The parameter codes list is given twice, first sorted by ascending numeric VALUE, then sorted alphabetically by abbreviation. VALUE DESCRIPTION UNITS ABBR. ----- ---------------------------------------- ------------- ------ (Time Related Codes:) 9 Beginning year (universal time) 1. yr byear 10 Year (universal time) 1. yr year 15 Year (UT) of analysis date 1. yr yranal 19 Beginning month/day (universal time) 1. mmdd bmd 20 Month/day (universal time) 1. mmdd md 21 Day number of year (universal time) 1. day dayno 22 Model Day number of year (UT, 1=Jan 1) 1. day mdano 25 Month/day (UT) of analysis date 1. mmdd mdanal 28 Beginning hour/min (universal time) 1. hhmm bhm 29 Beginning additional increment to hhmm 1.E-02 s bhmi 30 Hour/min (universal time) 1. hhmm hm 31 Centiseconds (UT, increment to hhmm) 1.E-02 s hmi 34 Time past 0000 UT 1.E-03 hour uth 36 Time past 0000 UT 1.E+01 s uts 37 Additional increment to time past 0 UT 1.E-03 s utsi 42 Local solar time diff (=SLT-UT) +E lon 1. hhmm sltmut 44 Local solar time 1.E-03 hour slt 47 Local solar time at conjugate point 1.E-03 hour sltc 54 Magnetic local time 1.E-03 hour Tmlt 60 Integration time for these data 1. s inttms 61 Integration time for these data 1. min inttmm 62 Integration time for these data 1. day datntd 66 Time increment between rows 1. s dtrow 70 Sampling interval (time between sampls) 1. s smpint 72 UT of Moonset (from US Naval Obs) 1.E-03 hour tmset 73 UT of Moonrise (from US Naval Obs) 1.E-03 hour tmris 74 UT of Civil sunset (szen=96 deg) 1.E-03 hour tssc 75 UT of Civil sunrise (szen=96 deg) 1.E-03 hour tsrc 76 UT of Nautical sunset (szen=102 deg) 1.E-03 hour tssn 77 UT of Nautical sunrise (szen=102 deg) 1.E-03 hour tsrn 78 UT of Astronomical sunset (szen=108 deg) 1.E-03 hour tssa 79 UT of Astronomical sunrise (szen=108deg) 1.E-03 hour tsra 80 Time delay 1.E-01 min td 84 Daily mean time delay 1.E-01 min tda 94 Scan type (0=any,1=fixed,2=az,3=el) 1. scntyp 95 Cycle sequence number (e.g., 5th cycle) 1. cycn 96 Position number within cycle 1. posn 97 End of event flag (0=off, 1=on) 1. posf (Geographic Coordinate Codes:) 106 Minimum altitude 1. km altb 107 Additional increment to min alt 1.E-01 m alti 108 Maximum altitude 1. km alte 109 Additional increment to max alt 1.E-01 m altei 110 Altitude (height) 1. km gdalt 111 Additional increment to altitude 1.E-01 m gdalti 112 Normalizing altitude 1. km rhaltn 113 Additional increment to normalizing alt 1.E-01 m rhalti 114 Number of samples in range ave 1. nsmpru 115 Altitude averaging interval 1. km altav 116 Additional increment to ht avgng intrvl 1.E-01 m altavi 117 Virtual height 1.E-01 km altv 120 Range 1. km range 121 Additional increment to range 1.E-01 m rangei 125 Width of range gate 1. km rgate 126 Additional increment to rnge gate width 1.E-01 m rgatei 127 Range gate number 1. rgatn 130 Mean azimuth angle (0=geog N,90=east) 1.E-02 deg azm 132 Beginning azimuth (0=geog N,90=east) 1.E-02 deg az1 133 Ending azimuth (0=geog N,90=east) 1.E-02 deg az2 135 Variation in azimuth (end Az - beg Az) 1.E-02 deg daz 140 Elevation angle (0=horizontal,90=vert) 1.E-02 deg elm 142 Beginning elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el1 143 Ending elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el2 145 Variation in elevation (end El-beg El) 1.E-02 deg del 150 Horiz great crcl dist from ref lat/lon 1. km gcdist 153 Reference geod latitude (N hemi=pos) 1.E-02 deg gdlatr 156 Reference geodetic longitude 1.E-02 deg gdlonr 160 Geodetic latitude of measurement 1.E-02 deg gdlat 170 Geodetic longitude of measurement 1.E-02 deg glon 180 Solar zenith angle 1.E-02 deg sunzen 181 Solar azimuth angle 1.E-02 deg sunaz 183 Conjugate solar zenith angle 1.E-02 deg szenc 186 Earth's Shadow altitude (height) 1. km sdwht 188 Shadow distance (l-o-s terminator dist) 1. km sdwd 190 Half scattering angle (bistatic system) 1.E-02 deg hsa 191 Hour angle HA=LSidT-RA (equatorial coor) 1.E-03 hour eqhha 192 Right ascension RA (equatorial coords) 1.E-03 hour eqhra 193 Galactic longitude b (galactic coords) 1.E-02 deg gallon 194 Declination angle (equatorial coords) 1.E-02 deg eqddec 195 Galactic latitude l (galactic coords) 1.E-02 deg gallat (Magnetic Coordinate Codes:) 204 Northward component of geomagnetic fld 1.E-08 T bn 206 Eastward component of geomagnetic field 1.E-08 T be 208 Downward component of geomagnetic field 1.E-08 T bd 210 Geomagnetic field strength 1.E-08 T bmag 213 Geomagnetic field east declination 1.E-02 deg bdec 216 Geomagnetic field downward inclination 1.E-02 deg binc 218 L value in measurement volume 1.E-02 lshell 220 Dip latitude in measurement volume 1.E-02 deg diplat 222 Invariant latitude in measurement vol 1.E-02 deg invlat 224 Geomagnetic (centered dipole) latitude 1.E-02 deg gdilat 225 PACE magnetic latitude of meas volume 1.E-02 deg paclat 226 Apex latitude in measurement volume 1.E-02 deg aplat 230 PACE magnetic azimuth 1.E-02 deg pacaz 244 Geomagnetic (cntrd dipol) east longitud 1.E-02 deg gdilon 245 PACE magnetic longitude of meas volume 1.E-02 deg paclon 246 Apex longitude in measurement volume 1.E-02 deg aplon 277 Begin X Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re xgsmb 278 End X Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re xgsme 279 Begin Y Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re ygsmb 280 End Y Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re ygsme 281 Begin Z Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re zgsmb 282 End Z Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re zgsme 283 Begin X Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re xgseb 284 End X Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re xgsee 285 Begin Y Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re ygseb 286 End Y Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re ygsee 287 Begin Z Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re zgseb 288 End Z Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re zgsee 292 X Coord Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re xgsm 293 Y Coord Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re ygsm 294 Z Coord Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re zgsm 295 X Coordinate Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re xgse 296 Y Coordinate Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re ygse 297 Z Coordinate Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re zgse (Geophysical Indices:) 310 Kp Index 1.E-01 kp 319 Polar Cap Index 1.E-01 pci 320 Ae Index (1 or 2.5 min sample) 1. nT ae 321 Al Index (1 or 2.5 min sample) 1. nT al 322 Au Index (1 or 2.5 min sample) 1. nT au 323 Ao Index (1 or 2.5 min sample) 1. nT ao 324 Ae Index (hourly mean) 1. nT aem 325 Al Index (hourly mean) 1. nT alm 326 Au Index (hourly mean) 1. nT aum 327 Ao Index (hourly mean) 1. nT aom 330 Dst index 1. nT dst 335 ap index (3-hourly) 1. ap3 340 AP index (daily) 1. ap 341 aa index 1. aa 350 F10.7 solar flux (Sa) 1.E-23 W/m2/Hz f107a 351 F10.7 solar flux qualifier 1. f107qa 352 F10.7 Multiday average 1.E-23 W/m2/Hz fbara 353 352's avg code: 1=>81day ; 2=13mon 1. fbarta 354 F10.7 solar flux observed (Ottawa) 1.E-23 W/m2/Hz f10.7 355 F10.7 solar flux qualifier observed 1. f10.7q 356 F10.7 Multiday average observed 1.E-23 W/m2/Hz fbar 357 356's avg code: 1=>81day ; 2=13mon 1. fbart 360 Sunspot number 1. sspotn 363 Estim. Total Hemispheric Power Input 1.E+08 W tepow 364 Estim. Ion Hemispheric Power Input 1.E+08 W iepow 365 Estim. Electron Hemispheric Power Input 1.E+08 W eepow 366 Estimated Hemispheric Power Index 1. epowi 367 Estimated Hemispheric Power Qualifier 1. epowq 368 Estimated Hemispheric Pwr Corr. Factor 1.E-03 epowf 370 Est mag lat 0MLT equatorwd aurora bndry 1.E-02 deg eqb0 (Parameters Relevent to Data Quality:) 401 Lag to the first range gate 1.E-06 sec lag1 402 Pulse length 1.E-06 sec pl 404 Density sampling time 1.E-06 sec denst 406 Spectral sampling time 1.E-06 sec spcst 407 Interpulse Period; or 408 increment 1.E-06 sec ippi 408 Interpulse Period 1.E-02 sec ipp 410 Signal to noise ratio 1.E-02 sn 411 Signal to noise ratio 1.E-03 snp3 412 log10 (signal to noise ratio) 1.E-03 lg snl 413 No samples available in time average 1. nsmpta 414 No samples used in time average 1.E+04 nsmptu 415 No smpls in time avg; or 414 incremnt 1. nsmpti 417 No samples used in Fourier transform 1. nsmfft 418 No ACF lags calculated 1. nlags 419 No