----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 30 17:14:22 GMT 1997 Year: 97 Doy: 334 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Nov 30 17:14:25 GMT 1997 Thick cirrostratus above thick altocumulus, wind=5 mph from the South, temp=37 F. PICS COMMENT: Sun Nov 30 19:26:15 GMT 1997 The retaining compound still hasn't dried on the gear/shaft interface for the optical stage leadscrew, that seems strange. I didn't test the function of the stage because of the lack of bonding by the retaining compound. The optical stage should not be moved until the compound hardens. If it doesn't harden I'll have to try Loctite thread sealer next. I made a test junction with two washers and put it up in the dome, if that hardens we can assume that the gear/shaft bond has probably hardened too. I put the cover back on the instrument so we can use it in the regular observations we have been taking. COMMENT: Sun Nov 30 20:01:43 GMT 1997 Greg Card called and said that it has been decided that there will not be a redeployment of Spartan this week. WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Nov 30 20:17:42 GMT 1997 The clouds aren't going to clear today, no observing was done today. Sun Nov 30 20:25:47 GMT 1997 MkIII