near PA 240 (visible from ~17:45 through end of day ~22:20); material rises to above 1.3R, but most, if not all, appears to fall back; no apparent LASCO association. Large, active prominence PA 70. 6/26/2002 2002d177 Mk4 data: 16:48 -> 22:19 Active filament PA 315, 0.55R. Prominence appearing and slowly rising from behind limb: PA 120. Prominence disappearing behind limb beginning of day: PA 297. 6/27/2002 2002d178 Mk4 data: 06:27 -> 22:29 Mildly active prominences on east limb. Surging from near sunspot: PA 255, 0.7R. 6/28/2002 2002d179 No Mk4 data taken at MLSO today. 6/29/2002 2002d180 Mk4 data: 20:29 -> 21:37 Active prominences: PA 30, 85, 210, 300. Active filament: PA 240, 0.95R. Cloudy day. 6/30/2002 2002d181 Mk4 data: 17:37 -> 21:36 Post-eruption loops PA 110. Active prominences: PA 55, 95, 120, 215, 310. No significant disk activity. Cloudy day. 7/01/2002 2002d182 Mk4 data: 18:11 -> 22:05 Active prominences: PA 55, 80, 115, 210, 285, 310. Post-eruption loops may be in foreground or background at PA 115. 7/02/2002 2002d183 Mk4 data: 18:50 -> 19:25 Very cloudy day. Active prominences: PA 55, 80, 115, 212, 230, 315. 7/03/2002 2002d184 No MK4 data. Very cloudy; no good PICS images; few good CHIP images. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 7/04/2002 2002d185 No MK4 data. 7/05/2002 2002d186 Mk4 data: 16:37 -> 19:56 Cloudy; only a few good images. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 7/06/2002 2002d187 No MK4 data. Cloudy; short observing day. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 7/07/2002 2002d188 No MK4 data. Cloudy; short observing day- no limb or disk activity. 7/08/2002 2002d189 Mk4 data: 21:33 -> 22:29 Cloudy- no observable limb or disk activity. 7/09/2002 2002d190 Mk4 data: 16:27 -> 21:50 CME at PA 250-265 from around 18:22 UT. A slower, more subtle CME takes off at 235-250 from around 18:27 UT. Prominence eruption from behind limb: PA 85, ~17:00; small LASCO CMEs appearing in C2 before 18:00 (PA 110) and before 19:30 (PA 80). Apparent post-eruption loops PA 70 (from ~16:30). Apparent CHIP pointing problem: poor quality data. No significant disk activity. 7/10/2002 2002d191 Mk4 data: 21:08 -> 22:04 Short day (cloudy)- no limb or disk activity. 7/11/2002 2002d192 Mk4 data: 17:06 -> 22:25 No significant limb or disk activity. 7/12/2002 2002d193 Mk4 data: 16:28 -> 22:05 Prominence material lifts up and subsequently drains at PA 145 starting at the beginning of the day. Small surge seen at the limb (PA 50) at ~20:45. 7/13/2002 2002d194 Mk4 data: 16:51 -> 22:21 Small active prominence at PA 110- this is round and shows some material draining down to the surface. Large active prominence in NW shows horizontal flows (horizontal to surface). No significant disk activity. CHIP data is bad starting at 19:41 (not pointed correctly) through the end of the day. 7/14/2002 2002d195 Mk4 data: 16:53 -> 22:31 Some small post-eruption loops on the east limb throughout the day. Large active prominence in NW. No significant disk activity. 7/15/2002 2002d196 Mk4 data: 16:24 -> 20:49 Large flare with surging and/or prominence eruption and wave: active region at PA 0, 0.3R; ~20:00. Exceptionally long filament in north extending from east limb to west limb: PA 35 (in east) to PA 265 (in west). 7/16/2002 2002d197 Mk4 data: 18:59 -> 19:33 Very cloudy day. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 7/17/2002 2002d198 No MK4 data. No visible limb activity, but very cloudy day (mostly bad limb data). Filament lifts up in AR in the NE starting at ~20:00 and some drains back down- hard to tell if anything escapes. 7/18/2002 2002d199 Mk4 data: 17:47 -> 19:15 Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Some surging in AR in SE. Also a small surge in AR in NW at ~18:20. 7/19/2002 2002d200 Mk4 data: 16:34 -> 16:57 Cloudy day- no visible limb activity. No significant disk activity. 7/20/2002 2002d201 Mk4 data: 16:55 -> 19:15 Post-eruption loops near PA 110 apparently associated with large LASCO CME at end of previous day. Extremely bright flare (post-eruption loops appearing from behind limb) appearing near 21:20 at PA 100; associated with very large, very fast CME appearing in LASCO C2 before 21:30 (data gap for C2 between 20:06 and 21:30); possible wave. Large active prominence system in northwest. Flaring in, surging from active region PA 290, 0.85R. 7/21/2002 2002d202 Mk4 data: 17:10 -> 22:13 Large active prominence system in northwest. Coronal rain PA 285. Post eruption loops PA 100. 7/22/2002 2002d203 Mk4 data: 16:35 -> 21:33 Active prominences: PA 50, 75, 110, 310 (very large). Coronal rain PA 285. Mildly active filaments: PA 335, 0.7R; PA 355, 0.8R. 7/23/2002 2002d204 Mk4 data: 16:26 -> 22:08 Large filament eruption (very slow) underway from beginning of observing day: PA 335. 0.8R. PICS limb shows flows (mostly return flows) from PA 310 to PA 20. Large CME appears in LASCO C2 ~20:00. This CME appears to have two cores (PA 290, PA 330); there is a large surge at PA 295, ~19:00, which may correspond to second core. Active prominences: PA 110, 245, 285. Active filament in active region: PA 105, 0.8R. 7/24/2002 2002d205 No Mk4 data taken at MLSO today. 7/25/2002 2002d206 Mk4 data: 20:05 -> 21:54 Very cloudy day; only a few good limb images; relatively poor quality disk images. Active region at PA 120, 0.7R shows flaring and surging throughout observing day. Active filament PA 100, 0.25R. 7/26/2002 2002d207 Mk4 data: 16:36 -> 20:48 The cavity in the bubble structure at PA 290 has been slowly increasing in size throughout the morning. Active prominences PA 85, 285. Active filaments PA 120, 0.8R; PA 140, 0.8R. Mild flaring and surging in active region at PA 130, 0.5R. 7/27/2002 2002d208 No Mk4 data taken at MLSO today. 7/28/2002 2002d209 No Mk4 data taken at MLSO today. 7/29/2002 2002d210 Mk4 data: 16:31 -> 22:03 Active prominences PA 85, 95, 225. Surging off limb PA 125. Active filament with material flowing (visible in CHIP velocity) from PA 310, 0.25R to PA 25, 0.8R. 7/30/2002 2002d211 Mk4 data: 16:36 -> 21:47 At beginning of day active or eruptive event underway, with cool material at PA 100, 1.2R and dense material moving toward surface at PA 120. High material lifts to 1.3R and then falls back (apparently along either leg of a loop) to surface at PA 90 and PA 120 [16:32 - 17:00 UT]. 