----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 21 20:11:40 GMT 2010 Year: 10 Doy: 325 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Nov 21 20:48:11 GMT 2010 Clear sky, wind=5mph from the NNE, temp=55F. ___end___ Sun Nov 21 21:00:52 GMT 2010 CHIP Start Patrol **GENERAL PROBLEM COMMENT BY DARRYL**: Sun Nov 21 20:51:09 GMT 2010 We've had lots of problems since a power outage that apparently occurred late on Friday. Once again the fuse in the timer circuit of the automatic main electrical service box blew out, probably during a power anomoly, then the power stayed off long enough for the UPS system to shut down and all power was lost to MLSO. I'll contact the NCAR folks who designed and installed our automatic system to see if we can use a higher rated fuse to eliminate this problem. Yesterday Allen changed the fuse but was unable to get anything else running, mainly because Kenobi wouldn't boot up normally. Today I started some things that don't rely on Kenobi, like our GONG monitor and the CoMP electronics. Then I tried getting Kenobi to boot regularly and using fsck w/o success, I could see that the stall was occurring while the /kope/paa backup HDD was being accessed, I turned off Kope/paa and rebooted, when it got to the messages about "no such device or address" and stopped and asked to run fsck or continue I used CTRL-D as prompted to let it continue, then Kenobi booted up w/o kope/paa. I could see that /data was mounted and thought I could start up everything else and at least store data there on the /data HDD, I verified that with Alice, she'll check our filesystem later today also. I think that black USB HDD that we have installed on Kenobi is a backup for kope/paa USB HDD which is standing vertcally and labeled, the black HDD is on top of the shelving above the CoMP monitor. While starting the other computers and instruments I noticed that PSPT uses Kaiee as a time server, so Kaiee needs to be booted before the PSPT Sparc so the NTP service on that Sparc will start up. We had a problem with the PSPT time being off last time this power problem happened on 10/28/10. After typing in "run" Nahenahe keeps repeating the error message: ERROR: Could not open device: No such device or address I wonder if it is also looking for kope/paa. The log came up OK, and the observing program looks OK otherwise, maybe I'll try it anyway. ___end___ Sun Nov 21 21:38:04 GMT 2010 H-ALPHA Start Patrol Sun Nov 21 21:39:47 GMT 2010: PSPT Start Patrol NOTE BY DARRYL: Sun Nov 21 21:44:25 GMT 2010 Earlier when I was booting Kenobi I got a message: can't open /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 it turns out that is the /mirror/data SCSI HDD, I'm not sure if that is used anymore. I tried turning kope/paa HDD back on, after light turned blue I as superuser on Kenobi typed: mount /kope it wouldn't mount, the reply message was: mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s5 is already mounted, /kope is busy, or the allowable number of mount points has been exceeded. I did see the HDD light flicker. I left Kope/paa connected and turned on, but it isn't mounted. ___end___ Sun Nov 21 22:28:34 GMT 2010 CHIP Start Patrol **CHIP PROBLEM COMMENT BY DARRYL**: Sun Nov 21 22:29:53 GMT 2010 Crashed, restarted. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM COMMENT BY DARRYL**: Sun Nov 21 22:35:46 GMT 2010 No GIF animations, no data going to disk, error messages listed before still scrolling by, scans did run and plot in the realtime GUI. Stopping for today. ___end___ **CoMP PROBLEM COMMENT BY DARRYL**: Sun Nov 21 22:38:14 GMT 2010 PC won't boot all the way up, still trying cycling power now and then. ___end___ Sun Nov 21 23:01:46 GMT 2010 CHIP LSD CoMP COMMENT BY DARRYL: Sun Nov 21 23:02:55 GMT 2010 Received CoMP HDD #1 and #10, connected HDD #7. ___end___ Sun Nov 21 23:03:51 GMT 2010 CHIP End LSD Sun Nov 21 23:03:59 GMT 2010 CHIP BiasLSD Sun Nov 21 23:04:46 GMT 2010 CHIP End BiasLSD Sun Nov 21 23:04:55 GMT 2010 CHIP Bias MKIV COMMENT BY DARRYL: Sun Nov 21 23:03:39 GMT 2010 Received spare AD module that I purchased for the MV200 graphics board, will test later, that should give us a complete spare MV200 and a few partials. ___end___ Sun Nov 21 23:05:37 GMT 2010 CHIP End Bias Sun Nov 21 23:05:48 GMT 2010 CHIP ReStart Patrol PSPT COMMENT BY DARRYL: Sun Nov 21 23:15:22 GMT 2010 Received the repaired R! rated shutters that I sent for repair several months ago, we have 3 spare R! shutters now, each newly repaired R! type lasts about 4 years. ___end___ Sun Nov 21 23:50:41 GMT 2010 CHIP End Patrol **CHIP PROBLEM COMMENT BY DARRYL**: Sun Nov 21 23:51:00 GMT 2010 I'm not sure if data are being saved, the animations aren't updating and I see the error message: mv: cannot rename /local/d/Data/.......No such file or directory. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Nov 21 23:58:00 GMT 2010 Low clouds are moving in. ___end___ Mon Nov 22 00:25:08 GMT 2010: PSPT Abort Patrol MKIV COMMENT BY DARRYL: Mon Nov 22 00:27:41 GMT 2010 Used command "ls /data/realtime/ACOS" successfully confirming that /data is crossmounted with Nahenahe. ___end___ PSPT COMMENT BY DARRYL: Mon Nov 22 00:28:45 GMT 2010 Used comman "ls /data/realtime/ACOS" successfully confirming that /data is crossmounted with PSPT Sparc. ___end___ NOTE BY DARRYL: Mon Nov 22 00:29:51 GMT 2010 Used command "ls /data/realtime/ACOS" successfully on Kaiee confirming that it is crossmounted with /data. ___end___ CHIP COMMENT BY DARRYL: Mon Nov 22 00:32:54 GMT 2010 At first Kii wasn't crossmounted with /data when I checked it, I rebooted Kii and now it is crossmounted. Will try get some cloud data. ___end___ Mon Nov 22 00:33:58 GMT 2010 CHIP Start Patrol CHIP COMMENT BY DARRYL: Mon Nov 22 00:35:27 GMT 2010 I'm not seeing error messages, and I amd seeing data collecting in Kenobi for CHIP now, this instrument is back. ___end___ H-ALPHA COMMENT BY DARRYL: Mon Nov 22 00:38:09 GMT 2010 I see data from this instrument in /data on Kenobi. ___end___ Mon Nov 22 00:40:13 GMT 2010 H-ALPHA End Patrol PSPT COMMENT BY DARRYL: Mon Nov 22 00:40:32 GMT 2010 I see data from this instrument in /data on Kenobi. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM COMMENT BY DARRYL**: Mon Nov 22 00:42:25 GMT 2010 I don't see data from today in /data on Kenobi or in the data directory on Nahenahe, and those error messages described before keep scrolling by. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Nov 22 00:44:58 GMT 2010 Clouds are getting dark, closing domes. ___end___ Mon Nov 22 01:16:57 GMT 2010 CHIP End Patrol Mon Nov 22 02:00:36 GMT 2010 MkIV