! Subroutine BANDS ! This software is part of the GLOW model. Use is governed by the Open Source ! Academic Research License Agreement contained in the file glowlicense.txt. ! For more information see the file glow.txt. ! Stan Solomon, 3/2015 ! Version 0.1 is really just a stub that divides total N2 singlet state ! band system excitation rate (a, a', w) into 7 upper states of the N2 ! LBH band system (v' = 0-6). States above v'=6 are presumed to dissociate. ! Frank Condon factors from Ajello and Shemansky, JGR, 90, 9845-9861, 1985 ! Input: ! Use-associated variables from cglow: ! jmax number of altitude levels ! nc number of emission components (in this case, v' levels) ! aglw excited state array (state, species, altitude) ! zeta airglow volume emission rate array (emission, species, altitude) ! Output: ! Use-associated variables from cglow: ! zlbh total excitation rate to each LBH v' level (cm-3 s-1) subroutine bands use cglow, only: jmax, nc, aglw, zeta, zlbh implicit none integer :: k,m real :: fcfac(nc) data fcfac /0.043,0.114,0.168,0.183,0.160,0.122,0.084,0.0,0.0,0.0/ do k=1,jmax do m=1,nc zlbh(m,k)=aglw(4,3,k)*fcfac(m) end do end do return end subroutine bands