7/31/2002 2002d212 Mk4 data: 16:56 -> 22:13 Active prominences PA 75-85, 110-130, 250-280, 320. Mild flaring in active region complex in southwest. 8/01/2002 2002d213 Mk4 data: 16:58 -> 22:44 Prominence eruption PA 320 in progress at beginning of day; Faint LASCO CME appearing in C2 field of view before 19:30 at PA 325. Apparent post-eruption loops PA 105, 255. Active prominences PA 55-85, 230-40, 260-70, 300. 8/02/2002 2002d214 Mk4 data: 16:37 -> 18:04 Cloudy day- no limb or disk activity. 8/03/2002 2002d215 Mk4 data: 17:07 -> 22:07 19:09 UT CME at PA 285. Active prominence on NE limb. Active prominence on west limb with material draining down along both sides. Large surge at PA 255 at ~20:37. A small, bright loop structure appears in H-alpha at the limb at PA 250 at 21:30- not sure if this is a flare or prominence. 8/04/2002 2002d216 Mk4 data: 16:54 -> 21:25 Material draining to the limb from a high altitude at PA 80 at ~18:00-18:30. No obvious CME in this area, except one at 9:00 in LASCO. No significant disk activity. The prom./filament at PA 65 does show some motion toward the observer. 8/05/2002 2002d217 Mk4 data: 16:44 -> 19:59 Cloudy day- no limb activity visible, except some motion right at the limb at PA 60-70 (material moves horizontal to surface from PA 70 to PA 60) at ~21:40- this could also be flaring (shows up white in H-alpha). 8/06/2002 2002d218 Cloudy day, but a large erupting prominence is slightly visible at PA 200 at ~17:44-18:00. LASCO shows a large CME at the PA at 18:25. PICS shows some white material moving from across the surface near the limb at PA 70-75 at ~18:44. 8/07/2002 2002d219 No significant limb or disk activity. 8/08/2002 2002d220 Mk4 data: 16:59 -> 17:43 Very cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Large filament in the north shows activity, and may have some material erupting- too difficult to tell through the clouds. 8/09/2002 2002d221 Mk4 data: 16:37 -> 20:49 Prominence suspended above the limb at PA 60- shows material draining to the surface at PA 75. Surge at PA 90 at 18:45. Large filament in north still shows a lot of activity- could be some swirling motion. Filament material moves southward in a small filament in SW at ~19:15. 8/10/2002 2002d222 Mk4 data: 16:56 -> 22:05 Prominence that is suspended above the limb at PA 60 completely drains to the surface at 19:40. Surge at PA 90 at 20:12-21:00. Filament in the north (seems to be sitting very high above the surface) shows motion from east to west. Also some motion in the filament near disk center. 8/11/2002 2002d223 Mk4 data: 17:00 -> 22:18 Post-eruption loops PA 100. Substantial prominence activity (hard to tell about eruption) from PA 290 to PA 305; corresponds to LASCO C2 swelling streamer centered at PA 290. Active prominences PA 35-55, 145. No significant disk activity. 8/12/2002 2002d224 Mk4 data: 16:31 -> 20:55 Prominence eruption PA 300; corresponds to LASCO CME from previously swelling streamer centered at PA 295, beginning ~19:00 in C2. Active prominences PA 35-55, 130, 145, 250, 270. Surging off limb PA 75, 100. Surging on disk PA 315, 0.1R. Only 30 minutes of CHIP data; no good images. 8/13/2002 2002d225 No MK4 data. Short observing day; no good disk or limb images. 8/14/2002 2002d226 No MK4 data. No disk or limb data. 8/15/2002 2002d227 Mk4 data: 16:47 -> 18:25 Active prominences PA 40-60, 125-145, 230-260, 295. Filament activity in active region at PA 110, 0.4R. Little good disk and limb data. 8/16/2002 2002d228 Mk4 data: 16:44 -> 22:00 Flaring and filament activity in active region centered at PA 140, 0.3R. Active filament PA 75, 0.4R. Active prominences PA 55, 90, 120-150, 230-265, 300. 8/17/2002 2002d229 Mk4 data: 18:14 -> 22:22 Active or eruptive filament in active region PA 210, 0.5R. No pics data. 8/18/2002 2002d230 No Mk4 data taken at MLSO today. 8/19/2002 2002d231 Mk4 data: 19:33 -> 19:54 8/20/2002 2002d232 No MK4 data. Very cloudy day- no visible limb activity. Filament eruption and two-ribbon flare in AR near east limb at ~20:50. 8/21/2002 2002d233 Mk4 data: 18:49 -> 19:16 Very cloudy day- no limb or disk activity. 8/22/2002 2002d234 Mk4 data: 18:30 -> 22:20 Some faint prominence material draining down to the surface at PA 280-295 throughout the day. Filament motion along the spine in large filament in north. 8/23/2002 2002d235 Mk4 data: 16:46 -> 22:12 Draining of material along short loops is visible on both the east and west limbs- possible post-eruption loops. The western part of long filament in north slowly moves up and toward the rest of the filament then disappears (~18:36) This could be a possible eruption (also a faint LASCO halo CME visible at ~20:50). 8/24/2002 2002d236 Mk4 data: 16:48 -> 20:12 Large, bright post-eruption loops PA 265; fainter loops PA 240-260; all associated with large CME/SEP event ~01:00. Active prominences PA 65, 155, 215, 300. Active filament PA 140, 0.9R. 8/25/2002 2002d237 Mk4 data: 16:40 -> 19:31 Faint post-eruption loops PA 240-270 presumably still associated with CME/SEP event of 8/24, ~01:00. Active prominences PA 105, 130, 225, 300. Large, very active filament PA 310-350, 0.6R. 8/26/2002 2002d238 Mk4 data: 16:36 -> 22:07 Large surge or active/eruptive prominence PA 85, ~20:24, ff. Active prominences PA 105, 130, 170, 225, 240, 255. Post-eruption loops (faint) PA 280-290. Active filaments in active regions: PA 120, 0.4R; PA 250, 0.4R. 8/27/2002 2002d239 Mk4 data: 16:35 -> 17:25 Prominence eruption from behind the limb: PA 90, 16:52; corresponds to CME entering LASCO C2 field of view at 17:26. Active prominences: PA 110, 175, 205, 225, 235-275. 8/28/2002 2002d240 Mk4 data: 18:03 -> 20:57 Continual large surges off-limb PA 80-90; continual CME activity centered at PA 70 seen in LASCO. Active prominences: PA 240-260, 285. Prominence/filament system at PA 285 is slowly lifting and is apparently associated with a slow CME the next day. The filament disappears in Halpha, but is continuously observable in CHIP velocity. 