EVENT TYPE epl = prominence eruption ef = filament eruption ap = very active prominence af = very active filament cme = coronal mass ejection cavity = very nice coronal cavity brightening flare wave surge Reporter: All reports are by Giuliana deToma unless indicated by intials. (jb) = Joan Burkepile DATE TIME LOCATION EVENT COMMENTS 12/29/2012 1737-2130UT SE ef 12/29/2012 2230-0050UT E-NE limb epl small prominence eruption, may have a line-of-sight component 12/28/2012 1809-2124UT W-NW limb epl very faint, arched prominence eruption 12/19/2012 E-SE limb ap large, tall, arched prominence is very active 12/18/2012 E limb other coronal rain at the location no the large AR at the E limb 12/18/2012 SE limb ap large but faint, very active prominence system rises during the observing day 12/15/2012 N and NW af one filament is near the AR in the NE, the filament in the N is a long and very active filament 12/15/2012 1850-1925UT NE ef AR curved filament partially erupts, HeI brightening associated with this event 12/14/2012 N and NE af one filament is near the AR in the NE, the other is a long filament in the N 12/14/2012 1830-2324UT E-SE limb epl active prominence is seen to arch and slowly erupt, seen in both HeI and Halpha, nice event 12/13/2012 SW ef filament eruption during data gap (south of other filament) 12/13/2012 SW af long, curved active filament AR 12/13/2012 NE af thick, long, very active 12/13/2012 SW and W-SW limb ap 12/12/2012 SW af 2 active filaments, the curved one next to the AR shows especially strong activity 12/12/2012 NE af thick active filament 12/12/2012 W-NW limb ap large and active prominence system 12/12/2012 SW and W-SW limb ap 12/10/2012 S af long filaments 12/10/2012 NW limb ap large but faint, arched active prominence 12/07/2012 E af long, thick and curved 12/07/2012 W-NW limb surge/epl strong surging, a small piece seems to erupt 12/06/2012 E af long, thick and curved 12/06/2012 N limb ap faint but large active prominence over the N pole 12/04/2012 SE af very long, thick, very active filament 12/04/2012 SW limb ap 12/04/2012 E limb ap large, low-lying, very active prominence system 12/03/2012 S af very long, thick, very active filament 12/03/2012 NE af 12/03/2012 SW limb ap 12/01/2012 SE and S-SW af long filament in the SE, curved filament in the S-SW, both modestly active 12/01/2012 S-SE limb ap large and tall active prominence 11/30/2012 SE and S-SW af long filament in the SE,curved filament in the S-SW, both modestly active 11/30/2012 S-SW and SW limb ap moderately active prominence 11/30/2012 E-SE and SE limb ap large active prominences 11/30/2012 N-NE limb ap modestly active 11/29/2012 S-SW af long, curved filament 11/29/2012 1800-1830UT S limb epl arched prominence eruption from behind the limb 11/29/2012 SE limb ap/epl faint active prominence, a small piece may erupt 11/29/2012 SW limb ap 11/29/2012 E-NE and E-SE limb ap 11/27/2012 S-SW af long, curved filament 11/27/2012 E and W limb surge continual surging from ARs near/at the limb 11/27/2012 S-SW limb ap 11/20/2012 NW limb ap 11/18/2012 1909-2009UT SE limb epl large prominence eruption in progress 11/17/2012 SE limb ap bright arched prominence 11/16/2012 N af long, curved, moderately active filaments 11/15/2012 S-SE af curved, very active AR filament 11/15/2012 NE af very long curved filament 11/15/2012 E-NE and W-NW limb ap large, active prominence systems 11/14/2012 NE af long, curved active filament system 11/14/2012 E-NE limb ap large, low-lying, very active 11/12/2012 SE limb ap large, low-lying, very active 11/12/2012 SE limb cme clear outflow from AR in CoMP intensity, velocity and line width, corresponds to LASCO CME 11/11/2012 S af 11/11/2012 SE limb ap large, extremely active prominence 11/10/2012 E-SE af very active filaments 11/10/2012 NE and SE surge AR surging 11/10/2012 1726-0048UT SW limb epl slow eruption in progress of a large and tall prominence 11/10/2012 SE limb ap low-lying, extremely active 11/09/2012 E-SE af active filaments 11/09/2012 SW limb ap large, faint, active prominence 11/09/2012 SE limb ap large, low-lying 11/08/2012 E-SE af very active filament 11/07/2012 SE af small, very active 11/07/2012 E-SE limb ap large active prominence 11/06/2012 E-SE af 11/06/2012 W-SW limb ap large active prominence appears to fade 11/06/2012 E-SE limb ap large active prominence 11/06/2012 E-NE limb cme? small dark elongated region seen moving outward in CoMP from AR at the limb 11/05/2012 E-SE af small active filament 11/05/2012 W-SW limb ap large and very active 11/04/2012 2315-2333UT SE ef small filament eruption 11/04/2012 SW limb ap large, very active prominence system 11/03/2012 S af long and thick active filament 11/03/2012 SW limb ap very active, low-lying prominence, shows complex motions 11/03/2012 E and NW limb ap 11/02/2012 SW af small active filament 11/02/2012 S-SE af long and thick 11/02/2012 1713-2142UT NW limb ap/epl thin and tall prominence rises and fade, this is the end of a large prominence eruption. 