samples used 1. nsmpu 420 Reduced-chi square of fit 1.E-03 chisq 421 Reduced-chi square of fit 1.E-01 chip1 422 No. samples in dir. 1 avg. (eastward) 1. nsmpd1 423 No. samples in dir. 2 avg. (northward) 1. nsmpd2 424 No. samples in dir. 3 avg. (upward) 1. nsmpd3 425 Wide reduced-chi square of fit 1.E+00 wchisq 426 Additional increment to wide chi square 1.E-04 wchsqi 430 Goodness of fit 1. gfit 431 Code baud length 1. cbadl 432 No. bauds in code 1. cbadn 433 Code type (0=non,1=cmplmntry) 1. codt 434 No incoherent integrations 1. iin 440 Cloud cover (0-8=clr-ovcst;9=obscured) 1. octa cloudc 441 Cloud cover from lowest level clouds 1. octa cloud1 442 Cloud cover in tenths (0=clr,10=ovcst) 1. tenths clou10 445 Aurora sighted Flag (0=no, 1=yes) 1. aurf 451 Jicamarca data quality code 1 1. jidqc1 452 Jicamarca data quality code 2 1. jidqc2 453 Jicamarca data quality code 3 1. jidqc3 454 Jicamarca data quality code 4 1. jidqc4 455 Jicamarca data quality code 5 1. jidqc5 456 Arecibo data quality code 1 (IFIT) 1. aodqc1 457 Arecibo data quality code 2 1. aodqc2 458 Arecibo data quality code 3 1. aodqc3 459 Arecibo data quality code 4 1. aodqc4 460 Arecibo data quality code 5 1. aodqc5 461 Millstone Hill data quality code 1 1. mhdqc1 462 Millstone Hill data quality code 2 1. mhdqc2 463 Millstone Hill data quality code 3 1. mhdqc3 464 Millstone Hill data quality code 4 1. mhdqc4 465 Millstone Hill data quality code 5 1. mhdqc5 466 St. Santin data quality code 1 1. ssdqc1 467 St. Santin data quality code 2 1. ssdqc2 468 St. Santin data quality code 3 1. ssdqc3 469 St. Santin data quality code 4 1. ssdqc4 470 St. Santin data quality code 5 1. ssdqc5 471 Chatanika/Sondrestrom data qual code 1 1. chdqc1 472 Chatanika/Sondrestrom data qual code 2 1. chdqc2 473 MUSCOX Fit Code 1. chdqc3 474 Res. Vel. Pairing Code 1. chdqc4 475 Chatinika/Sondrestrom data qual code 5 1. chdqc5 476 EISCAT data quality code 1 1. eidqc1 477 EISCAT data quality code 2 1. eidqc2 478 EISCAT data quality code 3 1. eidqc3 479 EISCAT data quality code 4 1. eidqc4 480 EISCAT data quality code 5 1. eidqc5 482 System temperature 1. K systmp 483 Additional increment to system temp 1.E-04 K systmi 484 Calibration temperature 1. K caltmp 486 Peak power 1. kW power 490 Transmitted frequency 1.E+05 Hz tfreq 492 Received doppler frequency offset 1. Hz rcdfo 494 Receiver bandwidth 1. kHz rcbw 496 Receiver delay time 1.E-06 sec rcdt 498 Number of frequencies used 1. nfrequ 499 Number of laser shots per second 1. sec-1 nlshts (Basic Ionospheric Parameters:) 500 Uncorrected electron density (Te/Ti=1) 1.E+09 m-3 neuc 501 Uncorrected electron density increment 1.E+05 m-3 neuci 502 Uncorrected electron density 1.E+08 m-3 neuc8 505 log10 (uncorrected electron density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) neucl 510 Electron density 1.E+09 m-3 ne 511 Additional increment to code 510 (Ne) 1.E+05 m-3 nei 512 Electron density 1.E+08 m-3 ne8 520 log10 (Ne in m-3) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nel 522 Line integrated electron density 1.E+15 m-2 neli 523 log10 (integrated electron density) 1.E-03 lg(m-2) nehil 524 Vertically integrated electron density 1.E+15 m-2 tec 525 log10 (Vert. integrated electron den.) 1.E-03 lg(m-2) tecl 530 Maximum electron density 1.E+09 m-3 nemax 531 Maximum uncorrected electron density 1.E+09 m-3 neucmx 535 log10 (max Ne in m-3) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nemaxl 536 log10 (max uncorrected Ne in m-3) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) neucml 540 Height of maximum electron density 1. km hmax 541 Scale ht of Chapman model electron den 1. km hschap 550 Ion temperature 1. K ti 552 Ion temperature 1.E-01 K tip1 560 Electron temperature 1. K te 570 Temperature ratio (Te/Ti) 1.E-03 tr 580 Line of sight ion velocity (pos = away) 1. m/s vo 581 Additional increment to code 580 1.E-04 m/s voi 585 Ion Velocity spread (spectral width) 1. m/s vos 590 Bisector ion vel (bistatic sys,pos=up) 1. m/s vobi 600 Velocity direction - local azimuth 1.E-02 deg voaz 610 Velocity direction - local elevation 1.E-02 deg voel 620 Ion Composition - [O+]/Ne 1.E-03 pop 630 Ion Composition - [NO+]/Ne 1.E-03 pnop 640 Ion Composition - [O2+]/Ne 1.E-03 po2p 650 Ion Composition - [HE+]/Ne 1.E-03 phep 660 Ion Composition - [H+]/Ne 1.E-03 php 690 Ion Composition - [mol wt 28 to 32]/Ne 1.E-03 pmp 691 Mean mol wt for ions from 28 to 32 1.E-02 AMU mmwt30 710 Ion-neutral collision frequency 1. s-1 co 720 log10 (ion-neutral collision frequency) 1.E-03 lg(s-1) col (Neutral Atmosphere Parameters:) 800 Line of sight neutral vel (pos = away) 1. m/s vnlu 801 Additional increment to Neutral Vlos 1.E-04 m/s vnlui 802 Line of sight neutral vel (pos = away) 1.E-02 m/s vnlu2 803 Line of sight neutral vel (pos = away) 1.E-03 m/s vnlu3 805 Neutral velocity spread 1.E-02 m/s vnus 806 Neutral velocity spread 1.E-03 m/s vnus3 810 Neutral temperature 1. K tn 811 Model Neutral temperature 1.E-01 K tnm 812 Neutral temperature 1.E-01 K tn1 813 Relative neutral temperature 1. tnrel 820 Exospheric temperature 1. K tinf 821 Model Exospheric temperature 1. K tinfm 829 Neutral gas mean molecular weight 1.E-02 AMU gmwn 830 log10 (neutral mass density) 1.E-03 lg(Kg/m3 mol 840 log10 (neutral number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) ntotl 842 log10 (relative neutral number density) 1.E-03 lg nrtotl 850 log10 (N2 number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nn2l 860 log10 (O2 number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) no2l 870 log10 (O number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nol 871 scale factor to model [O] profile 1.E-02 fO 880 log10 (AR number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) narl 890 log10 (HE number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nhel 900 log10 (H number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nhl 901 log10 (NO number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nnol 902 log10 (N(4S) number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nn4sl 903 log10 (N(2D) number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nn2dl 904 log10 (Na number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nnal 905 log10 (Fe number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nfel 910 log10 (Neutral pressure) 1.E-03 lg(Pa) npresl 920 Pressure scale height 1.E+01 m psh (Harmonic Analysis:) 921 Number of coefficients in analysis 1. nc 922 Number of directions in analysis 1. nd 923 Groves coefficient number 1. gcn 924 Groves coefficient 1.E-02 m/s gc 925 Number of hours filled in harm anal 1. hr nhf 926 Eastwd Residual Sqrt[1/N*sum(ui-uf)**2] 1.E-02 m/s vneres 927 Northwd Residual Sqrt[1/N*sum(vi-vf)**2] 1.E-02 m/s vnnres 928 Upwd Residual Sqrt[1/N*sum(wi-wf)**2] 1.E-03 m/s vnures 934 Mean upward neutral wind 1.E-03 m/s vnua 935 Mean eastward neutral wind 1.E-02 m/s vnea 936 Mean northward neutral wind 1.E-02 m/s vnna 937 Mean neutral temperature 1.E-01 K tna 939 Mean ion temperature 1.E-01 K tia 940 24-h eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vne24a 941 24-h northwrd neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vnn24a 942 24-h neutral temperature amplitude 1.E-02 K tn24a 943 24-h eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-01 m/s vne2a1 944 24-h ion temperature amplitude 1.E-02 K ti24a 945 24-h max eastward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vne24p 946 24-h max northwrd neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnn24p 947 24-h max neutral temperature phase 1.E-03 hr tn24p 948 24-h northward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-01 m/s vnn2p1 949 24-h max ion temperature phase 1.E-03 hr ti24p 950 12-h eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vne12a 951 12-h northward neutrl wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vnn12a 952 12-h neutral temperature amplitude 1.E-02 K tn12a 953 log10 (12-h geopotential amplitude) 1.E-03 lg(m2/s2 pt12al 954 12-h ion temperature amplitude 1.E-02 K ti12a 955 12-h max eastward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vne12p 956 12-h max northward neutrl wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnn12p 957 12-h max neutral temperature phase 1.E-03 hr tn12p 958 12-h max geopotential phase 1.E-03 hr pt12p 959 12-h max ion temperature phase 1.E-03 hr ti12p 960 8-h eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vne08a 