C Subroutine EGRID sets up electron energy grid C C Stan Solomon, 1/92 C C This software is part of the GLOW model. Use is governed by the Open Source C Academic Research License Agreement contained in the file glowlicense.txt. C For more information see the file glow.txt. C SUBROUTINE EGRID (ENER, DEL, NBINS) DIMENSION ENER(NBINS), DEL(NBINS) DO 20 N=1,NBINS IF (N .LE. 21) THEN ENER(N) = 0.5 * FLOAT(N) ELSE ENER(N) = EXP (0.05 * FLOAT(N+26)) ENDIF 20 CONTINUE DEL(1) = 0.5 DO 40 N=2,NBINS DEL(N) = ENER(N)-ENER(N-1) 40 CONTINUE DO 60 N=1,NBINS ENER(N) = ENER(N) - DEL(N)/2.0 60 CONTINUE RETURN END