11/02/2012 E limb ap large 11/01/2012 SE and SW af 11/01/2012 NW limb ap large active prominence system 11/01/2012 SW limb ap low-lying 11/01/2012 E limb ap 10/31/2012 SW limb ap very tall, very active prominence is seen to rise, possibly in a pre-eruptive stage 10/30/2012 W af/ef very active, possibly eruptive, filament 10/30/2012 W ef/epl filament eruption in progress at the beginning of the observing day 10/30/2012 SE and SW limb ap 10/29/2012 SE, SW, and W af long, active filaments 10/29/2012 SE and SW Limb ap large active prominences 10/29/2012 W-NW limb ap irregularly-shaped, very active 10/28/2012 SE, SW, and W af long, active filaments 10/28/2012 SE and SW Limb ap large, modestly active prominences 10/28/2012 W-NW limb ap irregularly-shaped, very active 10/25/2012 S af thick filament near the S pole 10/24/2012 S af thick active polar filament in the S. 10/24/2012 SW limb ap large arched prominence 10/22/2012 W limb ap faint active prominence 10/22/2012 E-SE limb loop coronal rain along a large and tall, bright loop near AR 10/21/2012 W-SW limb ap large arched very active prominence, erupts shortly after MLSO data end 10/20/2012 NE af 10/20/2012 1816-1847UT E-SE limb cme small cme with round front and bright core seen in Mk4 10/20/2012 E and SE surge 10/20/2012 2046-2110UT W-SW limb epl eruption from behind the limb seen against a large active prominence in the foreground 10/20/2012 W-SW limb ap large arched very active prominence 10/19/2012 1844-1908UT SE flare small Halpha flare within AR in the S-SE 10/19/2012 S-SE and W limb ap 10/19/2012 E-SE limb surge strong surging from AR behind the limb 10/18/2012 2204-2321UT SW limb cme very faint, narrow cme seen in Mk4 as a dark cavity moving outward 10/18/2012 1706-2204UT SW limb epl very faint prominence eruption in progress 10/18/2012 E-NE and S-SW limb ap 10/17/2012 S and SW af curved active filament(s) 10/17/2012 SW limb ap 10/17/2012 S-SE limb ap moderately active hedgerow prominence 10/16/2012 S and SW af curved active filament(s) near the AR in the SW. 10/16/2012 SW limb ap 10/16/2012 S-SE limb ap moderately active hedgerow prominence 10/15/2012 S and SW af curved very active filaments 10/14/2012 SE af/surge curved active filament and surging in decayed plage nearby 10/14/2012 W-NW limb ap small active prominence 10/14/2012 0032-0059UT E-NE limb cme cme noticeable in Mk4, faint/narrow outflow in CoMP 10/13/2012 2347-0033UT NE flare Halpha flare within AR in the NE, seems the source of the Mk4 cme 10/13/2012 S-SW af very long, modestly active filament 10/12/2012 S-SW af very long, moderately active filament 10/11/2012 S-SW af very long, active filament 10/11/2012 1710-1725UT NE limb surge from AR behind the limb 10/10/2012 1850-2036UT SW surge/flare large surge and small Halpha flare within AR 11585 in the SW 10/10/2012 W-SW limb ap large active spider prominence 10/09/2012 W-SW limb ap large active spider prominence 10/07/2012 NE limb possible cme apparent outflow in the NE noticeable in Mk4, possible cme 10/06/2012 S ap/af thick and tall active filament/prominence near the S pole, will erupt during MLSO night 10/05/2012 S af thick, very active filament near the S pole 10/05/2012 SE limb ap very active, shows fast spinning, start to fade at the end of the observing day 10/04/2012 SE af thick and very active filament 10/03/2012 S-SE af long, thick active filament 10/01/2012 W af large, curved filament 10/01/2012 W-NW limb surge surge from AR at the limb followed by post-eruption loops noticeable in Halpha 09/30/2012 SW limb ap 09/30/2012 SE limb ap large and tall 09/28/2012 disk center af large curved filament 09/28/2012 SE limb ap large and very active has two dark bubbles at its base 09/27/2012 2400-0050UT W flare 2-ribbon flare seen in Halpha and HeI, follows filament eruption 09/27/2012 W ef very active filament erupts at the end of the day during data gap 09/27/2012 SE limb ap very large, tall, and very active prominence 09/25/2012 NE, E, and SW af 09/25/2012 NE limb ap tall and active 09/24/2012 2148-2254UT E ef partial eruption of a sigmoidal filament 09/24/2012 E, S, and SW af 09/23/2012 E, W, and SW af 09/23/2012 W-SW limb flare loops