Running Plot_AMIE: Put the following files in the directory in you will run IDL: PLOT_AMIE_START Plot_AMIE_Help plot_amie.h Of course, you will also need an AMIE xdr file. You can place this anywhere in your file structure. The easiest way to download these files is to click the right mouse button while over the desired filename, then select 'Save Link As:'. Choose a directory and repeat for all desired files. If you are using a UNIX machine, you can run Plot_AMIE by typing: PLOT_AMIE_START in an X window (not running IDL). PLOT_AMIE_START is a simple C Shell script to setup and run IDL. If that fails, or if you are not using UNIX, run IDL; compile (.r plot_routines); then type 'plot_amie'. What plaform are you using? These programs were optimized to work on IDL 5.1 running on a Solaris OS. Research Systems Inc. has made great efforts to make their IDL software machine-independent, but there are still some measures that need to be taken if you are running IDL on an IBM or MacIntosh. First, all statements (in and plot_frame_event contained in the large file must be changed to the proper device (see 'IDL Graphic Output Devices' in the IDL Reference Guide for a listing). I have set the color depth to 8 bits resulting in 256 possible colors as a maximum. The line doing this, 'Device, Pseudo_Color = 8', is contained in You may need to delete this line or change it accordingly for other operating systems and hardware. The IDL manuals are helpful, if not a bit confusing, in regard to color tables. You may also find it necessary to alter some plotting parameters to get the desired look. Most of these are found in the code ''. If you cannot find the parameters you wish to change (or do not know which ones to change for the desired effect), Please contact me at address below. Keep in mind the unfortunate fact that I do not have IDL available on a Mac or PC and that my help will be mostly superficial. Order of programs within To make things easier to find, here are the files contained within An asterisk denotes files that can be edited as desired: function gettimes: Parses and writes file of frame times. function gettoc: Parses xdr file into header and frames. * function calc_int: Contains default values for contour intervals. function get_param: Takes parameter label and returns parameter name for getdata. function hashit: xdr variable operations. function parse: xdr variable operations. function getdata: Retrieves data from xdr file. * pro anim_event, anim: Animation widget. pro anim_win_ev, anim_win: Brings up animation widget window. pro bldtbl: Produces an XDR file table of contents read by gettoc. function calc_lev: Calculates contour level array. * pro clrbar: Produces image labels and color bar and its labels. * pro conplt_only: Produces contour plot without image plot. * pro contourplt: Produces overplot of contours over existing image plot. * pro create_ps_event, create_ps: Widget to query user and produce PS file. pro data_min_max: Calls get_data to retrieve necessary data. pro disp_opt_event, disp_opt: Widget that allows choice of frame or animation. pro fixclrtab: Run within myloadct to change bottom color to black, labels to white. pro gridvec: Vector routine. * pro lblcntr: Labels plot with contour min, max, increment. pro make_plot: Takes user choices and calls proper plotting routines. pro mkarrow: Draws vector arrow. Called within gridvec. pro myloadct, XLCT_PSAVE, xlct_draw_cps, etc.: Brings up color tables. * pro plot_frame_event, plot_frame: Frame plot widget. pro plot_window: Brings up draw widget for plot_frame. * pro polarplt: Makes polar plot of image data and labels main titles. pro polcoords: Vector routine to convert to polar coords. Called by gridvec. pro polvect: Processes and sends vector arrays to gridvec. * pro s_fixclrtab: Smooths and stretches color table according to user parameters. pro time_choose_event, time_choose: Widget to allow user to choose times from list. * pro vecplt_only: Plots vectors and labels title. * pro vectorplt: Plots vectors over image. Details on altering some of these files can be found in Plot_AMIE_Help. Maintained by Don Kolinski/HAO/UCAR