8/29/2002 2002d241 Mk4 data: 16:46 -> 21:52 Bright post-eruption loops centered at PA 83; associated with large CME seen by LASCO on previous day. Large surge off-limb PA 83, ~21:45. Active prominences PA 60, 105, 120, 185, 210, 300. 8/30/2002 2002d242 Mk4 data: 16:39 -> 20:11 Post-eruption loops PA 83. Tall, faint loops of downflowing material PA 45-60; may be associated with CME activity in this sector observed by LASCO. Large surge from active region near limb PA 85. Active prominences PA 105, 120, 195-210, 235, 295. Surging from active region PA 240, 0.5R. 8/31/2002 2002d243 No MK4 data. Short, very cloudy observing day. At beginning of day, prominence material seen falling inward at PA 90; LASCO shows faint CME activity in same region before beginning of observing day (i.e., 20:39). 9/01/2002 2002d244 Mk4 data: 17:00 -> 22:21 Rather cloudy day. Active prominences PA 60,80,130 Strong surging from near sunspot PA 90, 0.55 R. 9/02/2002 2002d245 No Mk4 data taken at MLSO today. No CHIP or PICS data. 9/03/2002 2002d246 No MK4 data. Very cloudy day. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 9/04/2002 2002d247 Mk4 data: 17:55 -> 19:46 Relatively short observing day (clouds). Active prominences PA 80, 240, 260, 295 No significant observable disk activity. 9/05/2002 2002d248 No MK4, PICS, or CHIP data. 9/06/2002 2002d249 Mk4 data: 20:11 -> 22:04 Very cloudy day. Active prominence PA 245. Active or eruptive filament PA 195, 0.65R. Apparently erupting filament with flaring PA 230, 0.45R. Active filament PA 90, 0.6R. 9/07/2002 2002d250 Mk4 data: 17:02 -> 22:24 Post-eruption loops (faint) PA 105. Rapid surge or prominence eruption from behind limb PA 205, 17:24; small CME PA 120, appearing in LASCO C2 18:06. Active prominences PA 90, 120, 245, 265, 290. Minor surging near sunspot PA 270, 0.8R. Active filament PA 275, 0.6R. Apparent small 2-ribbon flare PA 260, 0.65R; corresponds to EIT activity, including formation of bright coronal loops; possible association with LASCO CME appearing in C2 at 16:54. 9/08/2002 2002d251 Mk4 data: 16:56 -> 21:16 Cloudy day. Active prominences PA 85, 255, 265 9/09/2002 2002d252 No MK4 data. Cloudy day. Apparent post-eruption loops PA 75-85. Active prominences PA 88, 265, 290 Strong flaring in active region PA 110, 0.8R ~17:50; apparent small filament eruption. Active filaments PA 85, 0.15R; PA 283, 0.7R; PA 270, 0.65R. 9/10/2002 2002d253 Mk4 data: 16:41 -> 22:00 Somewhat cloudy day. Active prominences PA 35-65, PA 90, PA 145, PA 268, PA 290. Active filaments PA 25, 0.3R; PA 270, 0.1R. Modest flaring in active region near PA 110, 0.6R. 9/11/2002 2002d254 Mk4 data: 17:32 -> 22:24 Very cloudy day. Active prominences PA 60, 240. 9/12/2002 2002d255 No MK4, CHIP, or PICS data. 9/13/2002 2002d256 Mk4 data: 16:38 -> 22:04 Active prominences PA 60, 75, 110, 150, 220-300; spider prominence at PA 275. Surging off limb PA 70, 95, 280; surgin at PA 95 takes a long, looplike shape. Coronal rain PA 250. No significant disk activity. 9/14/2002 2002d257 Mk4 data: 17:13 -> 22:12 Active prominences PA 58, 75, 130, 150, 255, 280 (spider?), 305 Flaring with surging (near sunspot) PA 215, 0.25R. Active filament PA 195, 0.5R. 9/15/2002 2002d258 Mk4 data: 16:58 -> 21:53 Large filament/prominence system at PA 55 erupts, beginning ~19:00; large CME first appears in LASCO ~21:30. Active prominences PA 45, 100, 130, 280. Strong flaring in active region PA 245, 0.55R. 9/16/2002 2002d259 Mk4 data: 16:44 -> 22:02; PICS 16:39-21:59; CHIP 16:39-22:00 Post-eruption loops PA 285; apparently corresponding to continual small ejections along streamer near PA 280 seen in LASCO C2. Active prominences PA 40, 80, 90-110, 125-140; latter two show substantial draining. Surging or prominence activity near PA 285. Active, possibly eruptive, filament PA 295, 0.85R. Flaring in small active region PA 120, 0.65R, preceded by possible filament eruption or surge. Possible filament eruption followed by flaring in active region PA 250, 0.75R. 9/17/2002 2002d260 Mk4 data: 16:41 -> 22:02 19:46 UT CME at PA 50-90. Erupting prominence from behind limb ~19:30, PA 63. Post-eruption loops PA 285-300. Active prominences PA 83, 105, 143. 9/18/2002 2002d261 Mk4 data: 16:57 -> 21:59 Spider prominence PA 93 drains through day. Active prominences PA 80, 105, 290. Small filament (PA 310, 0.4R) erupts (with flare) beginning 18:42; filament (PA 310, 0.4R) disturbed following eruption and flaring; possible small wave. 9/19/2002 2002d262 Mk4 data: 16:59 -> 22:19; PICS 16:59-22:24; CHIP 16:59-22:19 Active prominences PA 80, 115, 240 Post-eruption loops PA 95 (associated with CME appearing in LASCO C2 05:54, PA 90). Apparent post-eruption loops PA 250-285. Strong surging off limb PA 260. 9/20/2002 2002d263 Mk4 data: 17:18 -> 19:41 Active prominences PA 85, 115, 255 Apparent post-eruption loops PA 250-280. Filament PA 215, 0.7R erupts at end of observing day (~19:30); CME appears in LASCO C2 PA 215, 20:06. Surging on disk PA 125, 0.3R; PA 140, 0.5R: former is not near a sunspot; latter is. Active filaments PA 60, 0.6R; PA 105, 0.6R. 9/21/2002 2002d264 Mk4 data: 16:50 -> 20:18 PICS: 16:51-20:23 CHIP: 16:51-20:20 Prominence appears from behind limb PA 70-80, ~17:00, lifts to ~1.2R (~19:30) and falls back. Very small piece appears to escape. No obvious LASCO activity, although there is a bright, narrow streamer at PA 73, which may encompass outflowing material. Active prominences PA 85, 120, 150, 205, 260-290, 300. Apparent post-eruption loops PA 255-290, extending to above 1.5R. Active filament PA 115, 0.8R. 9/22/2002 2002d265 Mk4 data: 17:05 -> 22:40 CHIP 17:05-22:40 PICS 17:06-22:39 Active prominences PA 45-80, 85-110, 143, 208, 290. Active filament PA 123, 0.7R. 9/23/2002 2002d266 Mk4 data: 17:28 -> 22:00; PICS 17:29-22:04; CHIP 17:28-22:04 Active prominences PA 70, 95, 115, 220, 245, 265. Prominences at PA 245 and 265 show possible eruptive activity. Prominence at