----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 8 16:48:36 GMT 2014 Year: 14 Doy: 281 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: berkey: Wed Oct 8 16:48:38 GMT 2014 temp 42f, wind 5mph from the south, cirrus overcast ___end___ Wed Oct 8 17:50:47 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol Wed Oct 8 20:29:00 GMT 2014: PSPT Start Patrol Wed Oct 8 23:35:53 GMT 2014: PSPT Abort Patrol GONG COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Oct 9 01:48:34 GMT 2014 Gong UPS output power line, burned one if its output pins where it plugs into the the building. UPS is currenlty off and unplugged. Gongsters are looking into what to do next; but this looks bad enough to require a PM visit. Gong also plans to replace the batterys in the UPS last replacement was in June 2009. We found compatible batteries for ~230 each at Interstate in Hilo. The burnt out plug is now hanging out in front of the UPS incase anyone wants to see it. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY berkey: Thu Oct 9 01:55:34 GMT 2014 Weather has been junky all day. Blowing fog for the last couple hours. No where near coronal skys. ___end___