! Subroutine RCOLUM ! This software is part of the GLOW model. Use is governed by the Open Source ! Academic Research License Agreement contained in the file glowlicense.txt. ! For more information see the file glow.txt. ! Stan Solomon, 1988, 1991 ! Stan Solomon, 2016: removed problematic extrapolation below lower ! boundary. If grazing height is below lower boundary of atmosphere ! supplied, column density is set to 1.0e30. ! Stan Solomon, 2016: refactored for f90. ! Calculates the column density ZCOL for each species ZMAJ above height ! ZZ at zenith angle CHI. Calls subroutine VCD to calculate the ! vertical column density, and then uses a fit to the Chapman Grazing ! Incidence Integral [Smith and Smith, JGR 77, 3592, 1972] to calculate ! the slant column density. If CHI is less than 90 degrees, column ! densities are calculated directly; if CHI is greater than 90 degrees ! the column density at grazing height for 90 degrees is calculated and ! doubled, and the column density above ZZ(J) is subtracted. If the ! grazing height is lower than the bottom of the atmosphere supplied, ! column densities are set to 'infinity', i.e., 1.0e30. subroutine rcolum (chi, zz, zmaj, tn, zcol, zvcd, jmax, nmaj) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: jmax, nmaj real,intent(in) :: chi, zz(jmax), zmaj(nmaj,jmax), tn(jmax) real,intent(out) :: zcol(nmaj,jmax), zvcd(nmaj,jmax) integer,parameter :: nm=3 real,parameter :: pi=3.1415926535 real,parameter :: re=6.37e8 integer :: i, j, k real :: zcg(nm), ghrg, ghz, tng real,external :: chap call vcd (zz, zmaj, zvcd, jmax, nmaj) if (chi >= 2.) then do i=1,nmaj do j=1,jmax zcol(i,j) = 1.0e30 enddo enddo return endif if (chi <= pi/2.) then do i=1,nmaj do j=1,jmax zcol(i,j) = zvcd(i,j) * chap(chi,zz(j),tn(j),i) enddo enddo else do j=1,jmax ghrg=(re+zz(j))*sin(chi) ghz=ghrg-re if (ghz <= zz(1)) then do i=1,nmaj zcol(i,j) = 1.0e30 enddo else do k=1,j-1 if (zz(k) <= ghz .and. zz(k+1) > ghz) then tng = tn(k)+(tn(k+1)-tn(k))*(ghz-zz(k))/(zz(k+1)-zz(k)) do i=1,nmaj zcg(i) = zvcd(i,k) * (zvcd(i,k+1) / zvcd(i,k)) ** & ((ghz-zz(k)) / (zz(k+1)-zz(k))) enddo endif enddo do i=1,nmaj zcol(i,j) = 2. * zcg(i) * chap(pi/2.,ghz,tng,i) & - zvcd(i,j) * chap(chi,zz(j),tn(j),i) enddo endif enddo endif return end subroutine rcolum !---------------------------------------------------------------------- real function chap (chi, z, t, i) implicit none real,intent(in) :: chi, z, t integer,intent(in) :: i integer,parameter :: nmaj=3 real,parameter :: pi=3.1415926535 real,parameter :: re=6.37e8 real,parameter :: g=978.1 real :: am(nmaj), gr, hn, hg, hf, sqhf real,external :: sperfc data am/16., 32., 28./ gr=g*(re/(re+z))**2 hn=1.38e-16*t/(am(i)*1.662e-24*gr) hg=(re+z)/hn hf=0.5*hg*(cos(chi)**2) sqhf=sqrt(hf) chap=sqrt(0.5*pi*hg)*sperfc(sqhf) return end function chap !---------------------------------------------------------------------- real function sperfc(dummy) implicit none real,intent(in) :: dummy if (dummy <= 8.) then sperfc = (1.0606963+0.55643831*dummy) / & (1.0619896+1.7245609*dummy+dummy*dummy) else sperfc=0.56498823/(0.06651874+dummy) endif return end function sperfc !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine vcd(zz,zmaj,zvcd,jmax,nmaj) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: jmax,nmaj real,intent(in) :: zz(jmax), zmaj(nmaj,jmax) real,intent(out) :: zvcd(nmaj,jmax) integer :: i, j real :: rat do i=1,nmaj zvcd(i,jmax) = zmaj(i,jmax) & * (zz(jmax)-zz(jmax-1)) & / alog(zmaj(i,jmax-1)/zmaj(i,jmax)) do j=jmax-1,1,-1 rat = zmaj(i,j+1) / zmaj(i,j) zvcd(i,j) = zvcd(i,j+1)+zmaj(i,j)*(zz(j)-zz(j+1))/alog(rat)*(1.-rat) enddo enddo return end subroutine vcd