! Subroutine ROUT writes model atmosphere and excitation rates to an output file ! in order to transfer them to Randy Gladstone's REDISTER radiative transfer program. ! This software is part of the GLOW model. Use is governed by the Open Source ! Academic Research License Agreement contained in the file glowlicense.txt. ! For more information see the file glow.txt. ! Scott Baily and Stan Solomon, 9/1994 ! Replaced 834 with LBH, SCS, 2/2003 ! Reduced cascade contribution to 1356, SCS, 9/2003 ! Included radiative recombination in 1356, SCS, 9/2003 ! Refactored to f90, SCS, 12/2016 ! Changed 1356, 1304, and LBH to use volume emission rate arrays, SCS, 12/2016 SUBROUTINE ROUT(ROFILE,LUN,EF,EZ,ITAIL,FRACO,FRACO2,FRACN2) use cglow,only: jmax,idate use cglow,only: ut,glat,glong,f107,f107p,f107a use cglow,only: zz,aglw,sza,dip,xuvfac,ztn,zti,zte,zo,zo2,zns,zn2,ecalc,zxden,zeta implicit none integer,intent(in) :: lun,itail real,intent(in) :: ef,ez,fraco,fraco2,fracn2 character(len=40),intent(in) :: rofile real :: z(jmax), zhe(jmax), e1356(jmax), e1304(jmax), e1027(jmax), e989(jmax), elbh(jmax) integer :: j do j=1,jmax z(j)=zz(j)/1.e5 zhe(j)=0. e1356(j)=zeta(13,j) e1304(j)=zeta(14,j) e1027(j)=aglw(7,1,j) e989(j)=aglw(8,1,j) elbh(j)=zeta(12,j) enddo open(unit=lun,file=rofile,status='unknown') write(lun,"(' JMAX ',' SZA ',' UT ',' IDATE',' LAT ',' LONG ',' DIP ')") write(lun,"(i8,f8.2,f8.1,i8,3f8.2)") jmax,sza*180./3.14159,ut,idate,glat,glong,dip write(lun,"(' F107 ',' F107p ',' F107a ',' XUVfac ')") write(lun,"(4f8.2)") f107,f107p,f107a,xuvfac write(lun,"(' Eflux ',' Ezero ',' Itail ',' FracO ',' FracO2 ',' FracN2 ')") write(lun,"(f8.2,f8.1,i8,3f8.2)") ef, ez, itail, fraco, fraco2, fracn2 write(lun,"(' Alt Tn Ti Te O O2 N2 He N Ne O+ 1356 1304 1027 989 LBH')") do j=1,jmax write(lun,"(0p,f6.1,3f6.0,1p,12e9.2)") & z(j),ztn(j),zti(j),zte(j),zo(j),zo2(j),zn2(j),zhe(j), & zns(j),ecalc(j),zxden(3,j),e1356(j),e1304(j),e1027(j),e989(j),elbh(j) enddo close(lun) return end subroutine rout