----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 13 16:27:12 GMT 2019 Year: 19 Doy: 256 Observer: waters WEATHER COMMENT: waters: Fri Sep 13 16:45:59 GMT 2019 Temp 39F with windspeed at about 9-15mph from the Southwest. Cirrus covering the sky. Waiting for better conditions before opening. Boardwalk was icey this morning, walked on the lava to get up. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Fri Sep 13 17:02:20 GMT 2019 Iwii crashed while saying it was out of memory. Had to do a hard reboot to bring it back. ___end___ GENERAL OBSERVATORY COMMENT BY waters: Sat Sep 14 01:42:15 GMT 2019 No data today ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: waters