----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 8 16:47:50 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 098 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Apr 8 16:48:20 GMT 1997 Thick cirrostratus overcast, wind=5 mph from the SSW, temp=38 F. Will wait for clouds to clear before opening up dome, etcetera. LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Apr 8 19:39:45 GMT 1997 Data were going to L00448 in drive #1 as they should have this morning. But I just noticed now that the tape in drive #0 was popped out and data were still going to drive #1 but now the File # was 0, therefore something caused the program to stop writing to drive #1 without popping out the tape, then it may have tried writing to drive #0 and eventually popped out that tape, then went back to tape #1 and started writing on it again, maybe lost data on L00448 from past several days. Tapes look OK, I'll try cleaning the drives, remove and send L00448, reinstall L00449 in drive #0, and install L00450 in drive #1. Will reset computer also. LOW-L COMMENT: Tue Apr 8 20:46:39 GMT 1997 Found the tape in drive #0 popped out already and data going to drive #1 again. Tried a new tape in drive #0 and so far data are still going to it. So maybe a bad tape caused the problems. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Apr 8 20:48:25 GMT 1997 Clouds aren't clearing, no observing today.