bright region in CoMP corresponds to post-eruption loops 09/23/2012 W limb cme faint outward motion noticeable in Mk4, 09/23/2012 E-NE limb flare loops faint post-eruption loops in the E-SE noticeable in HeI 09/22/2012 1706-2000UT NW limb epl slow, small prominence eruption 09/22/2012 2111-2128UT E limb cme faint Mk4 cme, outward motion noticeable in CoMP at about 1934-1958UT 09/21/2012 E limb ap lot of activity, prominence material lifts and and falls back down 09/20/2012 S af 09/19/2012 SE af 09/16/2012 2209-2225UT NW ef filament eruption very near the limb 09/16/2012 W limb cme? faint outward motion noticeable in CoMP, corresponds to filament eruption 09/15/2012 SW limb ap large and tall, slowly rises 09/15/2012 2343-0040UT NE limb ap/epl very active prominence starts to rise, will erupt after MLSO observations end 09/15/2012 2200-2230UT NW limb cme loop/cavity clear outward motion visible in CoMP, originates in AR, also seen in SDO 09/14/1202 E-SE limb cme apparent outward motion in CoMP after 2100UT until end of the observing day 09/13/2012 1748-1805UT E-NE limb epl jet-like prominence eruption from AR behind the limb 09/12/1012 SE limb ap 09/11/2012 W-NW and W-SW limb surge 09/11/2012 2044-2147UT N ef very small filament eruption 09/11/2012 W-SW limb possible cme faint outward motion in Mk4. possible cme, but does leave fov. 09/10/2012 NE limb ap 09/09/2012 1833-1950UT S-SW flare small and faint 2-ribbon Halpha flare 09/09/2012 1747-1830UT S-SW ef partial eruption of large sigmoidal filament 09/08/2012 1750-1814UT SW flare/surge Halpha flare and surge in nearby AR 11562 (sympathetic event) 09/08/2012 1746-1916UT SW flare Halpha flare in AR 11564 09/08/2012 SE and SW limb ap very active 09/07/2012 1828-2019UT SW af/ef strong filament activity near ARs 09/07/2012 SE and SW limb ap moderately active 09/07/2012 1858-2147UT N limb epl seen in Mk4, correspond to large epl seen by SDO/AIA at 304A 09/06/2012 SW af sigmoidal, very active filament 09/06/2012 W-SW limb ap low-lying, very active prominence 09/06/2012 E limb ap faint, thin prominence 09/05/2012 SW af sigmoidal, moderately active filament 09/05/2012 W-SW limb ap 09/04/2012 2037-2237UT NE limb ap/epl faint, very active prominence start to lifts at about 2037UT and erupts 09/04/2012 2239-2309UT NE limb cme CME in the NE, only the beginning is seen in Mk4, followed by bad images 09/02/2012 SW limb ap large and very active 09/02/2012 SE and NW limb ap 09/01/2012 1749-1820UT N surge/af disk surging and/or filament activity just N of disk center 09/01/2012 SW limb ap large and very active 09/01/2012 SE and NW limb ap 08/29/2012 NW, SE, and S af several long, thick, active filaments 08/28/2012 NW and S-SW af several long, thick, active filaments 08/28/2012 NW limb ap 08/27/2012 N and S af long, moderately active filaments 08/26/2012 N and S af three very long active filaments 08/26/2012 E-SE and SE limb ap large active prominences 08/25/2012 NE, N, SE af three very long active filaments 08/25/2012 1644-0058UT NE limb epl slow prominence eruption in progress 08/25/2012 SE limb ap large prominence has two dark bubbles at its base 08/24/2012 NE ans SE af 08/24/2012 SE limb ap low-lying, has two dark bubbles at its base 08/23/2012 1902-1945UT SW ef apparent filament erupt 08/22/2012 1855-1928UT N ef possible partial filament eruption within small AR 08/22/2012 SE af 08/21/2012 SE and SW af 08/21/2012 NW limb ap 08/18/2012 1710-2226UT E limb cme slow CME with bright prominence core visible in Mk4 and CoMP 08/17/2012 S af large curved moderately active filament 08/17/2012 E limb ap 08/16/2012 E limb ap 08/16/2012 0006-0047UT SE limb cme CME with bright front seen in Mk4, loop motion in CoMP, corresponds to epl 08/15/2012 2337-0022UT SE limb epl prominence eruption from behind the limb seen in HeI and Halpha 08/14/2012 2223-2246UT SW flare Halpha flare in AR plage in the SW 08/13/2012 S-SW limb ap very active 08/12/2012 S-SW limb ap/af long active filament/prominence near/at the limb 08/11/2012 SW af long modestly active filament near the limb 08/11/2012 NE limb ap 08/10/2012 SW af long, curved, modestly active filament 08/10/2012 1730-1800UT SW flare small Halpha 2-ribbon flare 08/09/2012 SW af long and curved active filament 08/09/2012 2134-2154UT SW af/ef small filament eruption within a small AR in the SW 08/08/2012 S af very long sigmoidal filament 08/08/2012 NE limb ap starts to rise but does not appear to erupt 08/07/2012 S af very long, very active, sigmoidal filament 08/07/2012 NE limb ap 08/07/2012 1840-1858UT SE flare very small Halpha flare in AR near the