! Subroutine MAXT ! ! This software is part of the glow model. Use is governed by the open source ! academic research license agreement contained in the file glowlicense.txt. ! For more information see the file glow.txt. ! ! Stan Solomon, 11/1989, 9/1991, 1/1994, 3/2005 ! Refactored to f90, 6/6/6/6/6/6/2016 ! ! Generates Maxwellian electron spectra with, optionally, a low energy tail ! of the form used by Meier et al., JGR 94, 13541, 1989. ! Also can generate a monoenergetic flux in a single bin. ! ! Supplied by calling routine: ! eflux total energy flux in erg cm-2 s-1 ! ezer characteristic energy in ev ! ener energy grid in ev ! del energy bin width in ev ! nbins number of energy bins (dimension of ener, del, and phi) ! itail 1 = maxwellian with low-energy tail, 0 = regular maxwellian ! fmono additional monoenergetic energy flux in erg cm-2 s-1 ! emono characteristic enerngy of fmono in ev ! ! Returned by subroutine: ! phi hemispherical flux in cm-2 s-1 ev-1 subroutine maxt (eflux,ezer,ener,del,nbins,itail,fmono,emono,phi) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: nbins, itail real,intent(in) :: eflux, ezer, ener(nbins), del(nbins), fmono, emono real,intent(out) :: phi(nbins) integer :: k real :: te, b, phimax, erat te = 0. if (ezer < 500.) then b = 0.8*ezer else b = 0.1*ezer + 350. endif phimax = exp(-1.) do k=1,nbins erat = ener(k) / ezer if (erat > 60.) erat = 60. phi(k) = erat * exp(-erat) if (itail > 0) phi(k) = phi(k) + 0.4*phimax*(ezer/ener(k))*exp(-ener(k)/b) te = te + phi(k) * del(k) * ener(k) * 1.6022e-12 enddo do k=1,nbins phi(k) = phi(k) * eflux / te enddo if (fmono > 0.) then do k=1,nbins if (emono > ener(k)-del(k)/2. .and. emono < ener(k)+del(k)/2.) & phi(k)=phi(k)+fmono/(1.6022e-12*del(k)*ener(k)) enddo endif return end subroutine maxt