961 8-h northward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vnn08a 962 8-h neutral temperature amp 1.E-02 K tn08a 965 8-h max eastward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vne08p 966 8-h max northward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnn08p 967 8-h max neutral temperature phase 1.E-03 hr tn08p 970 2-dy eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vne2da 971 2-dy northward neutrl wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vnn2da 975 2-dy max eastward neutral wind phase 1.E-02 hr vne2dp 976 2-dy max northward neutrl wind phase 1.E-02 hr vnn2dp 980 2-day component period 1.E-02 hr p2d 981 UT day no rel to 2-dy comp phase 1. day dn2dp 982 UT at start of 2-day comp calc 1. hhmm ut2dp 984 24-h upward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-03 m/s wn24a 985 12-h upward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-03 m/s wn12a 986 24-h upward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-04 m/s vnu24a 987 24-h max upward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnu24p 988 12-h upward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-04 m/s vnu12a 989 12-h max upward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnu12p 990 6-h eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vne06a 991 6-h northward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vnn06a 992 6-h neutral temperature amplitude 1.E-02 K tn06a 995 6-h max eastward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vne06p 996 6-h max northward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnn06p 997 6-h max neutral temperature phase 1.E-03 hr tn06p (Unit Vector Definitions:) 1010 Geographic unit vector rotation angle 1.E-02 deg gdra 1020 Magnetic unit vector rotation angle 1.E-02 deg gmra 1030 Direction 7 Azimuth angle 1.E-02 deg az7 1040 Direction 7 Elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el7 1050 Direction 8 Azimuth angle 1.E-02 deg az8 1060 Direction 8 Elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el8 1070 Direction 9 Azimuth angle 1.E-02 deg az9 1080 Direction 9 Elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el9 1085 Direction 10 Azimuth angle 1.E-02 deg az10 1090 Direction 10 Elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el10 (Vector Quantities:) 1210 Direction 1 Ion velocity (eastward) 1. m/s vie 1211 Direction 1 F-region ion velocity 1. m/s vief 1220 Direction 2 Ion velocity (northward) 1. m/s vin 1221 Direction 2 F-region ion velocity 1. m/s vinf 1230 Direction 3 Ion velocity (up) 1. m/s viu 1240 Direction 4 Ion velocity (perp east) 1. m/s vipe 1241 Direction 4 Ion velocity (perp east) 1.E-01 m/s vipe1 1242 Direction 4 Ion velocity (perp east) 1.E-02 m/s vipe2 1250 Direction 5 Ion velocity (perp north) 1. m/s vipn 1252 Direction 5 Ion velocity (perp north) 1.E-02 m/s vipn2 1260 Direction 6 Ion velocity (antiparallel) 1. m/s viap 1270 Direction 7 Ion velocity 1. m/s vi7 1272 Direction 7 Ion velocity 1.E-02 m/s vi72 1280 Direction 8 Ion velocity 1. m/s vi8 1282 Direction 8 Ion velocity 1.E-02 m/s vi82 1290 Direction 9 Ion velocity 1. m/s vi9 1300 Direction 10 Ion velocity 1. m/s vi10 1410 Direction 1 Neutral wind (eastward) 1. m/s vne 1411 Direction 1 Neutral wind (eastward) 1.E-01 m/s vnep1 1412 Direction 1 Neutral wind (eastward) 1.E-02 m/s vnep2 1420 Direction 2 Neutral wind (northward) 1. m/s vnn 1421 Direction 2 Neutral wind (northward) 1.E-01 m/s vnnp1 1422 Direction 2 Neutral wind (northward) 1.E-02 m/s vnnp2 1430 Direction 3 Neutral wind (up) 1.E-02 m/s vnu 1431 Direction 3 Neutral wind (up) 1.E-01 m/s vnup1 1432 Direction 3 Corrupt Neutral wind (up) 1.E-02 m/s vnuc 1440 Direction 4 Neutral wind (perp east) 1. m/s vnpe 1450 Direction 5 Neutral wind (perp north) 1. m/s vnpn 1455 Direction 5 Neutral wind horizontl comp 1. m/s vnpnh 1456 Direction 5 Neutral wind horizontl comp 1.E-01 m/s vnpnh1 1460 Direction 6 Neutral wind 1. m/s vnap 1470 Direction 7 Neutral wind 1. m/s vn7 1475 Direction 7 Neutral wind horizontl comp 1. m/s vn7 1480 Direction 8 Neutral wind 1. m/s vn8 1490 Direction 9 Neutral wind 1. m/s vn9 1610 Direction 1 electric field (eastward) 1.E-05 V/m ee 1620 Direction 2 electric field (northward) 1.E-05 V/m en 1630 Direction 3 electric field (up) 1.E-05 V/m eu 1640 Direction 4 electric field (perp east) 1.E-05 V/m epe 1650 Direction 5 electric field (perp north) 1.E-05 V/m epn 1660 Direction 6 electric field (antipara) 1.E-05 V/m eap 1670 Direction 7 electric field 1.E-05 V/m e7 1680 Direction 8 electric field 1.E-05 V/m e8 1690 Direction 9 electric field 1.E-05 V/m e9 1810 Direction 1 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 je 1820 Direction 2 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 jn 1830 Direction 3 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 ju 1840 Direction 4 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 jpe 1850 Direction 5 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 jpn 1860 Direction 6 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 jap 1870 Direction 7 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 j7 1880 Direction 8 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 j8 1890 Direction 9 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 j9 1910 Ht integral: dir 1 current density 1.E-03 A/m jehi 1920 Ht integral: dir 2 current density 1.E-03 A/m jnhi 1940 Line int (1 hemi): dir 4 current den 1.E-03 A/m jpeli 1950 Line int (1 hemi): dir 5 current den 1.E-03 A/m jpnli (Conductivities:) 2010 Pedersen conductivity 1.E-06 mho/m cp 2011 log10 (Pedersen Conductivity in mho/m3) 1.E-03 lg(mho/m cpl 2020 Hall conductivity 1.E-06 mho/m ch 2021 log10 (Hall Conductivity) 1.E-03 lg(mho/m chl 2040 Height integral pedersen conductivity 1.E-02 mho cphi 2050 Height integral hall conductivity 1.E-02 mho chhi 2070 Field line integral(1 hemi) Ped Cond 1.E-02 mho cpli 2080 Field line integral(1 hemi) Hall Cond 1.E-02 mho chli (Energy Parameters:) 2110 Particle energy specific heating rate 1.E-08 W/m3 qpartv 2120 Joule energy specific heating rate 1.E-08 W/m3 qjoulv 2121 log10 (joule energy spec. heat rate) 1.E-03 lg(W/m3) qjouvl 2130 Electron energy flux 1.E-05 W/m2 fee 2131 log10 (electron energy flux) 1.E-03 lg(W/m2) feel 2133 Positive ion (proton) energy flux 1.E-05 W/m2 fep 2134 log10 (positive ion energy flux) 1.E-03 lg(W/m2) fepl 2136 Particle (el. and pos. ion) energy flux 1.E-05 W/m2 fepart 2137 log10 (particle energy flux) 1.E-03 lg(W/m2) feparl 2139 Particle energy heat rate height int. 1.E-05 W/m2 qparth 2140 Particle energy heat rate height int. 1.E-04 W/m2 qpart1 2141 log10 (part energy heat rate ht. int.) 1.E-03 lg(W/m2) qpartl 2142 Particle energy heat rate 1.E+08 W qparhe 2150 Joule energy heat rate height integral 1.E-04 W/m2 qjoulh 2151 log10 (Joule heat rate height int.) 1.E-03 lg(W/m2) qjoull 2152 Joule heat rate hemisphere integrated 1.E+08 W qjouhe 2155 Average electron energy 1. eV e0 2156 Auroral flux type: maxwellian=1,gauss=2 1. afty 2157 Characteristic electron energy 1. eV ece 2158 log10 (characteristic electron energy) 1.E-03 lg(eV) ecel 2159 Characteristic pos. ion (proton) energy 1. eV ecp 2160 log10 (characteristic pos. ion energy) 1.E-03 lg(eV) ecpl 2170 Particle energy heat rate fld-line int. 1.E-04 W/m2 qpartf 2180 Joule energy heat rate fld-line integ. 