limb 08/07/2012 E limb cme? outward motion seen in CoMP, corresponds to large AR flare 08/06/2012 S af very long, extremely active, sigmoidal filament shows complex and fast motions 08/06/2012 1659-1717UT E-SE limb surge/epl 08/05/2012 E-SE af very long, very active, sigmoidal filament 08/05/2012 W-SW limb ap 08/04/2012 SE af very long, very active, sigmoidal filament, and flaring at its SE end 08/04/2012 2008-2028UT SE limb epl small arched eruption 08/03/2012 1825-1835UT NW af/ef small, very active filament, a piece appears to erupt 08/03/2012 SW af thick, extremely active filament 08/03/2012 SE af long, quasi-sigmoidal, very active filament 08/03/2012 SW limb ap very active prominence 08/02/2012 W-SW af thick active filament 08/02/2012 E-SE af curved, very active filament 08/01/2012 W-SW af extremely active filament, some material may erupt 08/01/2012 E-SE af curved, very active filament 08/01/2012 1829-1850UT E-NE limb epl apparent prominence eruption 07/30/2012 S af extremely active filament 07/30/2012 E limb ap 07/29/2012 S-SE af extremely active filament 07/29/2012 E limb ap 07/28/2012 S and SW af thick, moderately active filaments 07/28/2012 2049-2117UT SE flare compact, bright Halpha flare 07/28/2012 1646-1741UT S-SE flare small Halpha flare in progress 07/28/2012 2350-0012UT SE limb epl southern piece of prominence erupts, in progress at the end of the observing day 07/28/2012 SE limb ap strong swirling motions after first epl in the southern leg of the prominence 07/28/2012 1852-2321UT SE limb epl rising prominence seen in Mk4, large epl in HeI and Halpha 07/27/2012 SE af thick, very active filament 07/27/2012 E-SE af/surge strong activity near AR with spots in the SE 07/27/2012 SE limb ap tall and large active prominence 07/26/2012 E-SE af three thick very active filaments 07/26/2012 1825-2001UT NE af/ef possible small filament eruption or filament activation 07/26/2012 2110-2317UT NE limb epl large prominence eruption 07/26/2012 1943-2350UT NE limb cme MK4 CME with bright twisted core but no clear front 07/25/2012 E-SE af thick, active filaments 07/25/2012 NE limb ap large, very tall and very active 07/24/2012 1900-1910UT E-SE flare Halpha flare very near the limb 07/24/2012 1904-1922UT E-SE surge from AR near/at the limb 07/24/2012 NE limb ap tall and very active 07/23/2012 NE limb ap 07/23/2012 E limb surge 07/22/2012 W limb ap 07/21/2012 W limb ap large active prominence 07/21/2012 E limb surge 07/19/2012 1809-1909UT SE af filament activity within AR plage in the SE 07/19/2012 1834-1842UT SE flare very small flare/brightening 07/19/2012 1709-2125UT W-SW limb flare loops post-flare loops/coronal rain from AR behind the limb 07/18/2012 W-NW limb ap low-lying prominence system 07/17/2012 1820-2205UT W-SW limb flare loops post-flare loops in the W-SW visible in HeI and Halpha 07/17/2012 1657-1852UT W-SW limb cme slow CME in progress in the W-SW with round front and large core 07/14/2012 SW and NW af large sigmoidal filament in the NW 07/13/2012 2200-2246UT E limb epl faint prominence eruption from behind the E limb 07/13/2012 2206-2254UT E limb cme faint, wide CME noticeable in Mk4 with arched prominence core, disturbance seen in CoMP 07/13/2012 0040-0136UT N-NW limb cme amorphous CME with bright prominence core visible in Mk4 07/12/2012 1644-1800UT S flare Halpha flare in progress with bright HEI core until about 1726UT 07/11/2012 2204-2317UT S flare Halpha flare noticeable in GONG in large AR in the S 07/10/2012 NE af large curved filament 07/10/2012 SE and SW limb ap 07/09/2012 SE and SW limb ap 07/09/2012 2031-2043UT NE limb epl end of a prominence eruption, very faint 07/08/2012 S af long, thick, extremely active filament in the S 07/08/2012 SE and NW limb ap 07/08/2012 2223-0012UT W-SW limb flare post-eruption loops seen off-limb in Halpha and HeI 07/08/2012 1642-1715UT W limb surge strong surging from behind the limb 07/08/2012 1747-2214UT W-SW limb cme slow, bright CME in the W, also seen in CoMP at about 1831-2001UT as motion of a large/bright loop 07/07/2012 S af long, thick, active filament in the S 07/07/2012 NW limb ap 07/06/2012 S af 07/06/2012 NW limb ap 07/06/2012 2304-2330UT W-SW flare/wave large Halpha flare in AR near the W limb with Halpha wave 07/06/2012 2309-2321UT W-SW limb cme large, fast CME with bright front, also visible in CoMP intensity, velocity and line width 07/03/2012 N and S surge large ARs show strong surging 07/01/2012 NW af long, moderately active 07/01/2012 NE and SE limb ap large, very active 06/30/2012 N and S af long, moderately active 06/30/2012 SE limb ap large