PA 70 is large and very active, showing substantial flows. Apparent post-eruption loops PA 260. Surging on disk PA 145, 0.65R. Active filament PA 85, 0.8R. 9/24/2002 2002d267 Mk4 data: 17:11 -> 22:01; PICS 17:11-21:57; CHIP 17:11-21:59 Active prominences PA 55-75, 90-105, 130, 220-250, 300; prominence system at PA 55-75 shows extensive flows. Surging off limb PA 260. Active filament PA 150, 0.25R. 9/25/2002 2002d268 Mk4 data: 17:04 -> 22:37; PICS 17:01-22:36; CHIP 17:00-22:35 Faint CME in progress in northwest ~285. Begins at or new first observation at 17:04. Best seen in subtractions. - jb Active prominences PA 55-70, 95-110, 130, 210-240, 300. Post-eruption loops PA 255. Active filament PA 175, 0.45R to PA 250, 0.45R. Very strong surging from near small sunspot PA 295, 0.65R. 9/26/2002 2002d269 Mk4 data: 18:28 -> 22:22; PICS 18:29-22:21; CHIP 18:28-22:21 CME in MK4 in the northwest. Looks like a fuzzy cloud or blob and has an inverted U shape at the back end. LASCO sees the front of the CME, which MK4 does not, and sees the inverted U shape at the back. (alice, jb) Active prominences PA 55-75, 105-130, 138, 235, 285, 315. Prominence at PA 105-130 shows large flows extending over 20 degrees in position angle. At beginning of day, downflow along tall loops extending from PA 255 to PA 270. Large surge (or active or eruptive prominence) from behind limb at PA 265, ~20:45. Flaring and large surge associated with small sunspot at disk center ~20:38. 9/27/2002 2002d270 Mk4 data: 16:59 -> 22:14; PICS 17:07-22:15; CHIP 17:03-22:15 Active prominences PA 60, 80, 138, 210-250, 285. PA 80 prominence appears to be a faint spider. Looplike flows near PA 270 seen on day 270 appear later in the day, and it is possible to see a condensation forming followed by flow down loop (on one side). Filament extending from PA 220, 0.6R to PA 250, 0.8R is very active. Flaring and surging near a small sunspot PA 290, 0.9R, ~19:00. Active filament PA 280, 0.3R. Continual minor flaring in active region PA 80, 0.65R. 9/28/2002 2002d271 No Mk4, PICS, or CHIP data taken at MLSO today. 9/29/2002 2002d272 No Mk4, PICS, or CHIP data taken at MLSO today. 9/30/2002 2002d273 Mk4 data: 17:00 -> 22:06; PICS 17:09-22:03; CHIP 17:05-22:05 Cloudy day; marginal PICS limb data. Apparent post-eruption loops PA 80, 270. Active prominences PA 115, 205, 300. No significant disk activity. 10/01/2002 2002d274 Mk4 data: 17:00 -> 18:44; PICS 17:06-22:04; CHIP 17:03-22:00 Slightly cloudy all day. Active prominences PA 65, 160, 205, 260, 305, 315 At 17:15, prominence appears from behind limb (PA 265) and moves outward (beginning ~18:00) to a height of ~1.1R (~18:18) and falls back to limb; no clear eruption of material, although LASCO shows mild outflow of material from this PA all day, with a small CME appearing ~16:00. Active filaments PA 45, 0.9R; PA 275, 0.9R. 10/02/2002 2002d275 No Mk4, PICS, or CHIP data taken at MLSO today. 10/03/2002 2002d276 No MK4, PICS, or CHIP data. 10/04/2002 2002d277 No MK4 data. PICS 21:22-22:02, CHIP 21:22-21:59 Very cloudy, short observing day. Only a few images; no good images. 10/05/2002 2002d278 No MK4, PICS, or CHIP data. 10/06/2002 2002d279 Mk4 data: 16:56 -> 22:09 PICS 16:56-22:06 CHIP 16:56-22:07 Active prominences PA 55, 85-95, 230-250, 260, 270-300 Surging off limb PA 110. Possible post-eruption loops PA 75. Active filaments PA 0, 0.4R; PA 310, 0.75R. Minor surging PA 320, 0.3R. 10/07/2002 2002d280 Mk4 data: 16:46 -> 22:20; PICS 16:52-21:14; CHIP 17:02-22:19 16:46 UT Possible CME at PA 70. Rather cloudy day. At PA 75, beginning 17:17, rapidly rising post-eruption loops (from behind limb) associated with relatively narrow LASCO CME. Active prominences PA 115-135, 235, 255, 283, 295. Spider prominence at PA 283. Prominence eruption PA 285, beginning ~20:00 (from behind limb); appears to be separate from spider, but spider disappears as prominence erupts. Active filament PA 335, 0.7R. 10/08/2002 2002d281 No MK4, PICS, or CHIP data. 10/09/2002 2002d282 Mk4 data: 18:38 -> 21:33; PICS 17:19-21:42; CHIP 17:17-21:39 Very cloudy day. Very large and dense active prominence extending from PA 120 to PA 145 and up to 1.2R. Post-eruption loops PA 90-110. 10/10/2002 2002d283 Mk4 data: 21:37 -> 22:17; PICS 21:10-22:17; CHIP 21:09-22:15 Very cloudy, short observing day; few good images on disk and off limb. Large, dense prominence PA 130-145; see 00d282. 10/11/2002 2002d284 Mk4 data: 16:46 -> 21:55; PICS 16:47-21:54; CHIP 16:46-21:54 Prominence eruption PA 250 (from near the limb) beginning 17:05; followed by post-eruption loops. No LASCO data, but from EIT it appears there is a CME. Very broad, tall active prominence PA 120-145. Active prominences PA 90, 220, 300. Surge from near sunspot PA 290, 0.25R. Mildly active filament PA 240, 0.35R. 10/12/2002 2002d285 Mk4 data: 16:56 -> 22:31; PICS 16:56-22:33; CHIP 16:55-22:38 Active prominences PA 100-150 (very large) Surging off limb PA 285. Surging on disk PA 105, 0.8R. 10/13/2002 2002d286 Mk4 data: 16:57 -> 21:23; PICS 16:59-22:04; CHIP 16:57-22:02 17:50 UT Large CME at PA 255. Very large prominence/filament system extending from PA 120 to PA 155 off limb (extends to 1.2R) and from PA 153, 1.0R to PA 180, 0.3R on disk. Active prominences PA 110, 270. Post-eruption loops PA 95-105, 255. Filament eruption with flaring PA 255, 0.8R ~17:30; CME PA 260 appears in LASCO C2 prior to 19:35 (during data gap). 10/14/2002 2002d287 No MK4 data; PICS 18:39-19:46; CHIP 18:38-19:59 Very cloudy day. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 10/15/2002 2002d288 No MK4, PICS, or CHIP data. 10/16/2002 2002d289 Mk4 data: 18:14 -> 19:29; PICS 18:14-19:23; CHIP 18:14-19:23 Very cloudy day. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 10/17/2002 2002d290 No MK4 data; PICS 17:02-19:25; CHIP 17:00-19:27 Very cloudy day. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 10/18/2002 2002d291 Mk4 data: 16:52 -> 19:46; PICS 16:51-19:46; CHIP 16:51-19:46 Very cloudy day. 18:27 UT CME at PA 70-80. Clouds obscure event at 19:07 UT. Post-eruption loops PA 72, 260-290. Active prominence PA 150. Active filaments: PA 115, 0.7R; PA 270, 0.2R; PA 290, 0.7R. 10/19/2002 2002d292 No MK4 data; PICS 17:05-18:21; CHIP 17:04-18:47 Very cloudy day; few good images. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 10/20/2002 2002d293 Mk4 data: 16:52 -> 19:47; PICS 16:53-20:39; CHIP 16:51-20:38 Cloudy day--marginal PICS limb data. Small prominence PA 310 begins slow rise ~18:30, erupting into a very narrow CME that enters LASCO C2 field of view 19:31. Active filament PA 230, 0.3R. Surging on disk PA 60, 0.65R. 10/21/2002 2002d294 Mk4 data: 16:57 -> 22:03; PICS 16:53-22:05; CHIP 16:52-22:06 Active prominences PA 100, 120, 160, 280 Possible filament accompanied by flaring PA 235, 0.7R. Flaring and apparent mass motion in active region centered at PA 70, 0.9R. 10/21/2002 2002d295 Mk4 data: 16:52 -> 21:58; PICS 16:53-22:03; CHIP 16:52-22:05 Active prominences PA 100, 120. Post-eruption loops PA 75, 290. Active filament PA 275, 0.7R. Surging near sunspot PA 70, 0.7R. 10/22/2002 2002d296 Mk4 data: 17:10 -> 22:33; PICS 17:05-22:29; CHIP 17:03-22:29 Active prominences PA 75, 125, 300. Coronal rain PA 255. Active filament PA 75, 0.95R. 10/24/2002 2002d297 No MK4 data; PICS 17:09-22:03; CHIP 17:09-22:04 Very cloudy day; no good limb images. Active filament/prominence PA 130. Filament eruption with strong flaring PA 320, 0.4R; filament near sunspot, and flaring begins (~18:05) before or nearly simultaneously with filament eruption (~18:07). 10/25/2002 2002d298 Mk4 data: 17:11 -> 21:51; PICS 17:12-21:59; CHIP 17:11-19:31 Very cloudy day; no good limb images. Large two-ribbon flare PA 340, 0.45R beginning ~17:24; no obvious filament eruption, but clouds are bad enough that it could be obscured; LASCO CME PA 350 entering C2 ~18:06 appears to be associated, and it is not clear whether this CME has a core. 10/26/2002 2002d299 No MK4 data; PICS 18:00-22:14; CHIP 17:59-22:16. Very cloudy day; no good limb images. Large filament eruption PA 125, 0.6R in progress at beginning of observing day (17:59); no detectable flaring; faint CME appearing in LASCO C2 ~19:30, PA 135. 10/27/2002 2002d300 Mk4 data: 16:56 -> 22:08; PICS 16:57-22:07; CHIP 16:56-22:07 Massive, rapid filament/prominence eruption (with flaring) from PA 80, 0.9R; eruption begins ~21:50 (near end of observing day), and leading edge of the associated CME reaches the outer edge of LASCO C3 field of view before 01:42, implying a CME speed on the order of 1500-2000 km/s. Tall (1.2R), faint prominence at PA 270 showing continuous draining. Apparent post-eruption loops PA 85, 250-260. Large, very slow prominence eruption (from behind limb) centered at PA 200; associated with LASCO C2 CME centered at PA 190; most of the prominence material returns to sun. Continual, low-level flaring in active region centered at PA 290, 0.7R. 10/28/2002 2002d301 No MK4, PICS, or CHIP data. 10/29/2002 2002d302 No MK4 data; PICS 17:18-20:23; CHIP 17:14-20:24. Very cloudy day; no good limb images. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 10/30/2002 2002d303 No Mk4 data; PICS 18:59-22:06; CHIP 18:59-22:05. Cloudy day. Post-eruption loops PA 100. Surging (or prominence motion) PA 90, 290. 10/31/2002 2002d304 Mk4 data: 17:05 -> 22:05; PICS 17:02-22:07; CHIP 17:01-22:06 Prominence eruption in progress at beginning of observing day at PA 95; appears to be very near the plane of the sky and is associated with a faint but fast CME (~1400 km/s) seen in LASCO C2 and C3. Prominence eruption near PA 300 beginning ~18:00 associated with a relatively slow CME seen in LASCO C2 and C3; appears very near plane of the sky. Active prominence PA 245. Active filament PA 355, 0.5R. 11/01/2002 2002d305 Mk4 data: 17:02 -> 22:06; PICS 17:02-22:05; CHIP 17:01-22:05 Active prominences PA 70, 115, 255, 325. Post-eruption loops PA 300. Active filaments PA 60, 0.6R; PA 335, 0.5R; PA 285, 0.85R. 11/02/2002 2002d306 No MK4 data; PICS 17:05-22:07; CHIP 17:05-22:09. Cloudy day; poor PICS limb data. No significant observable disk or limb activity. 11/03/2002 2002d307 Mk4 data: 17:08 -> 22:36; PICS 17:07-22:46; CHIP 17:07-22:43 Active prominence PA 100. Post-eruption loops PA 95-110. Active or eruptive filament PA 50, 0.45R, beginning ~18:45. Large, active filament PA 300, 0.75R. 11/04/2002 2002d308 Mk4 data: 17:17 -> 22:04; PICS 16:59-22:03; CHIP 16:59-22:05 Active prominences PA 40, 105, 115, 290. Surging and filament activity in active region centered at PA 15, 0.3R. 11/05/2002 2002d309 Mk4 data: 17:14 -> 18:40; PICS 17:17-19:29; CHIP 17:17-19:28 Active prominences PA 65, 120 (large), 280. Post-eruption loops PA 75. Small active filaments in active region centered at PA 330, 0.3R. 11/06/2002 2002d310 Mk4 data: 17:13 -> 20:29; PICS 17:14-20:56; CHIP 17:13-20:53 Active prominences PA 60, 90, 125(large), 230, 240, 290(large). Surging off limb PA 55, 110, 255. Active (possibly eruptive) filament PA 285, 0.7R, ~19:45 ff. Surging on disk PA 80, 0.2R; this could be a small filament eruption instead of surging. Small active or eruptive filament PA 240, 0.35R, ~18:30. 11/07/2002 2002d311 Mk4 data: 16:57 -> 22:27; PICS 16:57-22:29; CHIP 16:56-22:27 Active prominences PA 60, PA 85-155,228, 238, 290 (large) Surging off limb PA 105 Active filaments PA 285, 0.85R; PA 300, 0.9R 11/08/2002 2002d312 Mk4 data: 17:23 -> 21:57; PICS 17:21-22:03; CHIP 17:21-22:05 Large active prominence system PA 100-155. Post-eruption loops PA 90-100, 275. Possible prominence eruption from the active prominence system, emanating from PA 120 (~19:45) and travelling at an angle of about 60 degrees to the radial with a speed of about 200 km/s; EIT and LASCO have data gaps from ~20:00 to ~22:00, but the initial eruption is visible in EIT; not clear whether material escapes from the sun. Active filaments PA 130, 0.6-1.0R; PA 80, 0.4-0.6R (faint). 11/09/2002 2002d313 No MK4 data; PICS 17:04-22:24; CHIP 17:04-22:28 Cloudy day. Active prominence system PA 80-110. 