----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 20 16:46:17 GMT 2020 Year: 20 Doy: 294 Observer: mlso WEATHER COMMENT: mcotter: Tue Oct 20 16:50:12 GMT 2020 Temp: 42.3f, Humidity: 31%, Pressure: 28.617in, Wind: 9mph from 175degs, Skies: Thick inversion layer visible on the horizon higher than Maunakea. Cirrus, Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus clouds visible on the horizon and thinly at higher altitude. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Oct 20 16:57:43 GMT 2020 Opened windows upstairs ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Oct 20 16:57:51 GMT 2020 PM Blew off Kcor O1 ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Oct 20 17:33:27 GMT 2020 Thick clouds on the horizon. Cannot observe at this time. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Oct 20 18:11:24 GMT 2020 Increasing Cirrus on the horizon, unable to observe at this time. ___end___ Tue Oct 20 18:44:56 GMT 2020 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Tue Oct 20 18:46:41 GMT 2020 Clouds are still present on the horizon and the sky is a bit bright, but I was able to successfully run the Focus routine and get a parabola. Running Kcor. ___end___ Tue Oct 20 21:37:56 GMT 2020 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Tue Oct 20 21:39:05 GMT 2020 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20171025.ini GPS COMMENT by MLSO: Tue Oct 20 21:45:11 GMT 2020 Successfully logged in to system Good disk mount GPS software running Last 5 GPS data files are: /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_289_2145.bin 2147483647 /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_290_2145.bin 2147483647 /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_291_2145.bin 2147483647 /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_292_2145.bin 2147483647 /mnt/usb/dataoutiq_2020_293_2145.bin 2147483647 Disk usage: /dev/sda1 916.9G 181.3G 689.0G 21% /mnt/usb ___end___ Tue Oct 20 21:54:20 GMT 2020 KCOR End Calibration Script Tue Oct 20 23:00:28 GMT 2020 Kcor Focus/alignment program exited Tue Oct 20 23:01:21 GMT 2020 KCOR Start Calibration script: c:\kcor\mlso-calibration22deg-20171025.ini Tue Oct 20 23:16:37 GMT 2020 KCOR End Calibration Script GONG COMMENT BY mcotter: Wed Oct 21 00:22:17 GMT 2020 GONG shack door open. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Wed Oct 21 01:09:13 GMT 2020 I started observing this morning around 9:00am. There were some patch clouds still on the horizon but I was able to run a Focus routine and it looked acceptable. A little later clouds did start to affect the viewing so I stopped and waited. Later in the morning I was finally able to get on sky and ran the Calibration file immediately because I had lost so much time earlier. Once the Kcor images started coming through it looked like a bad a Calibration may have occurred as the images appeared blurred. I ended up rerunning the Focus and Calibration routines. The Kcor images that later came through looked good and in focus. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Wed Oct 21 01:10:45 GMT 2020 Cirrus and Cumulus clouds forming to the South. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Wed Oct 21 01:28:39 GMT 2020 Cirrus clouds have increased and have moved in from the South to obscure viewing. Kcor paused. ___end___ GENERAL COMMENT BY mcotter: Wed Oct 21 03:02:51 GMT 2020 Overall decent day of observing, certainly better than the last few. ___end___ ONSITE STAFF: mcotter