----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 1 16:45:47 GMT 2003 Year: 03 Doy: 244 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Sep 1 16:48:57 GMT 2003 Heavy overcast, heavy rain, strong southeast wind, 30-40 mph due to now downgraded tropical storm Jimena, passing south of Hawaii island. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 1 16:51:26 GMT 2003 Nahenahe and KCC left running overnight. Fortunately there is no evidence of power interruptions or surges caused by the hurricane. Exited, logged out, and logged back in this morning. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 1 16:54:55 GMT 2003 Water in building is very minimal. There is a relatively small puddle in the usual place between the main control room and the PSPT control room. There is a puddle of water in the PSPT dome from rain being forced under the east door due to the driving wind. Main dome floor sprinkled with a little rain driven under the dome slot. A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Mon Sep 1 17:35:21 GMT 2003 COMMENT: Mon Sep 1 17:36:05 GMT 2003 Timing of the tropical storm is very good. Kim hasn't arrived to build the shelter for the COR1 instrument testing on the roof yet. His tentative design was to use plyswood base with hinged walls and a tarp and frame shelter over the top. The Taiwanese radiotelescope survey instrument has a tarp shelter over it and it has blown apart in this storm. I don't plan to rescue it unless the weather abates today as it will probably just blow apart again with all the wind and rain and the instrument is already flooded. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 1 17:54:58 GMT 2003 Mopped up all the water in the control rooms and domes but that is only a stop-gap measure. GONG COMMENT: Mon Sep 1 17:55:40 GMT 2003 Going down to GONG shelter to check things out and to do the weekly and monthly PM. Will forgo dusting off the roof. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 1 17:57:19 GMT 2003 I'll shut down nahenahe for now to secure against possible power interruptions. I'll start up logs again if weather should improve--don't hold your breath. Mon Sep 1 17:59:05 GMT 2003 MkIV