11/10/2002 2002d314 Mk4 data: 17:49 -> 20:40; PICS 17:10-20:43; CHIP 17:10-20:42 Cloudy day. Very tall (1.2R) suspended (spider) prominence at PA 273. Active prominences PA 65, 100, 215-230, 245, 285. Post-eruption loops, PA 83. Large filament with a large number of barbs PA 170, 0.5R to PA 140, 0.95R. 11/11/2002 2002d315 Mk4 data: 17:57 -> 18:00; PICS 17:14-22:18; CHIP 17:13-22:18 Cloudy day; no good limb images; large PICS data gap from 19:03 to 21:35. Large filament (PA 140, 1.0R to PA 200, 0.4R) is very active. Active filament PA 105, 0.9R. 11/12/2002 2002d316 Mk4 data: 17:15 -> 21:58; PICS 17:15-21:56; CHIP 17:11-21:59 18:56 UT CME at PA 240. Apparent post-eruption loops PA 250-285, although there is no obvious associated eruption. Apparent filament eruption from PA 110, 0.7R beginning at the end of the observing day; could be associated with slow streamer blowout centered near PA 130 in LASCO C2. Active filament PA 245, 0.85R. 11/13/2002 2002d317 Mk4 data: 17:19 -> 22:14; PICS 17:20-22:23; CHIP 17:20-22:20 Active prominences PA 90, 120. Surging off limb PA 70, 110. Post-eruption loops PA 255-290; apparently associated with CME appearing in LASCO C2 ~10:00. Nearly circular filament PA 120, 0.6R. 11/14/2002 2002d318 Mk4 data: 17:15 -> 22:16; PICS 17:13-22:15; CHIP 17:12-22:12 Apparent prominence eruption PA 250 in progress at beginning of day; associated with CME appearing in LASCO C2 at PA 245 before 17:54. Active prominences PA 55, 115, 145. Surging off limb PA 280. Post-eruption loops PA 70, 110, 265. Eruption with flaring PA 285. 0.55R, ~20:15. Filament eruption with small two ribbon flare ~19:00, PA 225, 0.7R; CHIP data gap during this eruption. 11/15/2002 2002d319 No MK4 data; PICS 17:19-21:25; CHIP 17:19-21:23. Very cloudy day; no good PICS limb images. Active filament PA 305, 0.5R. Very large active filament PA 225, 0.9R. 11/16/2002 2002d320 No MK4 data; PICS 17:04-22:13; 17:04-22:13. Cloudy day. Apparent eruptive filament/prominence PA 55, ~20:30; no evident LASCO association. Active prominences PA 100, 145, 275, 295. Very large active filament PA 230, 0.95 R. Active filament PA 295, 0.6R. 11/17/2002 2002d321 Mk4 data: 19:35 -> 22:02; PICS 17:48-22:04; CHIP 17:48-22:04 Cloudy day. Active prominences PA 100, 230, 270, 300. Active filament PA 245, 0.5R. 11/18/2002 2002d322 Mk4 data: 17:04 -> 22:02; PICS 17:02-22:04; CHIP 17:01-21:59 Very large prominence eruption near PA 290 in progress at the beginning of the observing day. Although the visible prominence material reaches a radial distance of 1.4R, it appears that most of it (if not all of it) falls back to the surface. LASCO C2 and C3 show nothing very significant, although a very thin streamer at PA 290 shows some evolution during this period. No EIT data this day. This prominence appears to originate from and return to a location fully behind the limb, although there is some brightening in an active region centered at PA 285 at the limb. Active prominences PA 80 (spider), 105, 275 (large). Active filament PA 255, 0.7R. 11/19/2002 2002d323 Mk4 data: 17:27 -> 22:09; PICS 17:18-22:04; CHIP 17:19-17:46, 22:07 Only 11 CHIP images today. Active prominences PA 70 (large), 225, 275 (faint). Surging off limb PA 245-255, 285, 305. Active filament PA 270, 0.8R. 11/20/2002 2002d324 Mk4 data: 17:05 -> 22:10; PICS 17:06-22:09; CHIP 17:05-22:10 Active prominences PA 75 (very large), 130, 150, 220, 255-280 (possibly mixed with post-eruption loops). Surging off limb PA 290 (very strong), 255 (strong). Strong flaring early in day in active region PA 140, 0.4R; filament activity later in day. Active filaments PA 245, 0.9R, PA 310, 0.6R (center of long, active filament), PA 100, 0.45R. 11/21/2002 2002d325 Mk4 data: 17:34 -> 22:58; PICS 17:06-22:58; CHIP 17:00-22:58 Prominence eruption PA 105, beginning ~18:30 from just behind the limb (associated minor flaring observed just on the disk); associated with narrow CME appearing in LASCO C2 between 18:50 and 19:27; most of the prominence material returns to the sun. Active prominences PA 70 (large), 220, 255-285 (highly structured and dynamic). Apparent very faint post-eruption loops PA 130. Active filaments: PA 0, 0.55R; PA 125, 0.75R; all around active region centered at PA 180, 0.35R; PA 245, 0.95R. 11/22/2002 2002d326 Mk4 data: 17:08 -> 22:04; PICS 17:10-22:06; CHIP 17:09-22:04 Active prominences PA 225, 245, 260-280, 300. Post-eruption loops PA 80. Strong surge on disk (near sunspot) PA 305, 0.65R. Active filament PA 200, 0.5R. 11/23/2002 2002d327 Mk4 data: 18:04 -> 21:54; PICS 17:58-21:56; CHIP 17:58-21:56 Active prominences PA 85, 275. Strong surge off limb PA 75, 18:06. Filament/prominence eruption PA 130, 0.95R, beginning ~21:00. Surge along a loop PA 305, 0.75R, 19:50. 11/24/2002 2002d328 Mk4 data: 18:06 -> 20:41; PICS 17:04-20:39; CHIP 17:04-20:38 Cloudy day; few good PICS limb images. Active prominences PA 85, 125, 255, 285. Spectacular filament eruption with two ribbon flare; filament and flare extend from PA 80, 0.5R to PA 50, 0.9R; filament eruption begins ~19:14; flare begins ~19:30; observations end ~20:17. 11/25/2002 2002d329 No MK4 data; PICS 17:07-22:05; CHIP 17:06-22:01 Very cloudy day; no good PICS limb images. Active prominences PA 83, 105, 290. Active filament PA 245, 0.9R. 11/26/2002 2002d330 No MK4 data; PICS 17:07-22:05; CHIP 17:07-22:05 Moderately cloudy all day; generally poor quality PICS limb images. Active prominences PA 105, 295. Prominence at PA 295 appears to erupt early in the day; corresponds to very slow CME (streamer swelling) appearing in LASCO C2 as follows: leading edge ~15:00; top of cavity ~16:00; top of core ~17:00; back of core ~19:30. This eruption seems to be from an active region very near the limb; it is visible in EIT He 30.4 nm, which is observing during this period. Active filament PA 300-310, 0.95R; probably part of prominence system described above. 11/27/2002 2002d331 Mk4 data: 17:14 -> 22:04; PICS 17:05-22:05; CHIP 17:05-22:03 Active prominences: 85, 105, 135, 230-260, 300. Eruptive prominences PA 240, 21:11; PA 300, 21:17; both from behind limb. Post-eruption loops PA 255, 290. 11/28/2002 2002d332 Mk4 data: 17:55 -> 19:33; PICS 17:16-19:35; CHIP 17:18-19:34 Active prominences PA 85, 255-285, 300. Post-eruption loops PA 250. 