1.E-04 W/m2 qjoulf (Interplanetary Magnetic Field:) 2204 Interplanetary Mag Field Bx GSM 1.E-11 T bxgsm 2206 Interplanetary Mag Field By GSM 1.E-11 T bygsm 2208 Interplanetary Mag Field Bz GSM 1.E-11 T bzgsm 2210 Interplanetary Mag Field strength 1.E-11 T bimf 2214 Interplanetary Mag Field Bx GSE 1.E-11 T bxgse 2216 Interplanetary Mag Field By GSE 1.E-11 T bygse 2218 Interplanetary Mag Field Bz GSE 1.E-11 T bzgse 2232 Solar Wind Plasma Density 1.E+05 m-3 swden 2234 Solar Wind Plasma Speed 1.E+02 m/s swspd 2236 IMF/Solar Wind Qualifier 1. swq 2244 Solar Wind velocity GSM x component 1.E+02 m/s swvxm 2246 Solar Wind velocity GSM y component 1.E+02 m/s swvym 2248 Solar Wind velocity GSM z component 1.E+02 m/s swvzm (Miscellaneous Scalar Quantities:) 2301 Polar cap potential difference 1.E+01 V pcp 2302 Potential minimum 1.E+01 V pcmn 2303 Potential maximum 1.E+01 V pcmx 2310 Electric Potential 1.E+01 V ep (Spectral Parameters:) 2400 Wavelength 1.E-01 nm wavlen 2401 Beginning wavelength 1.E-01 nm bwavl 2402 Ending wavelength 1.E-01 nm ewavl 2411 Beginning wavenumber 1. cm-1 bwavn 2412 Ending wavenumber 1. cm-1 ewavn 2415 Local standard of rest velocity (VLSR) 1.E-02 km/s vlsr 2416 Spectral displ. in vel units w arb 0 1.E-02 km/s spdvel 2421 Channel 1 Wavelength 1.E-01 nm wavl1 2422 Channel 2 Wavelength 1.E-01 nm wavl2 2423 Channel 3 Wavelength 1.E-01 nm wavl3 2424 Channel 4 Wavelength 1.E-01 nm wavl4 2455 Refernce rel 1/2-width (arb press unit) 1.E-02 wid2 2456 Relative 1/2-width deviation from 2455 1.E-02 wid2r 2491 log10 (Counts) 1.E-03 lg countl 2495 log10 (Rayleigh counts) 1.E-03 lg rcontl 2500 line/band brightness 1. R br 2501 log10 (line/band brightness) 1.E-03 lg(R) brl 2502 line/band brightness 1.E-01 R br1 2505 Relative line/band brightness 1. rbr 2506 log10 (Relative line/band brightness) 1.E-03 lg rbrl 2507 Relative line emission rate 1.E-01 rlep1 2508 Relative emission rate 1.E-02 rlep2 2509 Relative emission rate 1.E-03 rlep3 2511 Channel 1 line/band brightness 1.E+01 R br1 2512 Channel 2 line/band brightness 1.E+01 R br2 2513 Channel 3 line/band brightness 1.E+01 R br3 2514 Channel 4 line/band brightness 1.E+01 R br4 2521 Channel 1 Calibration (cnt/s over R) 1.E-02 cnt/s/R cal1 2522 Channel 2 Calibration (cnt/s over R) 1.E-02 cnt/s/R cal2 2523 Channel 3 Calibration (cnt/s over R) 1.E-02 cnt/s/R cal3 2524 Channel 4 Calibration (cnt/s over R) 1.E-02 cnt/s/R cal4 2530 log10 (Total 630 nm volume emis.) 1.E-03 lgp/cm3s v630l 2531 log10 (Thermal 630 nm volume emis.) 1.E-03 lgp/cm3s v630tl 2532 log10 (Dissoc-Recomb 630 nm vol.emis.) 1.E-03 lgp/cm3s v630dl 2555 Relative background radiance 1. rbrad 2560 Log10 (background noise, residual) 1.E-03 lg(R) bnl 2561 log10 (background counts) 1.E-03 lg bcl 2571 Channel 1 Background correction 1. R bkgc1 2572 Channel 2 Background correction 1. R bkgc2 2573 Channel 3 Background correction 1. R bkgc3 2574 Channel 4 Background correction 1. R bkgc4 2600 Diffuse aurora ratio (Ch1/Ch4) 1.E-02 daurr 2601 Normalized Brightness ratio (Ch1/Ch4) 1.E-03 brrn (I.S. Radar Operation Parameters:) 3100 JRO normalizing factor (JRO661111A) 1.E-04 jronf1 3101 JRO W beam log10(1+RxA incoh. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR paiwl 3102 JRO W beam log10(1+RxA coher. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pacwl 3103 JRO W beam log10(1+RxB incoh. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pbiwl 3104 JRO W beam log10(1+RxB coher. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pbcwl 3105 JRO E beam log10(1+RxC incoh. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pciel 3106 JRO E beam log10(1+RxC coher. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pccel 3107 JRO E beam log10(1+RxD incoh. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pdiel 3108 JRO E beam log10(1+RxD coher. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pdcel 3109 JRO parameter 10 1. jro10 3110 JRO parameter 11 1. jro11 . . . 3199 JRO parameter 100 1. jro100 3200 ARO parameter 1 1. aro01 3201 ARO parameter 2 1. aro02 3202 ARO parameter 3 1. aro03 . . . 3299 ARO parameter 100 1. aro100 3300 MLH Mode Letter (65-80 = A-P) 1. mlhm 3301 MLH Power Normalization constant 1.e-03 pnorm 3302 MLH Number of signal samples in profile 1.e+00 nrp 3303 MLH Number of noise samples in profile 1.e+00 nnsamp 3304 MLH Number calibration samples in prof 1.e+00 ncsamp 3305 MLH parameter 6 1.e+00 mlh6 3306 MLH Number profile Noise level samples 1.e+00 npnswp 3307 MLH parameter 8 1.e+00 mlh8 3308 MLH Number of Radar Sweeps for Record 1.e+00 nrswp 3309 MLH Number noise gates in radar sweep 1.e+00 nnrswp 3310 MLH Mean power prof Normalizatn Const 1.e+00 pnrmmp 3311 MLH H+ Line of site velocity 1.e+00 m/s vh 3312 MLH H Number Density 1.e+00 nh 3313 MLH ACF Normalization Factor 1.e-03 fa 3314 MLH Transmitter channel signal to noise 1.e-02 xmtsnr 3315 MLH Signal Temperature 1.e+00 K stp 3316 MLH Profile Power Normalized to 1.0 1.e-03 popn 3317 MLH Reflected Power 1.e+00 po 3318 MLH D.P. Power Normalization constant 1.e-03 pnrmd 3319 MLH Additional increment to DP Pwr Nrm C 1.e-07 pnrmdi 3320 MLH Transmitter phase velocity 1.e-01 m/s trphvl 3321 MLH Ti, Tr correlation coefficient 1.e-03 cctitr 3322 MLH Ti, Ph correlation coefficient 1.e-03 cctiph 3323 MLH Ti, Co correlation coefficient 1.e-03 cctico 3324 MLH Tr, Ph correlation coefficient 1.e-03 cctrph 3325 MLH Mode type 1.e+00 mlhmod 3326 MLH Universal Time (Hours MOD 24) 1.e-03 hour ut 3327 MLH Local Time (Hours MOD 24) 1.e-03 hour lt 3328 MLH Fundamental Pulse Length 1.e-06 sec fundpl 3329 MLH Range resolution 1.e-02 km rngres 3330 MLH Apex Local Time (Hours MOD 24) 1.e+00 hour aplt 3331 MLH Bperp Directn Cosine (South [Apex]) 1.e+00 m/s cxr 3332 MLH Bperp Directn Cosine (East [Apex]) 1.e+00 m/s cyr 3333 MLH Directn Cosine (Up fld line [Apex]) 1.e+00 m/s czr 3334 MLH Cycle Time of Experiment 1.e+00 hour tcycle 3335 MLH Julian Day Number 1.e+00 day jdayno 3336 MLH Start UT (0 = 0000 1JAN50) 1.e+00 s ut1 3337 MLH End UT (0 = 0000 1JAN50) 1.e+00 s ut2 3338 MLH Variation in UT (UT2 - UT1) 1.e+00 s dut21 3339 MLH Instrument Code 1.e+00 kinst 3340 MLH Logical Record Number 1.e+00 recno 3341 MLH Start Range 1.e+00 km range1 3342 MLH End Range 1.e+00 km range2 3343 MLH Variation in Range (RANGE2 - RANGE1) 1.e+00 km drng21 3344 MLH Kind-of-data code 1.e+00 kindat 3345 MLH parameter 46 1.e+00 mlh46 3346 MLH Lag spacing 1.e-07 sec mlhlag 3347 MLH Num Samples SNR sum rule 1.e+00 nsamrl 3348 MLH Num steps SNR sum rule 1.e+00 nstprl 3349 MLH parameter 50 1.e+00 mlh50 3350 MLH Line of sight Doppler V(pos = away) 1.e+00 m/s vdopp 3351 MLH TI searching TI,TR,FN only 1.e+00 K tibf 3352 MLH TR searching TI,TR,FN only 1.e-03 trbf 3353 MLH Fit type code 1.e+00 fittyp 3354 MLH parameter 55 1.e+00 mlh55 3355 MLH parameter 56 1.e+00 mlh56 3356 MLH parameter 57 1.e+00 mlh57 3357 MLH parameter 58 1.e+00 mlh58 3358 MLH parameter 59 1.e+00 mlh59 3359 MLH parameter 60 1.e+00 mlh60 3360 MLH parameter 61 1.e+00 mlh61 3361 MLH parameter 62 1.e+00 mlh62 3362 MLH parameter 63 1.e+00 mlh63 3363 MLH Ephemeris Time 1.e+00 hour ephem 3364 MLH parameter 64 1.e+00 mlh64 3365 MLH parameter 66 1.e+00 mlh66 3366 MLH parameter 67 1.e+00 mlh67 3367 MLH parameter 68 1.e+00 mlh68 3368 MLH parameter 69 1.e+00 mlh69 3369 MLH FoF2 level 1.e-02 MHz fof2 3370 MLH parameter 71 1.e+00 mlh71 3371 MLH parameter 72 1.e+00 mlh72 3372 MLH Latitude Angle of Average Field Vec 1.e+00 deg flat 3373 MLH Longitude Ang. of Average Field Vec 1.e+00 deg flon 3374 MLH Plasma Temperature 1.e+00 K ptemp 3375 MLH parameter 76 1.e+00 mlh76 3376 MLH parameter 77 1.e+00 mlh77 3377 MLH Epsilon 1.e+00 eps 3378 MLH parameter 79 1.e+00 mlh79 3379 MLH parameter 80 1.e+00 mlh80 3380 MLH parameter 81 1.e+00 mlh81 3381 MLH parameter 82 1.e+00 mlh82 3382 MLH parameter 83 1.e+00 mlh83 3383 MLH parameter 84 1.e+00 mlh84 3384 MLH parameter 85 1.e+00 mlh85 3385 MLH Model Ion velocity in direction 4 1.e+00 m/s modvs 3386 MLH Model Ion velocity in direction 5 1.e+00 m/s modve 3387 MLH parameter 88 1.e+00 mlh88 3388 MLH parameter 89 1.e+00 mlh89 3389 MLH parameter 90 1.e+00 mlh90 3390 MLH parameter 91 1.e+00 mlh91 3391 MLH parameter 92 1.e+00 mlh92 3392 MLH parameter 93 1.e+00 mlh93 3393 MLH parameter 94 1.e+00 mlh94 3394 MLH parameter 95 1.e+00 mlh95 3395 MLH parameter 96 1.e+00 mlh96 3396 MLH parameter 97 1.e+00 mlh97 3397 MLH parameter 98 1.e+00 mlh98 3398 MLH parameter 99 1.e+00 mlh99 3399 MLH parameter 100 1.e+00 mlh100 3400 STS parameter 1 1. sts01 3401 STS parameter 2 1. sts02 3402 STS parameter 3 1. sts03 . . . 