----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 22 17:21:04 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 022 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jan 22 17:21:24 GMT 2002 Cold, in thick cirrus and altocumulus overcast, southeast wind. Observations not possible at this time. Light snow on the ground, road was frosty and slick. **PICS PROBLEM**: Tue Jan 22 17:36:06 GMT 2002 Will use this down time to reinstall PICS Kodak camera which returned from Redlake MASD yesterday afternoon after having its shutter replaced. **PICS PROBLEM**: Tue Jan 22 18:42:58 GMT 2002 Installed camera back into PICS. When I connected the power back to the camera, the shutter began cycling at a cadence of 1-2 frames per second. Checked gui settings and nothing was changed. Tried starting and ending Video mode but that did not stop the shutter cycling. Checked the pins on the interface cable and none wer bent, connector was seated firmly in place. Sent email to David for consultation on problem. **PICS PROBLEM**: Tue Jan 22 19:26:51 GMT 2002 Tried different gui options with no success, shutter kept cycling. It is as if the mode command is set to continuous (MDE CS) somewhere in the code. I will try rebooting nene. **PICS PROBLEM**: Tue Jan 22 20:17:02 GMT 2002 OK, PICS camera is working. First reboot did not work because camera power was unplugged during the boot. David responded to my call for help and surmised that the camera needs to be plugged in during the reboot so that the computer can load the config file into it at the boot-up. Once the camera config file got loaded, the camera stopped cycling the shutter. I'll be making a note of this and placing it in the Kodak Megaplus 1.6i manual. PICS COMMENT: Tue Jan 22 20:36:47 GMT 2002 PICS is buttoned back up. Camera alignment has NOT been confirmed due to solid overcast today. Alignment should be OK as only one screw was loosened to remove camera. All other alignment screws were not touched. Focus is spring loaded so that should have returned camera to last focus position. GONG COMMENT: Tue Jan 22 20:41:00 GMT 2002 GONG crash crew came by earlier to let me know that they are heading back to Tucson tonight. They are comfortable that the turret is aligned and tracking well. They did not have a chance to finish all of their drift tests and other checks to double check their repair but they can do that remotely and by looking at the data once the tapes get back. They will reload the tapes and start the observing program. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jan 22 20:46:14 GMT 2002 Totally overcast, no shadows. More snow a possibility. Tue Jan 22 20:48:31 GMT 2002 MkIV