11/29/2002 2002d333 Mk4 data: 17:19 -> 22:04: PICS 17:20-22:05; CHIP 17:19-22:05 Active prominences PA 70 (spider), 105 (possible cooling loops), 115 (condensation), 215, 252, 257-285, 305, 325. Surging off limb PA 75. Active filament PA 110, 0.7R. 11/30/2002 2002d334 Mk4 data: 17:39 -> 20:59; PICS 17:09-22:09; CHIP 17:09-22:07 CHIP data gap 17:21-19:25. Active prominences PA 70, 90, 115, 210, 225-265, 315. The prominence extending from PA 225 to PA 265 is exceptionally large (extends to 1.3R) and active, exhibiting highly complex motions; it erupts the following day, appearing in LASCO C2 after 10:00. 12/01/2002 2002d335 Mk4 data: 17:40 -> 22:06; PICS 17:29-22:04; CHIP 17:14-22:05 Active prominences PA 80-105, 115, 210, 260, 290, 315. Prominence from PA 80-115 is low-lying, and material flows out along spine quite rapidly. Surging from active region PA 75, 0.8R. Possible small filament eruption with flaring PA 110, 0.9R, ~19:30. 12/02/2002 2002d336 Mk4 data: 17:18 -> 21:59; PICS 17:18-22:03; CHIP 17:18-22:01 17:44 UT CME at PA 310-340. Active prominences PA 80, 120, 215, 290, 320. Surging off limb PA 80-90, 255-265. Apparent prominence eruption PA 320, beginning ~18:10; may be associated with large CME centered at PA 320, entering LASCO C2 field of view at 17:54. This has the appearance of a halo CME a bit later, but more likely is nearly simultaneous with another CME (see below). Downflowing material at PA 80 just after 21:00; appears like post-eruption loop material, but is more likely material associated with the erupting filament near this position angle (see below). Filament at PA 75, 0.8R is active from beginning of day and disappears, with outflow signal in CHIP--presumably erupting. There is a pair of EIT dimmings as well as flaring (PA 75, 0.55R) seen in PICS and CHIP. The filament appears connected to the flaring region (although it is on the other side of the active region) and may actually be much nearer the flaring region than appears because of projection effects for high-lying filament material. This filament eruption and flaring appear associated with a separate CME (see above), which together with the CME at PA 320 give the appearance of a halo CME. 12/03/2002 2002d337 Mk4 data: 17:20 -> 22:02; PICS 17:21-22:03; CHIP 17:20-22:03 Active prominences PA 45, 85, 210, 240, 260, 320 Surging from active region PA 80, 0.95R. Active filament PA 65, 0.5R. 12/04/2002 2002d338 Mk4 data: 17:31 -> 22:11; PICS 17:23-22:13; CHIP 17:22-22:09 Active prominences PA 60, 80, 208, 230, 240. Apparent post-eruption loops PA 100. Active filament PA 85, 0.9R. Surging from active region PA 225, 0.5R. 12/05/2002 2002d339 Mk4 data: 17:26 -> 22:09; PICS 17:27-22:09; CHIP 17:26-22:07 Active prominences PA 60, 85, 125, 140, 230. Faint coronal rain PA 110, 285. 12/06/2002 2002d340 Mk4 data: 17:57 -> 22:01; PICS 17:27-22:04; CHIP 17:26-22:01 Active prominences PA 55, 90, 120-150 Prominence system PA 120-150 shows substantial large-scale flows during latter part of observing day. 12/07/2002 2002d341 Mk4 data: 02:12 -> 21:26; PICS 17:15-21:24; CHIP 17:14-21:23 Short observing day with gap from ~18:40-20:10. Active prominences PA 95, 225, 235, 260-280. 12/08/2002 2002d342 No MK4 data; PICS 17:24-22:06; CHIP 17:24-22:07 Active prominences PA 45, 225. Apparent post-eruption loops PA 65, 265. Mildly active filament PA 70, 0.7R. 12/09/2002 2002d343 Mk4 data: 20:59 -> 22:07; PICS 17:24-22:04; CHIP 17:23-22:06 Active prominences PA 40-70, 105, 203, 220, 260. Small prominence eruption PA 73, 19:04; corresponds to very faint CME appearing in LASCO C2 at 19:31. Active filament with flaring PA 280, 0.9R; PA 105, 0.8R. 12/10/2002 2002d344 No MK4, PICS, or CHIP data. 12/11/2002 2002d345 Mk4 data: 18:26 -> 21:49; PICS 17:25-22:09; CHIP 17:24-22:07 Active prominences PA 40, 70, 275. Coronal rain PA 105. Apparent beginning of a filament eruption at the end of the observing day: beginning ~21:46 at PA 118, 0.55R--the sight of a filament active throughout the day. Active filament PA 80, 0.7R. 12/12/2002 2002d346 No MK4 data; PICS 17:22-22:04; CHIP 17:21-22:04 Cloudy day; few useful PICS limb images. Active prominences PA 40, 55-70, 80, 95, 290. Active filaments PA 185, 0.7R; PA 10, 0.65 R to PA 290, 0.5R. 12/13/2002 2002d347 No MK4 data; PICS 17:20-22:07; CHIP 17:20-22:06 Somewhat cloudy day. Active prominences PA 35, 55, 80, 95, 110, 250, 280, 290 Two-ribbon flare PA 30, 0.5R starting at beginning of observing day. Active filament PA 365, 0.65R to PA 290, 0.55R. Apparent eruptive (small) filament PA 270, 0.55R, ~19:30. 12/14/2002 2002d348 No MK4 data; PICS 17:27-22:16; CHIP 17:27-22:13 Active prominences PA 35, 55, 75, 100-125, 145, 245, 255, 270. Post-eruption loops PA 250-275. Filament eruption with two-ribbon flare and possible wave: PA 110, 0.5R, beginning ~18:00. Active filament PA 75, 1.0R to PA 95, 0.9R; filament grows substantially in its central portion throughout the day. Active filaments PA 180, 0.3R; PA 185-230, ~0.65R; PA 220, 0.75R; PA 285-340, ~0.75R. 12/15/2002 2002d349 Mk4 data: 17:30 -> 21:52; PICS 17:30-21:49; CHIP 17:29-21:48 Active prominences PA 35, 50, 70, 105, 110-135, 145, 250, 270, 285. Surging and flaring in small active region (PA 50, 0.25R), which is adjacent to a large trans-equatorial (southern) coronal hole. Active filaments PA 80, 0.9R; PA 220, 0.35R; PA 190-220, 0.7R; PA 245, 0.7R. 12/16/2002 2002d350 Mk4 data: 17:28 -> 22:05; PICS 17:17-22:04; CHIP 17:16-22:05 Active prominences PA 75, 105, 120, 235, 245. Surging off limb PA 100, 265. Active filaments PA 75, 0.75R; PA 95, 0.6R; PA 130, 0.6R to PA 140, 0.2R; PA 210, 0.8R; PA 235, 0.5R; PA 310, 0.95R. Small filament eruption with two ribbon flare PA 160, 0.5R, ~18:30. Flaring in active region with possible filament eruption PA 55, 0.6R. 12/17/2002 2002d351 Mk4 data: 17:20 -> 22:05; PICS 17:18-22:05; CHIP 17:18-22:04 Active prominences PA 70, 105, 145, 275-305. Prominence at PA 145 slowly rises through the observing day, and it appears to be erupting from ~1.2R at the end of the