----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 1 17:21:57 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 121 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed May 1 17:21:58 GMT 2002 Thick altocumulus overcast, no wind, temp=42 F. COMMENT: Wed May 1 17:52:34 GMT 2002 Data tape was changed yesterday but no log entry was made, will do so below so the automated processes can continue. A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Wed May 1 17:53:36 GMT 2002 WEATHER COMMENT: Wed May 1 20:06:27 GMT 2002 The altocumulus has thinned but there is orographic clouds passing by. Will try to get some data between low clouds. Wed May 1 20:07:37 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Wed May 1 20:07:57 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol Wed May 1 21:13:59 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Wed May 1 21:15:18 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Wed May 1 21:16:48 GMT 2002 Clouds are very thick and dark, it will probably rain, closed down. Wed May 1 22:30:13 GMT 2002 MkIV