and tall, arched active prominence 06/29/2012 N and S af long, moderately active 06/29/2012 SE limb ap large and tall, arched active prominence 06/28/2012 1939-2007UT NE ef/epl seen in GONG Halpha 06/28/2012 S af long, curved filament 06/27/2012 N-NW limb ap part of polar crown 06/26/2012 N af seen in GONG Halpha, no HeI data 06/26/2012 E-SE epl cavity/prominence eruption partly seen by CoMP 06/26/2012 E limb cme faint, amorphous Mk4 CME in the E noticeable in Mk4 06/25/2012 N af long filament and polar crown filament 06/25/2012 W-SW and NW limb ap 06/25/2012 1823-1846UT E-SE limb cme relatively small CME with round bright front seen in Mk4 06/24/2012 2223-2350UT SW limb epl faint and slow eruption 06/24/2012 W-SW and NW limb ap 06/23/2012 NW af 06/23/2012 NE and NW limb ap 06/22/2012 1954-2021UT S ef small filament eruption 06/22/2012 W-NW limb ap arched prominence 06/21/2012 NW, N and SW af long active filaments 06/20/2012 N ef possible small eruption in the N of a very small piece of filament 06/20/2012 NW af thick active filaments in the NW 06/19/2012 N af thick active filament in the N 06/16/2012 N af 06/16/2012 SW surge/flare very large AR in the S shows a lot of activity 06/16/2012 SW limb ap large, hedgerow prominence system 06/15/2012 N af 06/15/2012 SW surge/flare very large AR in the S shows a lot of activity 06/15/2012 SW limb ap large, hedgerow prominence system 06/14/2012 S surge/flare very large AR in the S shows a lot of activity 06/14/2012 N af 06/11/2012 SE, SW, and NW af 06/11/2012 1701-1926UT SE limb epl small, cusped prominence eruption 06/11/2012 1902-2018UT SE limb cme small MK4 CME 06/09/2012 S and NW af 06/09/2012 S af 06/08/2012 SE limb ap swirling prominence 06/08/2012 2133-2315UT SW limb epl limb activity followed by epl from behind the limb noticeable in Halpha and HeI 06/08/2012 2312-2345UT SW limb cme faint eruption, faint motion in CoMP at 2324-2341UT 06/06/2012 NE and SE af curved filament in the SE, thick filament in the NE 06/06/2012 1958-2030UT S flare compact Halpha flare, possible small filament eruption 06/05/2012 N other Venus transit !!!! 06/03/2012 S-SW af long, thick, active filament/polar crown 06/02/2012 SW af long, thick, active filament 06/02/2012 E-SE limb ap very active prominence, appears to rise 06/01/2012 SE and N-NW limb ap 06/01/2012 1642-0008UT SE af/ef filament fades, possible slow eruption 06/01/2012 2150-2210UT W limb ef/flare seen in GONG Halpha 06/01/2012 1936-2000UT W limb ef/flare seen in GONG Halpha 06/01/201 22221-2250UT W limb cme Mk4 CME with round front, transient in CoMP at 2230-2250UT 05/30/2012 NE and E-SE limb ap 05/28/2012 N and S af 05/26/2012 S af 05/26/2012 2040-2050UT W limb cme the same partial halo is clearly seen in CoMP intensity and velocity 05/26/2012 2041-2105UT NW limb cme Mk4 sees northward deflection that corresponds to a partial halo CME 05/26/2012 S-SW limb cavity nice coronal cavity 05/25/2012 N and S af very active filament in the S-SE, long filaments in the N 05/25/2012 1647-1959U SE limb epl end of a large prominence eruption 05/25/2012 2001-2104UT SE limb surge intense surge activity 05/25/2012 NE limb ap 05/25/2012 S-SW limb cavity nice coronal cavity 05/24/2012 SE and NW af very active AR filaments 05/24/2012 N af 05/24/2012 SE limb ap 05/24/2012 S-SW limb cavity nice coronal cavity 05/23/2012 N and S af long filaments in the N 05/22/2012 N and SW af very long filament in the N 05/21/2012 N and S af two long filaments N and S plus many more smaller filaments 05/20/2012 N and S af two long filaments N and S plus many more smaller filaments 05/19/2012 N and S af two long filaments N and S plus many more smaller filaments 05/19/2012 1846-2156UT SW limb 230 deg PA cme slow CME 05/19/2012 1644-2000UT SW limb epl end of large prominence eruption 05/18/2012 N and S af two long filaments N and S plus many more smaller filaments 05/18/2012 SW limb ap very tall, very active, arched prominence 05/18/2012 SW limb cavity nice coronal cavity seen by CoMP 05/17/2012 N, S-SE,and SW af 05/17/2012 W-NW limb epl from AR behind the limb, outward motion seen in CoMP 05/17/2012 1836-2224UT W-SW limb epl from behind the limb 05/17/2012 1635-1729UT NE limb epl end of large prominence eruption 05/17/2012 SW limb ap/af also seen on-disk 05/17/2012 2136->2336UT SW limb 245 PA cme Mk4: Narrow loop/cavity. Still in fov when observations end. (jb) 05/17/2012 SW limb cavity very nice coronal cavity seen by CoMP 05/17/2012 <1642~2040UT NE limb 60 PA ap Mk4: Active prominence high in corona over limb, does not leave fov, failed eruption? (jb) 05/17/2012 