observing day (along PA 140); apparently associated with a faint, narrow CME appearing along PA 140 throughout the LASCO C2 field of view at 23:30 (the preceding C2 image was at 22:30). This prominence is behind the limb. Active filaments PA 5, 0.9R (very faint); PA 70, 0.6R; PA 220, 0.9R. Surging on disk PA 60, 0.5R. 12/18/2002 2002d352 Mk4 data: 17:50 -> 21:41; PICS 17:35-21:44; CHIP 17:34-21:41 18:40 UT Faint, small CME at PA 115. Active prominences PA 270-290, 295-310. Minor surging off limb PA 250. Faint downflowing material from 1.2R, PA 110, 17:35-17:56. Active filament PA 55, 0.35R. Active filaments and flaring in large active region centered at PA 20, 0.4R. 12/19/2002 2002d353 Mk4 data: 17:39 -> 23:50; PICS 17:39-23:53; CHIP 17:38-23:54 22:11 UT Fast CME in progress at PA 340. Active prominences PA 130, 150, 225, 240, 265, 270, 285-305, 315. Prominence at PA 285-305 shows extremely large, nearly horizontal flows, and exhibits much less material at the end of the day than at the beginning. Surging off limb PA 255. Filament eruption from PA 330, 0.35R accompanied by spectacular two ribbon flare, wave and EIT dimming/CHIP brightening; event begins just after 21:30, and a very fast halo CME appears in the LASCO C2 field of view at 22:06. Very active filament PA 130, 0.7R. Active fialments PA 70, 0.9R; PA 250, 0.95R; PA 300, 0.8R. 12/20/2002 2002d354 No MK4 data; PICS 17:21-21:43; CHIP 17:21-21:40 Very cloudy day; few useful pics limb images. Active prominences PA 70, 120, 230, 305. Active filament PA 330, 0.25R. 12/21/2002 2002d355 Mk4 data: 17:27 -> 21:16; PICS 17:24-22:03; CHIP 17:23-22:03 Active prominences PA 70, 110-135, 200-230, 250, 300, 310. Prominence at PA 200-230 shows substantial swirling and horizontal flows. Active filaments PA 60, 0.6R; PA 110, 0.6R; PA 155, 0.5R; PA 150, 0.25R; PA 270, 0.55R. 12/22/2002 2002d356 Mk4 data: 19:30 -> 22:22; PICS 17:32-22:29; CHIP 17:32-22:29 Active prominences PA 60, 80, 105, 120-140, 205-230 (extremely large and active), 260, 290. Surging (or prominence eruption) off limb PA 275, 19:41. Active filaments PA 75, 0.9R; PA 55, 0.5R; PA 180, 0.5R. Flaring in active region PA 245, 0.95R. 12/23/2002 2002d357 Mk4 data: 17:46 -> 22:01; PICS 17:21-22:03; CHIP 17:21-22:03 Active prominences PA 105, 140, 320. Very faint prominence eruption at PA 148, beginning ~17:30. Very large prominence lifts near PA 140, beginning ~19:00, and a very small portion of the prominence erupts. LASCO C3 shows continuous outflow in this region; C2 shows a possible eruption, but more interestingly, it shows material falling back toward the sun at the end of this day and the beginning of the next. The prominence eruption at PA 148 corresponds to a disappearing filament just at the limb, and a very small part of the prominence at PA 140 appears as a filament just at the limb. Both filaments disappear and do not reappear, although the bulk of the material rising near PA 140 appears to return to the sun. Downflowing material (off limb) PA 245, 275. Surging off limb PA 85, 228, 292. Surging on disk, PA 232, 0.7R. 12/24/2002 2002d358 Mk4 data: 17:40 -> 21:58; PICS 17:23-22:03; CHIP 17:24-21:58 Active prominences PA 50, 80, 125, 145, 240-270, 280-300, 325. Downflowing material in the PA 240-270 region of prominence activity; corresponds to slow CME appearing in LASCO C2 ~16:00 and extending from PA 190 to PA 260. Active filament PA 310, 0.95 R. 12/25/2002 2002d359 No Mk4, PICS, or CHIP data taken at MLSO today. 12/26/2002 2002d360 Mk4 data: 17:34 -> 22:05; PICS 17:33-22:06; CHIP 17:33-22:07 Active prominences PA 60, 260, 290, 315. Surge of limb PA 255, ~21:15; follows faint, narrow CME seen in LASCO C2 ~19:00. Filament/prominence eruption PA 80, 0.95R, ~18:00; two ribbon flare; corresponds to fast (~1000 km/s) CME first observed in LASCO C2 at 18:30; this event appears to have a wave associated, although it is so close to the limb that measurements may be difficult, and clouds intrude at 18:16. Active filament PA 35, 0.5R. 12/27/2002 2002d361 Mk4 data: 17:50 -> 22:03; PICS 17:22-22:08; CHIP 17:22-22:08 Active prominences PA 70, 85, 100, 285, 305. Active prominence at PA 305 is associated with a remarkably clear loop/cavity/core structure seen in EIT, which erupts the following day. Surging off limb PA 245. Downflowing material PA 240-250. Strong surge on disk (~22:00) following flaring (~21:45) at PA 10, 0.3R. Active filament PA 0, 0.4R. 12/28/2002 2002d362 Mk4 data: 17:51 -> 22:11; PICS 17:24-22:09; CHIP 17:23-22:08 Active prominences PA 90, 240, 260, 285 Post-eruption loops PA 305 from CME originating just behind the limb. Although not visible in MLSO data (out of observing window), this is a very interesting CME in EIT. There is a quite large loop/cavity/core structure seen beginning on the previous day, and slowly evolving, with significant prominence activity beginning ~12:00 (on d362) seen in EIT and accompanied by streamer swelling seen in LASCO C2. The prominence has erupted by 16:36 (EIT), and the streamer eruption becomes rapid ~17:30. Surging off limb PA 245, 20:15. Active filaments PA 80, 0.8R; PA 60, 0.5R, PA 140, 0.3R, PA 340, 0.5R. 12/29/2002 2002d363 Mk4 data: 17:35 -> 22:16: PICS 17:30-22:17; CHIP 17:30-22:16 Active prominences PA 65, 95, 125, 225-245, 270-290. Surging off limb PA 255. Active filament PA 95, 0.95R. 12/30/2002 2002d364 Mk4 data: 17:38 -> 22:05; PICS 17:24-22:05; CHIP 17:23-22:04 Active prominences PA 60, 90, 130, 145, 225-245, 280 Surging off limb PA 255. Small filament eruption with flaring PA 290, 0.95R, ~18:15; possible faint CME in bright streamer region appearing in LASCO C2 ~18:54 at PA 300, ~3.5R; this appears to be a very fast ejection (possibly ~ 1000 km/s). 12/31/2002 2002d365 Mk4 data: 17:52 -> 18:57; PICS 17:25-22:05; CHIP 17:24-22:04 Active prominences PA 75, 95, 145, 225, 250, 285. Surging off limb PA 260, 275. Prominence at PA 145 is suspended, ~1.2R, and shows significant draining. Prominences at PA 75, 95, and 285 are very active. Active filament PA 335, 0.5R. Small active or eruptive filament with flaring PA 125, 0.35R.