! Subroutine EPHOTO ! This software is part of the GLOW model. Use is governed by the Open Source ! Academic Research License Agreement contained in the file glowlicense.txt. ! For more information see the file glow.txt. ! Adapted from Banks & Nagy 2-stream input code by Stan Solomon, 6/1988 ! Modified to handle Auger electrons, Stan Solomon, 7/1990 ! Reads cross sectons from files (for 1-nm bins), Scott Bailey, ~1994 ! Modified bin structure, fixed CIII problem, Stan Solomon, 12/2000 ! Corrected additional Auger problem, Liying Qian, 11/2002 ! Converged above three branches, Stan Solomon, 3/2005 ! Removed LIMIN, wavelength loop now runs from 1 to LMAX, SCS, 3/2005 ! Converted common blocks to use-associated variables, Ben Foster, 2015 ! Refactored to f90, SCS, 6/2016 ! This subroutine calculates photoionization, rates, certain ! photodissociative excitation rates, and the photoelectron production ! spectrum as a function of altitude. Uses continuously variable energy ! grid. Three major species: O, O2, N2; NO is treated as a minor (non- ! absorbing) specie. ! Input supplied through use-associated variables defined in module cglow.f90: ! WAVE1 wavelength array, upper bound; Angstroms ! WAVE2 wavelength array, lower bound; Angstroms ! SFLUX solar flux array; photons cm-2 sec-1 ! ZZ altitude array; cm above earth ! ZMAJ density array for species O, O2, N2, altitude; cm-3 ! ZNO density of NO at each altitude; cm-3 ! ZCOL slant column density for species O, O2, N2, altitude; cm-2 ! ENER energy grid for photoelectrons; eV ! DEL array of energy grid increments; eV ! Output provided through use-associated variables defined in module cglow.f90: ! PESPEC photoelectron production spectrum for each altitude; cm-3 s-1 ! PHOTOI photoionization rates for state, species, altitude; cm-3 s-1 ! PHOTOD photodissoc./exc. rates for state, species, alt.; cm-3 s-1 ! PHONO photoionization/dissoc./exc. rates for NO; cm-3 s-1 ! Other definitions: ! DSPECT ionization rate in particular wavelength bin; cm-3 s-1 ! TAU optical depth, dimensionless ! FLUX solar flux at altitude; cm-2 s-1 ! SIGABS photoabsorption cross sections, O, O2, N2; cm2 ! SIGION photoionization cross sections, O, O2, N2; cm2 ! SIGAO, SIGAO2, SIGAN2, SIGIO, SIGIO2, SIGIN2; cross sect. data arrays ! NNN number of states for each species ! TPOT ionization potentials for each species, state; eV ! PROB branching ratios for each state, species, and wavelength bin: ! O+ states: 4S, 2Do, 2Po, 4Pe, 2Pe ! O2+ states: X, a+A, b, dissoc. ! N2+ states: X, A, B, C, F, dissoc. ! PROBO, PROBO2, PROBN2; branching ratio data arrays ! BSO2 yield of O(1S) from dissociation of O2 ! EPSIL1 energy loss lower bound for state, species, wavelength; eV ! EPSIL2 energy loss upper bound for state, species, wavelength; eV ! SIGNO NO photoionization xsect at Ly-alpha ! AUGE Mean energy of Auger electrons for each species; eV ! AUGL Wavelength threshold for Auger electrons; Angstroms ! Array dimensions: ! JMAX number of altitude levels ! NBINS number of energetic electron energy bins ! LMAX number of wavelength intervals for solar flux ! NMAJ number of major species ! NST number of states produced by photoionization/dissociation subroutine ephoto use cglow,only: jmax,nbins,lmax,nmaj,nst use cglow,only: wave1,wave2,phono,photoi,photod,pespec,zcol,sflux use cglow,only: zmaj,del,ener,zno use cglow,only: data_dir implicit none save integer :: nnn(nmaj) real :: dspect(jmax), flux(lmax,jmax), & sigion(nmaj,lmax), sigabs(nmaj,lmax), & tpot(nst,nmaj), prob(nst,nmaj,lmax), & epsil1(nst,nmaj,lmax), epsil2(nst,nmaj,lmax), & sigao(lmax), sigao2(lmax), sigan2(lmax), & sigio(lmax), sigio2(lmax), sigin2(lmax), & probo(nst,lmax), probo2(nst,lmax), probn2(nst,lmax), & bso2(lmax), auge(nmaj), augl(nmaj), tau(lmax), & rion(lmax,nmaj,jmax) real,parameter :: signo = 2.0e-18 integer,save :: ifirst=1 integer :: l,n,k,i,j,m,m1,m2 real :: aa,bb,fac,e1,e2,y,r1,r2 character(len=1024) :: filepath nnn = (/5,4,6/) tpot(1:nst,1) = (/13.61, 16.93, 18.63, 28.50, 40.00, 0.00/) tpot(1:nst,2) = (/12.07, 16.10, 18.20, 20.00, 0.00, 0.00/) tpot(1:nst,3) = (/15.60, 16.70, 18.80, 30.00, 34.80, 25.00/) auge = (/500.,500.,360./) augl = (/24.,24.,33./) bso2(1:12) = 0. bso2(13) = .01 bso2(14) = .03 bso2(15:21) = .10 bso2(22:29) = .07 bso2(30:34) = .03 bso2(35:39) = .01 bso2(40:lmax) = 0. ! First time only: Read cross section data from files, convert to cm2, ! calculate energy losses: if (ifirst == 1) then ifirst = 0 filepath = trim(data_dir)//'ephoto_xn2.dat' open(unit=1,file=filepath,status='old',readonly) read(1,*) read(1,*) read(1,*) read(1,*) do l=lmax,1,-1 read(1,*) aa,bb,(probn2(n,l),n=1,nst),sigin2(l),sigan2(l) enddo close(1) filepath = trim(data_dir)//'ephoto_xo2.dat' open(unit=1,file=filepath,status='old',readonly) read(1,*) read(1,*) read(1,*) read(1,*) do l=lmax,1,-1 read(1,*) aa,bb,(probo2(n,l),n=1,nst),sigio2(l),sigao2(l) enddo close(1) filepath = trim(data_dir)//'ephoto_xo.dat' open(unit=1,file=filepath,status='old',readonly) read(1,*) read(1,*) read(1,*) read(1,*) do l=lmax,1,-1 read(1,*) aa,bb,(probo(n,l),n=1,nst),sigio(l),sigao(l) enddo close(1) do l=1,lmax sigabs(1,l) = sigao(l) * 1.e-18 sigabs(2,l) = sigao2(l) * 1.e-18 sigabs(3,l) = sigan2(l) * 1.e-18 sigion(1,l) = sigio(l) * 1.e-18 sigion(2,l) = sigio2(l) * 1.e-18 sigion(3,l) = sigin2(l) * 1.e-18 enddo do l=1,lmax do k=1,nst prob(k,1,l) = probo(k,l) prob(k,2,l) = probo2(k,l) prob(k,3,l) = probn2(k,l) enddo enddo do l=1,lmax do i=1,nmaj do k=1,nnn(i) epsil1(k,i,l)=12397.7/wave1(l)-tpot(k,i) epsil2(k,i,l)=12397.7/wave2(l)-tpot(k,i) if (wave1(l) <= augl(i)) then epsil1(k,i,l) = epsil1(k,i,l) - auge(i) epsil2(k,i,l) = epsil2(k,i,l) - auge(i) endif enddo enddo enddo endif ! end of first-time-only conditional ! Zero arrays: phono(:,:) = 