----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 18 17:15:43 GMT 1998 Year: 98 Doy: 322 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Nov 18 17:16:43 GMT 1998 Frosty, light fog blowing by, mostly clear sky above but high cumulus clouds blocking the sun to the East and causing fog to blow over, wind=10 mph from the SE, temp=42 F. **LOW-L PROBLEM**: Wed Nov 18 17:24:29 GMT 1998 The "number of files" field is wrong, it says there are 10 files but there should be about 60 files on that tape, I don't know how it got reset. This happened several years ago and it turned out that just that field was incorrect and there was no data loss, I'll assume this is true now and will change that tape on Saturday morning. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Nov 18 19:47:53 GMT 1998 Fog has turned to light rain, I can't see any blue sky anymore. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Nov 18 21:24:28 GMT 1998 Clouds won't clear, closing down. MKIV COMMENT: Wed Nov 18 21:30:08 GMT 1998 Removed tape 98321, installed unmarked tape. Wed Nov 18 21:32:48 GMT 1998 CHIP ending tape Wed Nov 18 21:38:27 GMT 1998 MkIII