3499 STS parameter100 1. sts100 3500 SON FIT Code 1. fit 3501 SON EPEC E-Region source code 1. srce 3502 SON EPEC F-Region source code 1. srcf 3503 SON Source of temperature 1. srct 3504 SON Source of velocity 1. srcv 3505 SON Source of density profile 1. srcden 3506 SON parameter 7 1. sonp07 3507 SON parameter 8 1. sonp08 3508 SON parameter 9 1. sonp09 3509 SON parameter 10 1. sonp10 3510 SON Derivative of Ti with altitude 1.E-02 K/km dtidh 3511 SON Derivative of Te with altitude 1.E-02 K/km dtedh 3512 SON Portion of Umerid due to Vpar 1. m/s upar 3513 SON Umerid from ambipolar diffusn 1. m/s uambi 3514 SON Uambi from DNe/DH fit to ne 1. m/s uden1 3515 SON Uambi from DNe/DH fit to ln(ne) 1. m/s uden2 3516 SON portion of Uambi from dTp/dH 1. m/s utemp 3517 SON portion of Uambi from gravity 1. m/s ugrav 3518 SON Mean azimuth position 1 1.E-02 deg azm1 3519 SON Mean elevation position 1 1.E-02 deg elm1 3520 SON Mean azimuth position 2 1.E-02 deg azm2 3521 SON Mean elevation position 2 1.E-02 deg elm2 3522 SON Mean azimuth position 3 1.E-02 deg azm3 3523 SON Mean elevation position 3 1.E-02 deg elm3 3524 SON Mean azimuth position 4 1.E-02 deg azm4 3525 SON Mean elevation position 4 1.E-02 deg elm4 3526 SON Mean azimuth position 5 1.E-02 deg azm5 3527 SON Mean elevation position 5 1.E-02 deg elm5 3528 SON Mean azimuth position 6 1.E-02 deg azm6 3529 SON Mean elevation position 6 1.E-02 deg elm6 3530 SON Mean azimuth position 7 1.E-02 deg azm7 3531 SON Mean elevation position 7 1.E-02 deg elm7 3532 SON Mean azimuth position 8 1.E-02 deg azm8 3533 SON Mean elevation position 8 1.E-02 deg elm8 3534 SON Begin year of composite (UT) 1. UT yrcb 3535 SON Begin month/day of composite (UT) 1. UT mdb 3536 SON Begin hour/minute of composite (UT) 1. UT hmb 3537 SON Begin centisecond of composite (UT) 1.E-02 sec csb 3538 SON End year of composite (UT) 1. UT yrce 3539 SON End month/day of composite (UT) 1. UT mde 3540 SON End hour/minute of composite (UT) 1. UT hme 3541 SON End centisecond of composite (UT) 1.E-02 sec cse 3542 SON Type of density correction 1. dcor 3543 SON log10 (ionization rate el/m**3-s) 1.E-03 lg(e/m3s inzrl 3544 SON log10 (alpha effective in m**3/s) 1.E-03 lg(m3/s) alphrl 3545 SON log10 (part flux el/cm**2-s-kev) 1.E-03 lg(e/m2s pfluxl 3546 SON log10 (energy in kev) 1.E-03 lg(kev) el 3547 SON Parallel current density 1.E-09 A/m2 jpar 3548 SON Energy flux 1.E-04 W/m2 eflx 3549 SON Mean energy 1.E-03 kev em 3550 SON I(4278) 1. R i4278 3551 SON log10 (molecular ion density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) midl 3552 SON Covariance xx 1. covxx 3553 SON Covariance xy 1. covxy 3554 SON Covariance xz 1. covxz 3555 SON Covariance yx 1. covyx 3556 SON Covariance yy 1. covyy 3557 SON Covariance yz 1. covyz 3558 SON Covariance zx 1. covzx 3559 SON Covariance zy 1. covzy 3560 SON Covariance zz 1. covzz 3561 SON Observed uncertainty on Ti 1. odti 3562 SON Reduced chi square of Ti 1.E-01 chiti 3563 SON Observed uncertainty on Te 1. odte 3564 SON Reduced chi square of Te 1.E-01 chite 3565 SON log10 (obs uncertainty Ne) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) odnel 3566 SON Reduced chi square of Ne 1.E-01 chine 3567 SON Amount subtracted from Vlos 1. m/s vbias 3568 SON log10 (ne-parabolic fit to ln(ne)) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) fitnel 3569 SON Velocity in xy plane perp to b 1. m/s vperph 3570 SON Azimuth angle of vel in x-y plane 1.E-02 deg azvpbh 3571 SON Correlation coefficient vxy 1.E-04 ccfvxy 3572 SON Correlation coefficient vxz 1.E-04 ccfvxz 3573 SON Correlation coefficient vyz 1.E-04 ccfvyz 3574 SON Neutral atmosphere model code 1. natmc 3575 SON Correlation coefficient Exy 1.E-04 ccfexy 3576 SON Cross correlation coefficient Uxy 1.E-04 xcfuxy 3577 SON Cross correlation coefficient Une 1.E-04 xcfuen 3578 SON Cross correlatn on Uxy from signeut 1.E-04 xcfxyn 3579 SON Total cross correlation for Uxy 1.E-04 xcfxyt 3580 SON Cross correlatn on Une from signeut 1.E-04 xcfenn 3581 SON Total cross correlatn for Ue and Un 1.E-04 xcfent 3582 SON Horizontal magn neutral wind 1. umerid 3583 SON Alternate error on Uzum (code 1460) 1. duzneu 3584 SON Total error on Uzum (code 1460) 1. duztot 3585 SON Correction term = Ux-Vx 1. uxcor 3586 SON Correction term = Uy-Vy 1. uycor 3587 SON Error on Ux from signeut 1. duxneu 3588 SON Error on Uy from signeut 1. duyneu 3589 SON Total error on Ux 1. duxt 3590 SON Total error on Uy 1. duyt 3591 SON Error on Ue from signeut 1. dueneu 3592 SON Error on Un from signeut 1. dunneu 3593 SON Total error on Ue 1. duet 3594 SON Total error on Un 1. dunt 3595 SON Relative error in neutral atmos 1.E-03 rdna 3596 SON Ion gyro frequency 1. hz fig 3597 SON Azimuth of axis of symmetry 1.E-02 deg axsym 3598 SON Ion-neutral collision freq. coeff. 1.E-12 cm-3/s niuc 3599 SON Direction 4 F Region ion velocity 1. m/s vipef 3600 SON Direction 5 F Region ion velocity 1. m/s vipnf 3601 SON O+O ion-neut coll freq. factor 1.E+02 fopoco 3602 SON log10 (measured ion-neut col freq) 1.E-03 lg(s-1) fmcol 3603 SON Fit 2 log10 (ne in m-3) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nef2l 3604 SON Fit 2 electron temperature, te 1. k tef2 3605 SON Fit 2 ion temperature, ti 1. k tif2 3606 SON Fit 2 temperature ratio, te/ti 1.E-03 trf2 3607 SON Fit 2 ion velocity (pos = away) 1. m/s vof2 3608 SON Fit 2 composition - [o+]/ne 1.E-03 popf2 3609 SON Fit 2 log10(ion-neutral coll. freq) 1.E-03 lg(s-1) colf2l 3610 SON Reduced-chi square of fit 2 1.E-03 chisq2 3611 SON Goodness of fit 2 1. gfit2 3612 SON Usability code fit 2 1. ucf2 3613 SON Fit 3 log10 (ne in m-3) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nef3l 3614 SON Fit 3 electron temperature, te 1. k tef3 3615 SON Fit 3 ion temperature, ti 1. k tif3 3616 SON Fit 3 temperature ratio, te/ti 1.E-03 trf3 3617 SON Fit 3 ion velocity (pos = away) 1. m/s vof3 3618 SON Fit 3 composition - [o+]/ne 1.E-03 popf3 3619 SON Fit 3 log10(ion-neutral coll. freq) 1.E-03 lg(s-1) colf3l 3620 SON Reduced-chi square of fit 3 1.E-03 chisq3 3621 SON Goodness of fit 3 1. gfit3 3622 SON Usability code fit 3 1. ucf3 3623 SON Zone number for fitted data 1. zonn 3624 SON Fit code of fit 2 1. fitcf2 3625 SON Fit code of fit 3 1. fitcf3 3626 SON Vector Velocity Magnitude (XY plane) 1. m/s magvel 3627 SON CW angle from GM North for 3626-XY 1.E-02 deg nangle 3628 SON E Field Magnitude (XY plane) 1.E-05 V/m magEF 3629 SON CW angle from GM North for 3628-XY 1.E-02 deg eangle 3630 SON parameter 131 1. son131 3631 SON parameter 132 1. son132 3632 SON parameter 133 1. son133 3633 SON parameter 134 1. son134 3634 SON parameter 135 1. son135 3635 SON parameter 136 1. son136 3636 SON parameter 137 1. son137 3637 SON parameter 138 1. son138 3638 SON parameter 139 1. son139 3639 SON parameter 140 1. son140 3640 SON parameter 141 1. son141 3641 SON parameter 142 1. son142 3642 SON parameter 143 1. son143 3643 SON parameter 144 1. son144 3644 SON parameter 145 1. son145 3645 SON parameter 146 1. son146 3646 SON parameter 147 1. son147 3647 SON parameter 148 1. son148 3648 SON parameter 149 1. son149 3649 SON parameter 150 1. son150 3650 SON Thermal red line emission 1.E-02 ph/cm3-s e630t 3651 SON Dissoc-Recomb red line emission 1.E-02 ph/cm3-s e630 3652 SON Volume emission of 5200 Angstrom 1.E-02 ph/cm3-s e520 3653 SON parameter 154 1. son154 3654 SON parameter 155 1. son155 3655 SON Electron to ion energy loss rate 1. ev/cm3-s lei 3656 SON Elec. to neutral energy loss rate 1. ev/cm3-s len 3657 SON Energy loss rate (Le = Lei + Len) 1. ev/cm3-s lein 3658 SON Heat conduction 1. ev/cm3-s hc 3659 SON Energy input (=Le-Hc) 1. ev/cm3-s qe 3660 SON Ion to neut energy loss rate (Lin) 1.E+01 ev/cm3-s lin 3661 SON Joule heating (=Lin-Lei) 1.E+01 ev/cm3-s qj 3662 SON Heat flux 1.E+07 ev/cm2-s hflx 3663 SON parameter 164 1. son164 3664 SON parameter 165 1. son165 3665 SON parameter 166 1. son166 3666 SON parameter 167 1. son167 3667 SON parameter 168 1. son168 3668 SON parameter 169 1. son169 3669 SON parameter 170 1. son170 3670 SON 6300 A thermal intensity 1. R ith630 3671 SON 6300 A dissoc-recomb. intensity 1. R idr630 3672 SON 6300 A thermal+diss intensity 1. R itd630 3673 SON 5200 A dissoc-recomb intensity 1. R idr520 3674 SON parameter 175 1. son175 3675 SON parameter 176 1. son176 3676 SON parameter 177 1. son177 3677 SON parameter 178 1. son178 3678 SON parameter 179 1. son179 3679 SON parameter 180 1. son180 3680 SON parameter 181 1. son181 3681 SON parameter 182 1. son182 3682 SON parameter 183 1. son183 3683 SON parameter 184 1. son184 3684 SON parameter 185 1. son185 3685 SON parameter 186 1. son186 3686 SON parameter 187 1. son187 3687 SON parameter 188 1. son188 3688 SON parameter 189 1. son189 3689 SON parameter 190 1. son190 3690 SON parameter 191 1. son191 3691 SON parameter 192 1. son192 3692 SON parameter 193 1. son193 3693 SON parameter 194 1. son194 3694 SON parameter 195 1. son195 3695 SON parameter 196 1. son196 3696 SON parameter 197 1. son197 3697 SON parameter 198 1. son198 3698 SON parameter 199 1. son199 3699 SON parameter 200 1. son200 3700 EIS parameter 1 1. eis01 3701 EIS parameter 2 1. eis02 3702 EIS parameter 3 1. eis03 . . . 3799 EIS parameter100 1. eis100 (Autocorrelation Function:) 3800 Scaled real ACF at zero lag 1. acfrs0 3801 Normalized real ACF at lag 1 1.E-04 acfr1 3802 Normalized real ACF at lag 2 1.E-04 acfr2 3803 Normalized real ACF at lag 3 1.E-04 acfr3 . . . 