0. photoi(:,:,:) = 0. photod(:,:,:) = 0. pespec(:,:) = 0. ! Calculate attenuated solar flux at all altitudes and wavelengths: do l=1,lmax do j=1,jmax tau(l)=0. do i=1,nmaj tau(l)=tau(l)+sigabs(i,l)*zcol(i,j) enddo if (tau(l) < 20.) then flux(l,j)=sflux(l)*exp(-tau(l)) else flux(l,j) = 0.0 endif ! Calculate SRC photodissociation of O2, dissociative excitation of ! O(1S), photodissociation of N2, and photoionization of NO by solar Ly-alpha: if (wave1(l) < 1751. .and. wave2(l) > 1349.) then photod(1,2,j)=photod(1,2,j)+zmaj(2,j)*sigabs(2,l)*flux(l,j) endif photod(2,2,j) = photod(2,2,j) + zmaj(2,j)*sigabs(2,l)*flux(l,j)*bso2(l) photod(1,3,j) = photod(1,3,j) + zmaj(3,j)*(sigabs(3,l)-sigion(3,l))*flux(l,j) if (wave1(l) < 1221. .and. wave2(l) > 1209.) then phono(1,j) = phono(1,j) + zno(j)*signo*flux(l,j) endif enddo enddo ! Calculate ionization rates and photoelectron production: ! Loop over wavelengths: do l=1,lmax ! Loop over species: do i=1,nmaj ! Calculate total ionization rates for all species and altitudes: do j=1,jmax rion(l,i,j)=zmaj(i,j)*sigion(i,l)*flux(l,j) enddo ! Loop over states to calculate state-specific ionization rates at all altitudes: do k=1,nnn(i) e1= epsil1(k,i,l) e2= epsil2(k,i,l) if (e2 >= 0.) then if (e1 < 0.) e1=0. do j=1,jmax dspect(j) = rion(l,i,j)*prob(k,i,l) photoi(k,i,j) = photoi(k,i,j) + dspect(j) enddo ! Find box numbers m1, m2 corresponding to energies e1, e2: call boxnum (e1, e2, m1, m2, r1, r2, nbins, del, ener) ! Fill the boxes from m1 to m2 at all altitudes: if (m1 <= nbins) then y = e2 - e1 do n=m1,m2 if (m1 == m2) then fac = 1. else if (n == m1) then fac = (r1-e1) / y else if (n == m2) then fac = (e2-r2) / y else fac = del(n) / y endif endif endif do j=1,jmax pespec(n,j) = pespec(n,j) + dspect(j) * fac enddo enddo endif endif enddo ! bottom of states loop ! Generate Auger electrons if energy is sufficient: if (wave1(l) <= augl(i)) then e1 = auge(i) e2 = auge(i) call boxnum (e1, e2, m1, m2, r1, r2, nbins, del, ener) if (m1 <= nbins .and. m2 <= nbins) then do j=1,jmax pespec(m1,j) = pespec(m1,j) + rion(l,i,j) enddo endif endif enddo ! bottom of species loop enddo ! bottom of wavelength loop return end subroutine ephoto subroutine boxnum (e1, e2, m1, m2, r1, r2, nbins, del, ener) ! This subroutine finds the box numbers corresponding to ! energies e1 and e2, and calls them m1 and m2. ! r1 is the upper edge of the lower box, r2 is the lower edge of the ! upper box. implicit none real,intent(in) :: e1,e2 real,intent(in) :: del(nbins), ener(nbins) integer,intent(in) :: nbins real,intent(out) :: r1,r2 integer,intent(out) :: m1,m2 integer :: i,j do i=1,nbins if (e1 < ener(i)+del(i)/2.) then m1 = i r1 = ener(i) + del(i)/2. do j=1,nbins if (e2 < ener(j)+del(j)/2.) then m2 = j r2 = ener(j) - del(j)/2. return endif enddo m2 = nbins r2 = e2 - del(nbins) return endif enddo m1 = nbins+1 return end subroutine boxnum