pro ps_where_lines, xdim, ydim, whereLines $ , origin_xy, inches_xy, LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy, color=color, tplate=tpl_ ;+ ; ; procedure: ps_where_lines ; ; purpose: on PostScript device with image already output by ; draw vectors connecting adjacent points ; as indicated by a where array ; ; authors: paul@ncar 5/95 ; ;============================================================================== ; ; Check number of parameters ; if n_params() eq 0 then begin print print, "usage: ps_where_lines, xdim, ydim, whereLines $" print, " [, origin_xy [, inches_xy ]]" print print, " On PostScript device with image already output by" print, " draw vectors connecting adjacent points" print, " as indicated by a where array." print print, "Arguments:" print, " xdim" print, " ydim - input 2D array dimensions on which" print, " whereLines is valid; a sample" print, " array is not input" print, " whereLines - input where array adjacent points" print, " are to be connected by vectors" print, " origin_xy - input two vector:" print, " [x_origin,y_origin] position" print, " in inches of 2D area lower" print, " left corner (def [0.,0.])" print, " inches_xy - input two vector:" print, " [x_inches,y_inches] size in" print, " inches of 2D area (def based" print, " on other conditions (likely" print, " unsatisfactory))" print, "Keywords:" print, " LLxy" print, " URxy - input two vectors:" print, " A local 2D array is created" print, " with points set corresponding" print, " to whereLines. The plot 2D" print, " area is then for sub array" print, " with indices LLxy=[X0,Y0] &" print, " URxy=[X1,Y1] (def LLxy=[0,0]" print, " URxy=[xdim-1,ydim-1] ) print, " color - color index of drawn vectors (def 0)" print, " tplate - template structure" print, "Examples:" print, " (see" print return endif ;- ;Check for null conditions. if n_elements(whereLines) eq 0 then return if whereLines(0) eq -1 then return if xdim lt 2 then return if ydim lt 2 then return ;Get template structure if not present. if n_elements(tpl_) eq 0 $ then ps_tplate, tpl, portrait=!d.y_size gt !d.x_size $ else tpl = tpl_ ;Get origin or default to [0,0]. if n_elements(origin_xy) eq 2 then org=origin_xy else org=[0,0] ;Get plot area in inches or defalut if n_elements(inches_xy) eq 2 then begin inches = inches_xy end else begin inches = [ tpl.xdevice, tpl.ydevice ]-org if inches(0)/(xdim-1) gt inches(1)/(ydim-1) $ then inches(0) = (xdim-1)*inches(1)/(ydim-1) $ else inches(1) = (ydim-1)*inches(0)/(xdim-1) end ;Get corner indices or default. if n_elements(LLxy) eq 2 then LL=LLxy else LL=[0,0] if n_elements(URxy) eq 2 then UR=URxy else UR=[xdim-1,ydim-1] ;Set some local scaler varibles. xorg = org(0) yorg = org(1) xinches = inches(0) yinches = inches(1) xx0 = LL(0) xx1 = UR(0) yy0 = LL(1) yy1 = UR(1) ;Logical array points to connect. high = lonarr(xdim,ydim) high(whereLines) = 1 ;Inches per pixel. iper = xinches/(xx1-xx0) ;Loop over two spacial dimensions. for ix = xx0,xx1-1 do begin for iy = yy0,yy1-1 do begin if high(ix,iy) then begin ;Horizontal vector. if high(ix+1,iy) then begin ps_plots, color=color, tplate=tpl $ , xorg+([ix,ix+1]-xx0)*iper $ , yorg+( iy -yy0)*iper end ;Vertical vector. if high(ix,iy+1) then begin ps_plots, color=color, tplate=tpl $ , xorg+( ix -xx0)*iper $ , yorg+([iy,iy+1]-yy0)*iper end ;Diagonal vector. if high(ix+1,iy+1) then begin if not high(ix,iy+1) then begin if not high(ix+1,iy) then begin ps_plots, color=color, tplate=tpl $ , xorg+([ix,ix+1]-xx0)*iper $ , yorg+([iy,iy+1]-yy0)*iper end end end end else begin ;Anti diagonal vector. if high(ix,iy+1) then begin if high(ix+1,iy) then begin if not high(ix+1,iy+1) then begin ps_plots, color=color, tplate=tpl $ , xorg+([ix,ix+1]-xx0)*iper $ , yorg+([iy+1,iy]-yy0)*iper end end end end end end end