0128-0230UT W flare noticeable in GONG Halpha 05/16/2012 SE and SW af large active filaments 05/16/2012 E-NE and E-SE limb ap 05/16/2012 NW limb epl end of prominence eruption seen at the beginning of the observing day 05/16/2012 SW limb cavity nice coronal cavity seen by CoMP 05/15/2012 SE and SW af thick active filaments 05/15/2012 W limb surge limb surge from large AR at the W limb at the beginning of the observing day 05/15/2012 NW limb ap very large, very active prominence appears to slowly rise 05/15/2012 E-NE and E-SE limb ap 05/15/2012 1730UT W limb 290 deg PA cme Mk4 CME and outward motion seen in CoMP 05/14/2012 S af 05/14/2012 1652-1656UT E-SE epl arched prominence eruption in progress 05/14/2012 E-NE, SW, NW limb ap 05/12/2012 S af 05/12/2012 NE,SW, W-NW limb ap 05/11/2012 2326UT SE ef/flare seen in GONG 05/11/2012 1840-1900UT E-SE limb epl/ap small bright arches appear/disappear, possible small epl 05/11/2012 NE,SW, NW limb ap 05/10/2012 <1800>0203UT E limb 90 PA cme Mk4: Slow rising loop/cavity prominence core cme still in Mk4 fov when observations end. (jb) 05/10/2012 S af 05/09/2012 2047-2115UT NE flare rapid series of small compact Halpha flares in large AR 05/08/2012 N, S af thick polar crown in the S 05/08/2012 SW limb ap small but nice prominence 05/07/2012 N and SE af thick polar crown in the SE 05/07/2012 N and SE af thick polar crown in the SE 05/06/2012 NE, NW and SW af very active AR filaments, S-shaped filament in the NW 05/05/2012 2048-2204UT NW limb 305 PA cme Mk4: Loop?/cavity with no obvious core appears from below occulter (jb). 05/05/2012 NE and SW af 05/05/2012 1650-1842UT E limb epl large faint, arched epl in progress 05/05/2012 1835-1938UT E-NE limb cme Mk4 cme with bright core but no clear front. 05/04/2012 NE, S, SW af 05/04/2012 2350-2400UT SW flare small, compact Halpha flare 05/04/2012 ~2300-0035UT SW limb 260 PA possible cme Mk4: Possible very faint CME at edge of signal-to-noise. COR1 sees CME on east limb at same time (jb). 05/04/2012 2200-2230UT E limb surge AR surging 05/03/2012 N and SW af long and curved active filament in the N 05/03/2012 NE,E and SE limb ap large active prominences 05/02/2012 N and SW af very active filaments in the SW, curved filament in the N 05/02/2012 2055~2140UT E-NE limb 75 PA cme Mk4: Small loop-shaped CME with narrow jet core. (jb) 04/30/2012 2000-2350UT S af/ef two small, very active filaments fade 04/30/2012 2250-2317UT SW surge large from AR behind the limb 04/30/2012 SE limb ap small active prominence 04/29/2012 N, S, SW af large filament with barbs in the N 04/28/2012 N, S-SW af large filament with barbs in the N 04/28/2012 2208-2234UT NE flare small,compact Halpha flare 04/28/2012 2011-2020UT NE flare small,compact Halpha flare 04/27/2012 NE, SW af long, curved, active filament in the S-SW 04/27/2012 ~1718~2342UT E-NE limb 75 PA possible cme Mk4: Faint, slow cme (jb) 04/26/2012 NE, S, SW af long, curved, active filament in the S 04/25/2012 NE, S, SW af long, curved filament in the S 04/25/2012 0118-0146UT SW limb surge/epl large AR eruption from behind the limb 04/25/2012 2135-2157UT SW limb surge 04/25/2012 N-NW limb ap 04/24/2012 NE, S,SW af curved filament in the S 04/24/2012 2046-2336UT N ef very active filament erupts at the end of the day 04/24/2012 N-NW limb ap 04/24/2012 SE limb cavity faint erupting coronal cavity visible in CoMP 04/23/2012 SE and SW af curved filament in the SE 04/23/2012 N af 04/23/2012 N-NW limb ap 04/23/2012 1709~1732UT W limb 275 PA possible cme Faint blob/loop moving through Mk4 fov when observations begin. (jb) 04/22/2012 SE and S af curved filament in the SE 04/22/2012 N af 04/22/2012 N-NW limb ap 04/21/2012 N and S af many active filaments today 04/21/2012 SW limb ap large and arched active prominence 04/20/2012 SW limb ap/af also seen on-disk 04/20/2012 SW limb cavity seen in CoMP 04/19/2012 SW and NW limb ap/af also seen on-disk 04/19/2012 SW limb cavity seen in CoMP 04/19/2012 1717~1900UT SE limb 100 PA cme Mk4: Tail end of cme in fov when observations begin. (jb) 04/18/2012 SE af curved AR filament 04/18/2012 SW and NW af long, thick 04/17/2012 SE af curved AR filament 04/17/2012 SW and NW af long, thick 04/17/2012 SW and NW limb ap 04/17/2012 SW limb cavity seen in CoMP 04/16/2012 SW and NW af long, thick 04/16/2012 SW limb ap corresponds to coronal cavity 04/16/2012 2300-0219UT SE limb epl early phase of a slow prominence eruption 04/16/2012 2100-2300UT NE limb epl 04/16/2012 ~2223~0040UT E-NE limb 40 PA cme faint, narrow cme (jb) 04/16/2012 1818<2015UT E limb 80 PA cme Mk4: end of CME