----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 25 16:44:26 GMT 2006 Year: 06 Doy: 206 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jul 25 16:44:17 GMT 2006 ___end___ Tue Jul 25 16:51:00 GMT 2006 MKIV Start Patrol Tue Jul 25 16:50:56 GMT 2006 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Jul 25 16:51:10 GMT 2006 PICS Start Patrol A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Tue Jul 25 17:02:45 GMT 2006 SBM COMMENT: Tue Jul 25 17:16:39 GMT 2006 Obs. ___end___ PSPT COMMENT: Tue Jul 25 17:16:44 GMT 2006 Obs. ___end___ Tue Jul 25 17:18:35 GMT 2006 MKIV Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Tue Jul 25 17:19:23 GMT 2006 Instrument still not starting up properly like it did in the past until recently, despite using exactly the same routine to start it, something has changed for sure. Still trying to characterize the problem by describing what actions are necessary to get it going, these actions are not always the same. I tried cycling the KCC power, resetting the KCC, moving the barrel off of the CW limit and cycling the KCC power. When I try going all the way to the CCW limit it turns around eventually and comes back to the CW limit. ___end___ Tue Jul 25 17:37:57 GMT 2006 MKIV Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Tue Jul 25 17:31:26 GMT 2006 I drove the barrel CCW from the GUI, it reached the CCW limit and immediately turned around and started going CW, I then stopped the barrel and did a reset of Akamai. After the startup script finished the barrel started going CW, it eventually started going CCW at a slow rate of 30 instead of the normal 240. Eventually the barrel stopped at 176 degrees like usual. Then I did a Begin Day and Patrol, barrel moved at 240 like normal, but then it reached the CCW limit soon, at around 270?, then started going CW. So only a small sector was plotted in the CCW direction first. Now the plots look good and Patrol seems to be working like normal. ___end___ Tue Jul 25 18:00:52 GMT 2006 CHIP LSD Tue Jul 25 18:01:20 GMT 2006 PICS Flat Tue Jul 25 18:02:38 GMT 2006 CHIP End LSD Tue Jul 25 18:02:46 GMT 2006 CHIP BiasLSD Tue Jul 25 18:03:28 GMT 2006 CHIP End BiasLSD Tue Jul 25 18:03:41 GMT 2006 CHIP Bias Tue Jul 25 18:03:42 GMT 2006 PICS End Flat Tue Jul 25 18:03:57 GMT 2006 PICS ReStart Patrol Tue Jul 25 18:04:31 GMT 2006 CHIP End Bias Tue Jul 25 18:04:39 GMT 2006 CHIP ReStart Patrol Tue Jul 25 18:12:17 GMT 2006 MKIV End Patrol Tue Jul 25 18:12:23 GMT 2006 MKIV Start Cal Tue Jul 25 18:31:09 GMT 2006 MKIV End Cal Tue Jul 25 18:31:15 GMT 2006 MKIV Start Patrol Tue Jul 25 19:53:03 GMT 2006 CHIP End Patrol Tue Jul 25 19:53:12 GMT 2006 PICS End Patrol NICE MK4 IMAGE: 1821 NICE CHIP IMAGE: 1855 NICE PICSDISC IMAGE: 1807 NICE PICSLIMB IMAGE: 1748 COMMENT: Tue Jul 25 19:57:05 GMT 2006 I need to leave early to buy some things for the GSA truck and to take it in for regular maintenance. ___end___ Tue Jul 25 20:06:02 GMT 2006 MkIV 17_37.rawmk4 18_06.rawmk4 18_47.rawmk4 19_15.rawmk4 19_44.rawmk4 17_39.rawmk4 18_09.rawmk4 18_48.rawmk4 19_18.rawmk4 19_47.rawmk4 17_42.rawmk4 18_15.rawmk4 18_51.rawmk4 19_21.rawmk4 19_50.rawmk4 17_45.rawmk4 18_21.rawmk4 18_54.rawmk4 19_24.rawmk4 19_53.rawmk4 17_48.rawmk4 18_27.rawmk4 18_57.rawmk4 19_27.rawmk4 c18_12.rawmk4 17_51.rawmk4 18_34.rawmk4 19_00.rawmk4 19_30.rawmk4 c18_18.rawmk4 17_54.rawmk4 18_38.rawmk4 19_03.rawmk4 19_32.rawmk4 c18_24.rawmk4 17_57.rawmk4 18_40.rawmk4 19_06.rawmk4 19_35.rawmk4 18_00.rawmk4 18_43.rawmk4 19_09.rawmk4 19_38.rawmk4 18_03.rawmk4 18_46.rawmk4 19_12.rawmk4 19_41.rawmk4