----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 26 17:28:58 GMT 2006 Year: 06 Doy: 057 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 26 17:28:59 GMT 2006 Thick clouds, light rain, light snow on ground, wind=5 mph from the West, no obs until weather improves. ___end___ COMMENT: Sun Feb 26 17:30:08 GMT 2006 Couldn't get gate to open from correct keypad, tried many times, eventually got it to open by walking past the gate to the inside keypad and using that. ___end___ **pics_PROCESSING PROBLEM**: Sun Feb 26 23:37:12 GMT 2006 Tried 97d352, 97d353, and 97d354, mssrestore didn't work. It has never worked for me yet. I get error messages that .fts files can't be found or opened, and email error messages referring to cpar. I don't understand what the problem is, I've given all the info to Tony. I always see the same error messages when I try to run mssrestore, although others have run mssrestore successfully on the same files that wouldn't work for me. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Feb 27 01:21:27 GMT 2006 It's snowing again. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Mon Feb 27 01:21:58 GMT 2006 I'll cover the turret after stowing due to snow. ___end___ COMMENT: Mon Feb 27 01:26:46 GMT 2006 8.5 MH onsite ___end___ Mon Feb 27 01:27:04 GMT 2006 MkIV