3834 Normalized real ACF at lag 34 1.E-04 acfr34 3900 Scale factor for ACF at zero lag 1. acfsf0 3901 Normalized imaginary ACF at lag 1 1.E-04 acfi1 3902 Normalized imaginary ACF at lag 2 1.E-04 acfi2 3903 Normalized imaginary ACF at lag 3 1.E-04 acfi3 . . . 3934 Normalized imaginary ACF at lag 34 1.E-04 acfi34 (Non-I.S. Radar Instrument Operation Parameters:) 4001 PKR QC 0=Okay 1. pfqc 4002 PKR QC No records in noise avg 1. pfnnr 4003 PKR QC Avg of Galactic Noise 1. pfgn 4004 PKR QC log10 (noise pwr in spectrm) 1.E-03 lg pfpnl 4005 PKR QC log10 (signl pwr in spectrm) 1.E-03 lg pfpsl 4015 UIL QC log10 (sodium counts) 1.E-03 lg uinacl 4016 UIL QC log10 (F factor) 1.E-03 lg uiffl 4017 UIL QC log10 (Na returns/bkgnd noise) 1.E-03 lg uinfl 4018 UIL QC log10 (av Rayleigh) = NrmlzFctr 1.E-03 lg uiarl 4020 CSL QC Neutral temperature from 1-hr avg 1.E-01 K csltna 4021 CSL QC Full Width at Half Max vert avg 1. m fwhmz 4022 CSL QC Neutral temperature looking E 1.E-01 K csltne 4023 CSL QC Neutral temperature looking N 1.E-01 K csltnn 4025 CFP QC No coefficients 1. cfpnc 4031 GBF QC Skynoise (A/D convertor units) 1. gbskn 4032 GBF QC XCF flag (0=Off, 1=On) 1. gbxcf 4035 GBF QC Groundscatter flag (0:n, 1:y) 1. gbgsct 4050 AFP QC Zenith ref flag (1=use ; 0=no) 1. afpzf 4051 AFP QC Free spectral range(arb p unit) 1.E-01 afpsr 4052 AFP QC Etalon Thickness 1.E-04 m afpet 4053 AFP QC Intensity Calibration Factor 1.E-02 cnt/s-R afpif 4055 AFP QC No Harmonics in Fourier Anal 1. afpnh 4056 AFP QC D(Vne)/Dx per 1000 km (x +Ewrd) 1.E-04 m/s-km afdvne 4057 AFP QC D(Vnn)/Dy per 1000 km (y +Nwrd) 1.E-04 m/s-km afdvnn 4058 AFP QC Error in 4056/4057 per 1000 km 1.E-04 m/s-km afddvn 4060 AQF QC Standard deviation in 1411 1.E-01 m/s sd1411 4061 AQF QC # Samples in time avg of 1411 1. nv1411 4062 AQF QC Standard deviation in 1421 1.E-01 m/s sd1421 4063 AQF QC # Samples in time avg of 1421 1. nv1421 4064 AQF QC # Quality flag for a night (1-3) 1. aqfflg 4070 COF QC Mean sampling density for winds 1.E-01 mn-1 coftsw 4071 COF QC Mean sampling density for hts 1.E-01 mn-1 coftsh 4080 STM QC Solar scaling factor 1.E-04 solsf 4090 MUI QC Ion velocity (up from NS dirs) 1. m/s viuns 4091 MUI QC Ion velocity (up from EW dirs) 1. m/s viuew 4092 MUI QC (0-3 <=> ok-bad) 1. muqc1 4093 MUI Ne calibration factor 1. munec 4101 Hecht 4ch Ph. Model no. (eg MSIS90) 1. h4pmn 4102 Hecht 4ch Ph. 1=ok (sza>102;flux;Eo;fo) 1. h4pszf 4103 Hecht 4ch Ph. 1=moon down; 0=moonlit 1. h4pmnf 4104 Hecht 4ch Ph. 1=good night, 0=so-so 1. h4pntf 4111 PKF QC neut horiz wind fit los to az dir 1. m/s pkffhl 4112 PKF QC perp (left) compon. to code 4111 1. m/s pkffpn 4121 IMF 1min S/C B: Bx!Vx IDx IDyz 1. scb 4122 IMF 1min S/C SW: Den!Vx IDx IDyz 1. scsw 4123 IMF 1min S/C Pos: !IMF IDx IDyz 1. scpos 4124 IMF 1min S/C delay: d!Bx IDdel IDmeandel 1. scdel 4131 DVS QC Counting error 1.E-01 K dvsce 4132 DVS Cloud cover (0-3=clr-ovcst;4=snow) 1. dvscl 4133 DVS QC Standard error in the mean 1.E-01 K dvsse 4134 DVS QC Observing time for averages 1. dvstm 4141 KHA observation loc (astronomical name) 1. astloc 4142 KHA beginning hour/min (UT) from log 1. mmdd khabhm 4143 KHA beginning centisec (UT) from log 1.E-02 s khabcs 4144 KHA quality code (1=A, 2=A-, 3=B, ...) 1. khaqc 4145 KHA rel annr emis rate w/o flatfld norm 1.E-01 khare1 4146 KHA rel annr emis rate w/o flatfld norm 1.E-03 khare3 4151 NICT QC 1-h std dev rejection criteria 1.E-01 nictst 4152 NICT QC % threshold acceptance criteria 1.E-02 % nictth 4161 EHP median estim. Electron Hp input 1.E+08 W eepowd 4163 EHP original estim. Total Hp input 1.E+08 W tepow1 4164 EHP original estim. Ion Hp input 1.E+08 W iepow1 4165 EHP original estim. Electron Hp input 1.E+08 W eepow1 4171 RFP median nightly zero los wind 1. m/s rfpmd0 4172 RFP ave hourly zero los wind 1. m/s rfpavh 4173 RFP los wind before zero rm (+away) 1. m/s rfplos (Codes sorted alphabetically by abbreviation) 341 aa index 1. aa 3901 Normalized imaginary ACF at lag 1 1.E-04 acfi1 3902 Normalized imaginary ACF at lag 2 1.E-04 acfi2 3903 Normalized imaginary ACF at lag 3 1.E-04 acfi3 3934 Normalized imaginary ACF at lag 34 1.E-04 acfi34 3801 Normalized real ACF at lag 1 1.E-04 acfr1 3802 Normalized real ACF at lag 2 1.E-04 acfr2 3803 Normalized real ACF at lag 3 1.E-04 acfr3 3834 Normalized real ACF at lag 34 1.E-04 acfr34 3800 Scaled real ACF at zero lag 1. acfrs0 3900 Scale factor for ACF at zero lag 1. acfsf0 320 Ae Index (1 or 2.5 min sample) 1. nT ae 324 Ae Index (hourly mean) 1. nT aem 4058 AFP QC Error in 4056/4057 per 1000 km 1.E-04 m/s-km afddvn 4056 AFP QC D(Vne)/Dx per 1000 km (x +Ewrd) 1.E-04 m/s-km afdvne 4057 AFP QC D(Vnn)/Dy per 1000 km (y +Nwrd) 1.E-04 m/s-km afdvnn 4052 AFP QC Etalon Thickness 1.E-04 m afpet 4053 AFP QC Intensity Calibration Factor 1.E-02 cnt/s-R afpif 4055 AFP QC No Harmonics in Fourier Anal 1. afpnh 4051 AFP QC Free spectral range(arb p unit) 1.E-01 afpsr 4050 AFP QC Zenith ref flag (1=use ; 0=no) 1. afpzf 2156 Auroral flux type: maxwellian=1,gauss=2 1. afty 321 Al Index (1 or 2.5 min sample) 1. nT al 325 Al Index (hourly mean) 1. nT alm 3544 SON log10 (alpha effective in m**3/s) 1.E-03 lg(m3/s) alphrl 115 Altitude averaging interval 1. km altav 116 Additional increment to ht avgng intrvl 1.E-01 m altavi 106 Minimum altitude 1. km altb 108 Maximum altitude 1. km alte 109 Additional increment to max alt 1.E-01 m altei 107 Additional increment to min alt 1.E-01 m alti 117 Virtual height 1.E-01 km altv 323 Ao Index (1 or 2.5 min sample) 1. nT ao 456 Arecibo data quality code 1 (IFIT) 1. aodqc1 457 Arecibo data quality code 2 1. aodqc2 458 Arecibo data quality code 3 1. aodqc3 459 Arecibo data quality code 4 1. aodqc4 460 Arecibo data quality code 5 1. aodqc5 327 Ao Index (hourly mean) 1. nT aom 340 AP index (daily) 1. ap 335 ap index (3-hourly) 1. ap3 226 Apex latitude in measurement volume 1.E-02 deg aplat 246 Apex longitude in measurement volume 1.E-02 deg aplon 3330 MLH Apex Local Time (Hours MOD 24) 1.e+00 hour aplt 4064 AQF QC # Quality flag for a night (1-3) 1. aqfflg 3200 ARO parameter 1 1. aro01 3201 ARO parameter 2 1. aro02 3202 ARO parameter 3 1. aro03 3299 ARO parameter 100 1. aro100 4141 KHA observation loc (astronomical name) 1. astloc 322 Au Index (1 or 2.5 min sample) 1. nT au 326 Au Index (hourly mean) 1. nT aum 445 Aurora sighted Flag (0=no, 1=yes) 1. aurf 3597 SON Azimuth of axis of symmetry 1.E-02 deg axsym 132 Beginning azimuth (0=geog N,90=east) 1.E-02 deg az1 1085 Direction 10 Azimuth angle 1.E-02 deg az10 133 Ending azimuth (0=geog N,90=east) 1.E-02 deg az2 1030 Direction 7 Azimuth angle 1.E-02 deg az7 1050 Direction 8 Azimuth angle 1.E-02 deg az8 1070 Direction 9 Azimuth angle 1.E-02 deg az9 130 Mean azimuth angle (0=geog N,90=east) 1.E-02 deg azm 3518 SON Mean azimuth position 1 1.E-02 deg azm1 3520 SON Mean azimuth position 2 1.E-02 deg azm2 3522 SON Mean azimuth position 3 1.E-02 deg azm3 3524 SON Mean azimuth position 4 1.E-02 deg azm4 3526 SON Mean azimuth position 5 1.E-02 deg azm5 3528 SON Mean azimuth position 6 1.E-02 deg azm6 3530 SON Mean azimuth position 7 1.E-02 deg azm7 3532 SON Mean azimuth position 8 1.E-02 deg azm8 3570 SON Azimuth angle of vel in x-y plane 1.E-02 deg azvpbh 2561 log10 (background counts) 1.E-03 lg bcl 208 Downward component of geomagnetic field 1.E-08 T bd 213 Geomagnetic field east declination 1.E-02 deg bdec 206 Eastward component of geomagnetic field 1.E-08 T be 28 Beginning hour/min (universal time) 1. hhmm bhm 29 Beginning additional increment to hhmm 1.E-02 s bhmi 2210 Interplanetary Mag Field strength 1.E-11 T bimf 216 Geomagnetic field downward inclination 1.E-02 deg binc 2571 Channel 1 Background correction 1. R bkgc1 2572 Channel 2 Background correction 1. R bkgc2 2573 Channel 3 Background correction 1. R bkgc3 2574 Channel 4 Background correction 1. R bkgc4 210 Geomagnetic field strength 1.E-08 T bmag 19 Beginning month/day (universal time) 1. mmdd bmd 204 Northward component of geomagnetic fld 1.E-08 T bn 2560 Log10 (background noise, residual) 1.E-03 lg(R) bnl 2500 line/band brightness 1. R br 2502 line/band brightness 1.E-01 R br1 2511 Channel 1 line/band brightness 1.E+01 R br1 2512 Channel 2 line/band brightness 1.E+01 R br2 2513 Channel 3 line/band brightness 1.E+01 R br3 2514 Channel 4 line/band brightness 1.E+01 R