when observations start. New ray follows cme. (jb) 04/16/2012 1725-1749UT E limb surge huge surge, AR eruption near the limb 04/16/2012 SW limb cavity round coronal cavity noticeable in Mk4 and CoMP 04/15/2012 N-NW and S-SW af 04/15/2012 SW and W-NW limb ap large, tall active prominences 04/15/2012 NE and SE limb ap 04/15/2012 SW limb cavity noticeable in Mk4 and CoMP 04/13/2012 NW, NE and S-SE af 04/13/2012 SW and NW limb ap 04/12/2012 N, SE, and SW af 04/12/2012 SW and NW limb ap 04/11/2012 N, NE, S, and SE af 04/11/2012 2045-2120UT NW limb cme faint CME with bright round front and bright core, faint motion on CoMP 04/10/2012 N and SE af 04/07/2012 SE limb ap large hedgerow active prominence 04/07/2012 1711-1927UT NW ef large AR filament eruption in progress, seen in Halpha and HeI 04/06/2012 NW af large, curved, AR filament, erupts the next day 04/05/2012 2016-20057UT NW ef small AR filament eruption seen in Halpha and HeI 04/03/2012 NE af active AR filament 04/03/2012 SW limb ap large and tall 04/02/2012 NE af very active AR filament 04/02/2012 SW limb ap 03/31/2012 ~2104-2151UT NW limb 310 PA cme faint loop/cavity moves non-radially poleward 03/31/2012 2102-2130UT W-NW surge large surge and brightening from AR, also seen off-limb 03/30/2012 NE and SW af 03/30/2012 SW limb ap 03/29/2012 2353-0135UT N ef filament eruption with apparent rotation, starts at the end of Mar 29 03/29/2012 2315-2335UT NW ef from decayed AR in the NW, fast jet-like eruption 03/28/2012 2144-2216UT NW flare 03/28/2012 NE limb ap 03/28/2012 2145-2226UT NW limb 330 PA cme Mk4: Fast, very faint blob in noisy data. (jb) 03/28/2012 2154-2208UT NE limb cme very faint CME/outflow 03/28/2012 0015-0111UT NE limb 45 PA cme faint CME/outflow, noticeable in Mk4 and CoMP 03/27/2012 NE limb ap very large and very active 03/27/2012 2139-2227UT SW limb 240 PA cme Mk4 and CoMP: faint blob or loop, noticeable in Mk4 and CoMP 03/23/2012 1650-1842UT NW limb epl large arched epl visible in GONG Halpha and HeI 03/23/2012 1910-2004UT NW limb 315 PA cme Mk4 3-part CME starts during data gap 1730-1910UT.(jb) 03/21/2012 SE limb ap tall and very active 03/20/2012 2100-2200UT W limb ef/epl very faint eruption seen in HeI and GONG Halpha 03/20/2012 SE limb ap large, tall, very active, arched prominence 03/19/2012 W af 03/19/2012 SE limb ap large, very active, arched prominence 03/18/2012 SE limb ap very active 03/18/2012 0022-0030UT NW limb epl prominence eruption from behind the limb, seen in GONG Halpha 03/17/2012 2333-0116UT NW limb cme nice Mk4 CME with 3-part structure, transient in CoMP at about 2320-2330UT 03/17/2012 0130-0246UT W-NW limb cme narrow Mk4 cme with faint outer loop 03/16/2012 2329-0312UT NW limb epl sympathetic eruption, happens very near the limb 03/16/2012 2001-0330UT NW flare large 2-ribbon flare, best seen in HeI 03/16/2012 1807-2047UT NW ef very large filament/prominence eruption 03/16/2012 1901-2025UT NW limb epl large arched filament/prominence eruption 03/16/2012 1950-2058UT NW limb cme nice Mk4 cme with bright round front 03/15/2012 ~2240-0132UT NW limb 280 PA cme Mk4: Faint cme, fuzzy loop?/cavity (jb) 03/15/2012 W-NW limb surge strong surging from AR 11329 behind the limb, surge seen in Mk4 at ~2035UT 03/15/2012 NW af large and very active 03/15/2012 0126-0210UT NW limb 300 PA cme Mk4 cme with fuzzy front and bright core, transient in CoMP at about 0117-0133UT 03/14/2012 N af large, thick 03/14/2012 2255-0030UT W-NW epl from large AR at the limb, most material falls back 03/12/2012 N af very long, curved filament 03/10/2012 NE af 03/10/2012 1728-1900UT NW flare large, bright 2-ribbon flare in progress 03/09/2012 NE af 03/09/2012 SE ap large hedgerow prominence with dark regions at its base 03/08/2012 1749-1829UT NW epl faint eruption noticeable in HeI 03/08/2012 SE ap large hedgerow prominence with dark regions at its base 03/07/2012 NE and SE limb ap 03/04/2012 1725-1755UT NW flare/ef large on-disk eruption visible in GONG Halpha 03/02/2012 SW limb ap large, hedgerow prominence 03/02/2012 1804-1830UT W limb 270 PA possible cme Mk4: Very faint, fuzzy material in outer fov when observations begin. (jb) 03/02/2012 NE limb possible cme faint dark bubble moving outward in Mk4 03/01/2012 SW limb ap large, hedgerow prominence 02/28/2012 E-NE limb ap 02/27/2012 ~1813-1913UT W limb ~270 PA cme Mk4: CME with core. Amorphous. Superposed on streamer. (jb) 02/26/2012 1950-2025UT NE limb epl visible in GONG Halpha, faint in HeI 02/25/2012 S af long with barbs 02/24/2012 S af long, curved 02/24/2012 1758-1840UT SE limb epl visible in GONG Halpha