----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 20 16:09:07 GMT 2016 Year: 16 Doy: 141 Observer: waters WEATHER COMMENT: waters: Fri May 20 16:09:15 GMT 2016 Temp 43F with windspeed at about 4-9mph from the East-Southeast. Clear sky at present. ___end___ Fri May 20 16:59:12 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri May 20 17:00:33 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00002.cbk Fri May 20 17:03:55 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol Fri May 20 17:18:46 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00002.cbk CoMP COMMENT BY waters: Fri May 20 17:19:12 GMT 2016 Comp was acting up this morning. When centering the occulter, the cameras remained blank; I tried to focus the lens and although it gave me a nice gaussian curve, the sharpness was different everytime. I shut down comp and restarted the computer. When I started up Comp this error occured: Error-1073807252 occurred at VISA Read in UCOMP-Cal Diff Serial Writer.vi->UCOMP - CALOUT.vi:1->CoMP Initialization Routines.vi->CoMP.vi VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF006C) An overrun error occurred during transfer. A character was not read from the hardware before the next character arrived. I hit continue and it didn't show up again. This time Comp started up just fine. Was able to center the occulter and the focus lens was consistent. Not sure what happened. ___end___ Fri May 20 19:14:43 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Fri May 20 19:14:44 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20150323.ini Fri May 20 19:31:59 GMT 2016 KCOR End Calibration Script Fri May 20 19:32:16 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri May 20 19:32:17 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Fri May 20 19:52:06 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol Fri May 20 19:52:06 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: waves-00001.cbk GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri May 20 19:56:05 GMT 2016 Fire extinguisher guys came up, they took a look at the four that we had. One ABC extinguisher and the water mist was good. The other ABC was replaced as it was too old. The d-oxide was left alone because one: it looked to have been discharged and it seemed it had some still in it and two: they couldn't determine how old it was. They recommend getting a new d-oxide extinguisher. So three of the extinguishers have been serviced/replaced. Locations: Water Mist in PSPT dome area, 1ABC and d-oxide by the support pillar in the main downstairs area and 1 ABC in the upper dome area. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri May 20 20:59:29 GMT 2016 Had a wonderful talk with Joan about the new building, the extinguishers, possible upcoming visits, questions/comments/concerns etc. ___end___ Fri May 20 21:24:45 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol Fri May 20 21:24:46 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00002.cbk Fri May 20 21:38:17 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol Fri May 20 21:39:57 GMT 2016 SGS Alignment complete Fri May 20 21:41:49 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00002.cbk CoMP COMMENT BY waters: Fri May 20 21:42:04 GMT 2016 Comp occulter adjusted. ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY waters: Fri May 20 21:44:21 GMT 2016 During the waves recipe for Comp, it seemed like there was a little bit of light leaking from the upper part of the image but not in the lower part of the image. The first batch of synoptic didn't show this but the second one seemed to reverse it. This could have been due to the occulter needing adjusting, which was done and as of now the synoptic recipe looks better. Will keep an eye on it. ___end___ KCOR COMMENT BY waters: Fri May 20 22:01:16 GMT 2016 Joan brought the fact that we're seeing some polarization in the West side of the data. Towards the beginning of the day, we were also seeing some polarization on the East side but it gradually got better but now it has gotten worse again. The sky is currently clear, gorgeous even. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri May 20 23:09:40 GMT 2016 Dome occulted Comp ___end___ Fri May 20 23:17:46 GMT 2016 SGS Alignment complete Fri May 20 23:58:33 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Fri May 20 23:58:48 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri May 20 23:58:56 GMT 2016 Some clouds came up, will keep an eye out. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Sat May 21 00:02:02 GMT 2016 Dome occulted Comp ___end___ Sat May 21 00:02:38 GMT 2016 CoMP Paused for clouds Sat May 21 00:02:44 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Sat May 21 00:06:03 GMT 2016 CoMP Restarted from pause Sat May 21 00:06:29 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Sat May 21 00:08:04 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Sat May 21 00:08:19 GMT 2016 CoMP Paused for clouds GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Sat May 21 00:08:39 GMT 2016 More clouds are coming up from the Northwest, kcor and comp idled for now. ___end___ Sat May 21 00:14:47 GMT 2016 CoMP Restarted from pause Sat May 21 00:15:38 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Sat May 21 00:21:12 GMT 2016 CoMP Paused for clouds Sat May 21 00:21:16 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol Sat May 21 00:40:21 GMT 2016 CoMP Restarted from pause Sat May 21 00:41:12 GMT 2016 KCOR Start Synoptic Patrol Sat May 21 00:45:14 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol Sat May 21 00:46:49 GMT 2016 SGS Alignment complete Sat May 21 00:47:50 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: synoptic-00002.cbk Sat May 21 00:48:17 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol Sat May 21 00:48:17 GMT 2016 COMP Start Patrol on cookbook: waves-00001.cbk Sat May 21 01:14:15 GMT 2016 CoMP Paused for clouds Sat May 21 01:14:19 GMT 2016 KCOR End Patrol GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Sat May 21 01:15:23 GMT 2016 More clouds have drifted up; Kcor and Comp idled. ___end___ Sat May 21 01:24:58 GMT 2016 CoMP Restarted from pause Sat May 21 01:24:58 GMT 2016 COMP End Patrol