br4 2501 log10 (line/band brightness) 1.E-03 lg(R) brl 2601 Normalized Brightness ratio (Ch1/Ch4) 1.E-03 brrn 2401 Beginning wavelength 1.E-01 nm bwavl 2411 Beginning wavenumber 1. cm-1 bwavn 2214 Interplanetary Mag Field Bx GSE 1.E-11 T bxgse 2204 Interplanetary Mag Field Bx GSM 1.E-11 T bxgsm 9 Beginning year (universal time) 1. yr byear 2216 Interplanetary Mag Field By GSE 1.E-11 T bygse 2206 Interplanetary Mag Field By GSM 1.E-11 T bygsm 2218 Interplanetary Mag Field Bz GSE 1.E-11 T bzgse 2208 Interplanetary Mag Field Bz GSM 1.E-11 T bzgsm 2521 Channel 1 Calibration (cnt/s over R) 1.E-02 cnt/s/R cal1 2522 Channel 2 Calibration (cnt/s over R) 1.E-02 cnt/s/R cal2 2523 Channel 3 Calibration (cnt/s over R) 1.E-02 cnt/s/R cal3 2524 Channel 4 Calibration (cnt/s over R) 1.E-02 cnt/s/R cal4 484 Calibration temperature 1. K caltmp 431 Code baud length 1. cbadl 432 No. bauds in code 1. cbadn 3575 SON Correlation coefficient Exy 1.E-04 ccfexy 3571 SON Correlation coefficient vxy 1.E-04 ccfvxy 3572 SON Correlation coefficient vxz 1.E-04 ccfvxz 3573 SON Correlation coefficient vyz 1.E-04 ccfvyz 3323 MLH Ti, Co correlation coefficient 1.e-03 cctico 3322 MLH Ti, Ph correlation coefficient 1.e-03 cctiph 3321 MLH Ti, Tr correlation coefficient 1.e-03 cctitr 3324 MLH Tr, Ph correlation coefficient 1.e-03 cctrph 4025 CFP QC No coefficients 1. cfpnc 2020 Hall conductivity 1.E-06 mho/m ch 471 Chatanika/Sondrestrom data qual code 1 1. chdqc1 472 Chatanika/Sondrestrom data qual code 2 1. chdqc2 473 MUSCOX Fit Code 1. chdqc3 474 Res. Vel. Pairing Code 1. chdqc4 475 Chatinika/Sondrestrom data qual code 5 1. chdqc5 2050 Height integral hall conductivity 1.E-02 mho chhi 3566 SON Reduced chi square of Ne 1.E-01 chine 421 Reduced-chi square of fit 1.E-01 chip1 420 Reduced-chi square of fit 1.E-03 chisq 3610 SON Reduced-chi square of fit 2 1.E-03 chisq2 3620 SON Reduced-chi square of fit 3 1.E-03 chisq3 3564 SON Reduced chi square of Te 1.E-01 chite 3562 SON Reduced chi square of Ti 1.E-01 chiti 2021 log10 (Hall Conductivity) 1.E-03 lg(mho/m chl 2080 Field line integral(1 hemi) Hall Cond 1.E-02 mho chli 442 Cloud cover in tenths (0=clr,10=ovcst) 1. tenths clou10 441 Cloud cover from lowest level clouds 1. octa cloud1 440 Cloud cover (0-8=clr-ovcst;9=obscured) 1. octa cloudc 710 Ion-neutral collision frequency 1. s-1 co 433 Code type (0=non,1=cmplmntry) 1. codt 4071 COF QC Mean sampling density for hts 1.E-01 mn-1 coftsh 4070 COF QC Mean sampling density for winds 1.E-01 mn-1 coftsw 720 log10 (ion-neutral collision frequency) 1.E-03 lg(s-1) col 3609 SON Fit 2 log10(ion-neutral coll. freq) 1.E-03 lg(s-1) colf2l 3619 SON Fit 3 log10(ion-neutral coll. freq) 1.E-03 lg(s-1) colf3l 2491 log10 (Counts) 1.E-03 lg countl 3552 SON Covariance xx 1. covxx 3553 SON Covariance xy 1. covxy 3554 SON Covariance xz 1. covxz 3555 SON Covariance yx 1. covyx 3556 SON Covariance yy 1. covyy 3557 SON Covariance yz 1. covyz 3558 SON Covariance zx 1. covzx 3559 SON Covariance zy 1. covzy 3560 SON Covariance zz 1. covzz 2010 Pedersen conductivity 1.E-06 mho/m cp 2040 Height integral pedersen conductivity 1.E-02 mho cphi 2011 log10 (Pedersen Conductivity in mho/m3) 1.E-03 lg(mho/m cpl 2070 Field line integral(1 hemi) Ped Cond 1.E-02 mho cpli 3537 SON Begin centisecond of composite (UT) 1.E-02 sec csb 3541 SON End centisecond of composite (UT) 1.E-02 sec cse 4020 CSL QC Neutral temperature from 1-hr avg 1.E-01 K csltna 4022 CSL QC Neutral temperature looking E 1.E-01 K csltne 4023 CSL QC Neutral temperature looking N 1.E-01 K csltnn 3331 MLH Bperp Directn Cosine (South [Apex]) 1.e+00 m/s cxr 95 Cycle sequence number (e.g., 5th cycle) 1. cycn 3332 MLH Bperp Directn Cosine (East [Apex]) 1.e+00 m/s cyr 3333 MLH Directn Cosine (Up fld line [Apex]) 1.e+00 m/s czr 62 Integration time for these data 1. day datntd 2600 Diffuse aurora ratio (Ch1/Ch4) 1.E-02 daurr 21 Day number of year (universal time) 1. day dayno 135 Variation in azimuth (end Az - beg Az) 1.E-02 deg daz 3542 SON Type of density correction 1. dcor 145 Variation in elevation (end El-beg El) 1.E-02 deg del 404 Density sampling time 1.E-06 sec denst 220 Dip latitude in measurement volume 1.E-02 deg diplat 981 UT day no rel to 2-dy comp phase 1. day dn2dp 3343 MLH Variation in Range (RANGE2 - RANGE1) 1.e+00 km drng21 330 Dst index 1. nT dst 3511 SON Derivative of Te with altitude 1.E-02 K/km dtedh 3510 SON Derivative of Ti with altitude 1.E-02 K/km dtidh 66 Time increment between rows 1. s dtrow 3591 SON Error on Ue from signeut 1. dueneu 3593 SON Total error on Ue 1. duet 3592 SON Error on Un from signeut 1. dunneu 3594 SON Total error on Un 1. dunt 3338 MLH Variation in UT (UT2 - UT1) 1.e+00 s dut21 3587 SON Error on Ux from signeut 1. duxneu 3589 SON Total error on Ux 1. duxt 3588 SON Error on Uy from signeut 1. duyneu 3590 SON Total error on Uy 1. duyt 3583 SON Alternate error on Uzum (code 1460) 1. duzneu 3584 SON Total error on Uzum (code 1460) 1. duztot 4131 DVS QC Counting error 1.E-01 K dvsce 4132 DVS Cloud cover (0-3=clr-ovcst;4=snow) 1. dvscl 4133 DVS QC Standard error in the mean 1.E-01 K dvsse 4134 DVS QC Observing time for averages 1. dvstm 2155 Average electron energy 1. eV e0 3652 SON Volume emission of 5200 Angstrom 1.E-02 ph/cm3-s e520 3651 SON Dissoc-Recomb red line emission 1.E-02 ph/cm3-s e630 3650 SON Thermal red line emission 1.E-02 ph/cm3-s e630t 1670 Direction 7 electric field 1.E-05 V/m e7 1680 Direction 8 electric field 1.E-05 V/m e8 1690 Direction 9 electric field 1.E-05 V/m e9 3629 SON CW angle from GM North for 3628-XY 1.E-02 deg eangle 1660 Direction 6 electric field (antipara) 1.E-05 V/m eap 2157 Characteristic electron energy 1. eV ece 2158 log10 (characteristic electron energy) 1.E-03 lg(eV) ecel 2159 Characteristic pos. ion (proton) energy 1. eV ecp 2160 log10 (characteristic pos. ion energy) 1.E-03 lg(eV) ecpl 1610 Direction 1 electric field (eastward) 1.E-05 V/m ee 365 Estim. Electron Hemispheric Power Input 1.E+08 W eepow 4165 EHP original estim. Electron Hp input 1.E+08 W eepow1 4161 EHP median estim. Electron Hp input 1.E+08 W eepowd 3548 SON Energy flux 1.E-04 W/m2 eflx 476 EISCAT data quality code 1 1. eidqc1 477 EISCAT data quality code 2 1. eidqc2 478 EISCAT data quality code 3 1. eidqc3 479 EISCAT data quality code 4 1. eidqc4 480 EISCAT data quality code 5 1. eidqc5 3700 EIS parameter 1 1. eis01 3701 EIS parameter 2 1. eis02 3702 EIS parameter 3 1. eis03 3799 EIS parameter100 1. eis100 3546 SON log10 (energy in kev) 1.E-03 lg(kev) el 142 Beginning elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el1 1090 Direction 10 Elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el10 143 Ending elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el2 1040 Direction 7 Elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el7 1060 Direction 8 Elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el8 1080 Direction 9 Elevation angle 1.E-02 deg el9 140 Elevation angle (0=horizontal,90=vert) 1.E-02 deg elm 3519 SON Mean elevation position 1 1.E-02 deg elm1 3521 SON Mean elevation position 2 1.E-02 deg elm2 3523 SON Mean elevation position 3 1.E-02 deg elm3 3525 SON Mean elevation position 4 1.E-02 deg elm4 3527 SON Mean elevation position 5 1.E-02 deg elm5 3529 SON Mean elevation position 6 1.E-02 deg elm6 3531 SON Mean elevation position 7 1.E-02 deg elm7 3533 SON Mean elevation position 8 1.E-02 deg elm8 3549 SON Mean energy 1.E-03 kev em 1620 Direction 2 electric field (northward) 1.E-05 V/m en 2310 Electric Potential 1.E+01 V ep 1640 Direction 4 electric field (perp east) 1.E-05 V/m epe 3363 MLH Ephemeris Time 1.e+00 hour ephem 1650 Direction 5 electric field (perp north) 1.E-05 V/m epn 368 Estimated Hemispheric Pwr Corr. Factor 1.E-03 epowf 366 Estimated Hemispheric Power Index 1. epowi 367 Estimated Hemispheric Power Qualifier 1. epowq 3377 MLH Epsilon 1.e+00 eps 370 Est mag lat 0MLT equatorwd aurora bndry 1.E-02 deg eqb0 194 Declination angle (equatorial coords) 1.E-02 deg eqddec 191 Hour angle HA=LSidT-RA (equatorial coor) 1.E-03 hour eqhha 192 Right ascension RA (equatorial coords) 1.E-03 hour eqhra 1630 Direction 3 electric field (up) 1.E-05 V/m eu 2402 Ending wavelength 1.E-01 nm ewavl 2412 Ending wavenumber 1. cm-1 ewavn 354 F10.7 solar flux observed (Ottawa) 1.E-23 W/m2/Hz f10.7 350 F10.7 solar flux (Sa) 1.E-23 W/m2/Hz f107a 355 F10.7 solar flux qualifier observed 1. f10.7q 351 F10.7 solar flux qualifier 