and in HeI 02/23/2012 <1751-2037UT NE limb cme Mk4: CME in progress. Missed front. Material may be prominence core. (jb) 02/23/2012 N-NE af/ef very large, very active filament erupts early on Feb 24 02/23/2012 NE and SW ap 02/23/2012 SE limb ap very large and very active 02/20/2012 N and SE af large, active filaments 02/20/2012 ~1906-2015UT SW limb ~255 PA cme Mk4: Very faint CME. Amorphous Blob. (jb) 02/20/2012 1836-1912UT SW limb epl 02/20/2012 NE and NW limb ap 02/20/2012 SE limb ap very large and very active 02/15/2012 W-NW limb ap 02/14/2012 1855-1903UT N flare and ef within AR in the N 02/14/2012 N-NE and W-NW limb ap 02/10/2012 1855-1925UT NE ef the entire filament erupts 02/09/2012 N and SE af 02/09/2012 1915-2040UT E-NE limb epl/ef large prominence eruption also seen on disk, post-eruption loops 02/09/2012 2024-2138UT NE limb ~50 PA cme 3-part CME with bright prominence core seen in Mk4. Moderate speed. At least 100deg. wide. (jb) 02/08/2012 2150-2230UT NW flare Halpha flare/brightening 02/08/2012 N-NW limb ap tall prominence shows spinning motions and draining of material 02/08/2012 W-NW limb ap very large, arched, very active prominence 02/08/2012 E-NE limb ap very large, very active prominence system 02/06/2012 1950-2050UT NW flare Halpha flare 02/06/2012 1930-1955UT NW ef small filament eruption within large AR near the NW limb 02/06/2012 NE limb ap 02/05/2012 1900-1955UT SW limb epl apparent partial eruption 02/05/2012 1920-2148UT N-NE ef large, slow filament eruption 02/04/2012 1920-0048UT N ef very slow eruption 02/03/2012 N af very active, located near AR complex 01/30/2012 N-NW and SW af 01/29/2012 N and SW af 01/29/2012 W limb ap very active prominence 01/28/2012 N and SW af 01/27/2012 E-NE and S af 01/27/2012 1844-2300UT NW limb post-flare loops 01/27/2012 1812-1915UT NW flare Halpha flare very near the limb 01/26/2012 2040-2130UT NW disk and limb epl disk/limb eruption from large ARs in the NW 01/26/2012 E and S af large filaments with barbs 01/26/2012 NE and SW limb ap 01/25/2012 E af 01/25/2012 NE limb ap 01/24/2012 E and SW af 01/24/2012 E-NE limb ap large active prominence 01/23/2012 E and E-NE limb ap large active prominence 01/22/2012 2225-2245UT NW ef small filament eruption near large ARs 01/22/2012 0130-0316UT NW flare GONG Halpha flare 01/22/2012 E limb ap large hedgerow prominence, has a dark bubble at its base 01/21/2012 NW af 01/20/2012 2107-2131UT NW limb ~290 PA cme Faint Mk4 CME with loop/cavity. Fuzzy. No obvious core. Moving at or above moderate speed. (jb) 01/20/2012 2124-2200UT E-SE limb epl seen in Halpha and HeI 01/18/2012 2300-2342UT NW flare Halpha brightening/flare 01/18/2012 1906-1956UT NE flare Halpha flare in large AR 01/18/2012 SE limb ap 01/17/2012 N,NW, and S af 01/17/2012 W-NW limb ap huge, very tall, arched active prominence system 01/16/2012 NE and N-NW af 01/16/2012 W-NW limb ap very large, active prominence system 01/15/2012 NE, N, and NW af large, thick 01/14/2012 SW limb ap faint, very tall 01/14/2012 NE and NW af large, thick 01/14/2012 2011-2037UT SE ef 01/14/2012 W-SW limb surge dark, jet-like feature see in CoMP appears to be an AR surge 01/13/2012 NE and NW af large, thick 01/12/2011 0050-0125UT NE flare compact Halpha flare 01/11/2012 N af large, thick with very prominent barbs 01/11/2012 E-NE ap long, very active 01/10/2012 N af large dark curved filament 01/10/2012 NE af thick active filament has very prominent barbs 01/09/2012 N-NE af large dark curved filament 01/09/2012 NE af thick active filament near the limb, has very prominent barbs 01/09/2012 W limb ap large active prominence has 2 dark bubbles at its base 01/09/2012 2003-2027UT NE flare 01/09/2012 1942-2000UT NE ef 01/09/2012 E limb wave outflow in the E seen in COMP, possible wave following an AR eruption 01/08/2012 0141-0207UT SE limb ~110 PA cme Mk4: Loop/cavity in noisy data, width ~30deg. (jb) 01/08/2012 NE af large, thick filaments with barbs 01/08/2012 W-NW limb ap large prominence system 01/07/2012 NE af 01/07/2012 W and NW limb ap large active prominences 01/07/2012 1740-1812UT SW limb epl 01/06/2012 ~2033-2213UT NE limb ~45 PA cme Mk4: Slow, amorphous loop/cavity CME. Front forms in fov, typical width of 30-40deg (jb) 01/05/2012 N and SE af 01/05/2012 E-NE and E-SE limb ap large, very active prominence systems 01/04/2012 SE af long, very active filament 01/04/2012 E-NE and E-SE limb ap very large and active prominence systems 01/03/2012 N, NW, and SE. af 01/03/2012 2339-2349UT SE limb epl/surge small prominence eruption or surge 01/03/2012 SE limb ap 01/02/2012 N, NW, and SE. af