1. f107qa 3313 MLH ACF Normalization Factor 1.e-03 fa 356 F10.7 Multiday average observed 1.E-23 W/m2/Hz fbar 352 F10.7 Multiday average 1.E-23 W/m2/Hz fbara 357 356's avg code: 1=>81day ; 2=13mon 1. fbart 353 352's avg code: 1=>81day ; 2=13mon 1. fbarta 2130 Electron energy flux 1.E-05 W/m2 fee 2131 log10 (electron energy flux) 1.E-03 lg(W/m2) feel 2133 Positive ion (proton) energy flux 1.E-05 W/m2 fep 2137 log10 (particle energy flux) 1.E-03 lg(W/m2) feparl 2136 Particle (el. and pos. ion) energy flux 1.E-05 W/m2 fepart 2134 log10 (positive ion energy flux) 1.E-03 lg(W/m2) fepl 3596 SON Ion gyro frequency 1. hz fig 3500 SON FIT Code 1. fit 3624 SON Fit code of fit 2 1. fitcf2 3625 SON Fit code of fit 3 1. fitcf3 3568 SON log10 (ne-parabolic fit to ln(ne)) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) fitnel 3353 MLH Fit type code 1.e+00 fittyp 3372 MLH Latitude Angle of Average Field Vec 1.e+00 deg flat 3373 MLH Longitude Ang. of Average Field Vec 1.e+00 deg flon 3602 SON log10 (measured ion-neut col freq) 1.E-03 lg(s-1) fmcol 871 scale factor to model [O] profile 1.E-02 fO 3369 MLH FoF2 level 1.e-02 MHz fof2 3601 SON O+O ion-neut coll freq. factor 1.E+02 fopoco 3328 MLH Fundamental Pulse Length 1.e-06 sec fundpl 4021 CSL QC Full Width at Half Max vert avg 1. m fwhmz 195 Galactic latitude l (galactic coords) 1.E-02 deg gallat 193 Galactic longitude b (galactic coords) 1.E-02 deg gallon 4035 GBF QC Groundscatter flag (0:n, 1:y) 1. gbgsct 4031 GBF QC Skynoise (A/D convertor units) 1. gbskn 4032 GBF QC XCF flag (0=Off, 1=On) 1. gbxcf 924 Groves coefficient 1.E-02 m/s gc 150 Horiz great crcl dist from ref lat/lon 1. km gcdist 923 Groves coefficient number 1. gcn 110 Altitude (height) 1. km gdalt 111 Additional increment to altitude 1.E-01 m gdalti 224 Geomagnetic (centered dipole) latitude 1.E-02 deg gdilat 244 Geomagnetic (cntrd dipol) east longitud 1.E-02 deg gdilon 160 Geodetic latitude of measurement 1.E-02 deg gdlat 153 Reference geod latitude (N hemi=pos) 1.E-02 deg gdlatr 156 Reference geodetic longitude 1.E-02 deg gdlonr 1010 Geographic unit vector rotation angle 1.E-02 deg gdra 430 Goodness of fit 1. gfit 3611 SON Goodness of fit 2 1. gfit2 3621 SON Goodness of fit 3 1. gfit3 170 Geodetic longitude of measurement 1.E-02 deg glon 1020 Magnetic unit vector rotation angle 1.E-02 deg gmra 829 Neutral gas mean molecular weight 1.E-02 AMU gmwn 4101 Hecht 4ch Ph. Model no. (eg MSIS90) 1. h4pmn 4103 Hecht 4ch Ph. 1=moon down; 0=moonlit 1. h4pmnf 4104 Hecht 4ch Ph. 1=good night, 0=so-so 1. h4pntf 4102 Hecht 4ch Ph. 1=ok (sza>102;flux;Eo;fo) 1. h4pszf 3658 SON Heat conduction 1. ev/cm3-s hc 3662 SON Heat flux 1.E+07 ev/cm2-s hflx 30 Hour/min (universal time) 1. hhmm hm 540 Height of maximum electron density 1. km hmax 3536 SON Begin hour/minute of composite (UT) 1. UT hmb 3540 SON End hour/minute of composite (UT) 1. UT hme 31 Centiseconds (UT, increment to hhmm) 1.E-02 s hmi 190 Half scattering angle (bistatic system) 1.E-02 deg hsa 541 Scale ht of Chapman model electron den 1. km hschap 3550 SON I(4278) 1. R i4278 3673 SON 5200 A dissoc-recomb intensity 1. R idr520 3671 SON 6300 A dissoc-recomb. intensity 1. R idr630 364 Estim. Ion Hemispheric Power Input 1.E+08 W iepow 4164 EHP original estim. Ion Hp input 1.E+08 W iepow1 434 No incoherent integrations 1. iin 61 Integration time for these data 1. min inttmm 60 Integration time for these data 1. s inttms 222 Invariant latitude in measurement vol 1.E-02 deg invlat 3543 SON log10 (ionization rate el/m**3-s) 1.E-03 lg(e/m3s inzrl 408 Interpulse Period 1.E-02 sec ipp 407 Interpulse Period; or 408 increment 1.E-06 sec ippi 3672 SON 6300 A thermal+diss intensity 1. R itd630 3670 SON 6300 A thermal intensity 1. R ith630 1870 Direction 7 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 j7 1880 Direction 8 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 j8 1890 Direction 9 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 j9 1860 Direction 6 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 jap 3335 MLH Julian Day Number 1.e+00 day jdayno 1810 Direction 1 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 je 1910 Ht integral: dir 1 current density 1.E-03 A/m jehi 451 Jicamarca data quality code 1 1. jidqc1 452 Jicamarca data quality code 2 1. jidqc2 453 Jicamarca data quality code 3 1. jidqc3 454 Jicamarca data quality code 4 1. jidqc4 455 Jicamarca data quality code 5 1. jidqc5 1820 Direction 2 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 jn 1920 Ht integral: dir 2 current density 1.E-03 A/m jnhi 3547 SON Parallel current density 1.E-09 A/m2 jpar 1840 Direction 4 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 jpe 1940 Line int (1 hemi): dir 4 current den 1.E-03 A/m jpeli 1850 Direction 5 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 jpn 1950 Line int (1 hemi): dir 5 current den 1.E-03 A/m jpnli 3109 JRO parameter 10 1. jro10 3199 JRO parameter 100 1. jro100 3110 JRO parameter 11 1. jro11 3100 JRO normalizing factor (JRO661111A) 1.E-04 jronf1 1830 Direction 3 electric current density 1.E-08 A/m2 ju 4143 KHA beginning centisec (UT) from log 1.E-02 s khabcs 4142 KHA beginning hour/min (UT) from log 1. mmdd khabhm 4144 KHA quality code (1=A, 2=A-, 3=B, ...) 1. khaqc 4145 KHA rel annr emis rate w/o flatfld norm 1.E-01 khare1 4146 KHA rel annr emis rate w/o flatfld norm 1.E-03 khare3 3344 MLH Kind-of-data code 1.e+00 kindat 3339 MLH Instrument Code 1.e+00 kinst 310 Kp Index 1.E-01 kp 401 Lag to the first range gate 1.E-06 sec lag1 3655 SON Electron to ion energy loss rate 1. ev/cm3-s lei 3657 SON Energy loss rate (Le = Lei + Len) 1. ev/cm3-s lein 3656 SON Elec. to neutral energy loss rate 1. ev/cm3-s len 3660 SON Ion to neut energy loss rate (Lin) 1.E+01 ev/cm3-s lin 218 L value in measurement volume 1.E-02 lshell 3327 MLH Local Time (Hours MOD 24) 1.e-03 hour lt 3628 SON E Field Magnitude (XY plane) 1.E-05 V/m magEF 3626 SON Vector Velocity Magnitude (XY plane) 1. m/s magvel 20 Month/day (universal time) 1. mmdd md 25 Month/day (UT) of analysis date 1. mmdd mdanal 22 Model Day number of year (UT, 1=Jan 1) 1. day mdano 3535 SON Begin month/day of composite (UT) 1. UT mdb 3539 SON End month/day of composite (UT) 1. UT mde 461 Millstone Hill data quality code 1 1. mhdqc1 462 Millstone Hill data quality code 2 1. mhdqc2 463 Millstone Hill data quality code 3 1. mhdqc3 464 Millstone Hill data quality code 4 1. mhdqc4 465 Millstone Hill data quality code 5 1. mhdqc5 3551 SON log10 (molecular ion density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) midl 3399 MLH parameter 100 1.e+00 mlh100 3345 MLH parameter 46 1.e+00 mlh46 3349 MLH parameter 50 1.e+00 mlh50 3354 MLH parameter 55 1.e+00 mlh55 3355 MLH parameter 56 1.e+00 mlh56 3356 MLH parameter 57 1.e+00 mlh57 3357 MLH parameter 58 1.e+00 mlh58 3358 MLH parameter 59 1.e+00 mlh59 3305 MLH parameter 6 1.e+00 mlh6 3359 MLH parameter 60 1.e+00 mlh60 3360 MLH parameter 61 1.e+00 mlh61 3361 MLH parameter 62 1.e+00 mlh62 3362 MLH parameter 63 1.e+00 mlh63 3364 MLH parameter 64 1.e+00 mlh64 3365 MLH parameter 66 1.e+00 mlh66 3366 MLH parameter 67 1.e+00 mlh67 3367 MLH parameter 68 1.e+00 mlh68 3368 MLH parameter 69 1.e+00 mlh69 3370 MLH parameter 71 1.e+00 mlh71 3371 MLH parameter 72 1.e+00 mlh72 3375 MLH parameter 76 1.e+00 mlh76 3376 MLH parameter 77 1.e+00 mlh77 3378 MLH parameter 79 1.e+00 mlh79 3307 MLH parameter 8 1.e+00 mlh8 3379 MLH parameter 80 1.e+00 mlh80 3380 MLH parameter 81 1.e+00 mlh81 3381 MLH parameter 82 1.e+00 mlh82 3382 MLH parameter 83 1.e+00 mlh83 3383 MLH parameter 84 1.e+00 mlh84 3384 MLH parameter 85 1.e+00 mlh85 3387 MLH parameter 88 1.e+00 mlh88 3388 MLH parameter 89 1.e+00 mlh89 3389 MLH parameter 90 1.e+00 mlh90 3390 MLH parameter 91 1.e+00 mlh91 3391 MLH parameter 92 1.e+00 mlh92 3392 MLH parameter 93 1.e+00 mlh93 3393 MLH parameter 94 1.e+00 mlh94 3394 MLH parameter 95 1.e+00 mlh95 3395 MLH parameter 96 1.e+00 mlh96 3396 MLH parameter 97 1.e+00 mlh97 3397 MLH parameter 98 1.e+00 mlh98 3398 MLH parameter 99 1.e+00 mlh99 3346 MLH Lag spacing 1.e-07 sec mlhlag 3300 MLH Mode Letter (65-80 = A-P) 1. mlhm 3325 MLH Mode type 1.e+00 mlhmod 691 Mean mol wt for ions from 28 to 32 1.E-02 AMU mmwt30 3386 MLH Model Ion velocity in direction 5 1.e+00 m/s modve 3385 MLH Model Ion velocity in direction 4 1.e+00 m/s modvs 830 log10 (neutral mass density) 1.E-03 lg(Kg/m3 mol 4093 MUI Ne calibration factor 1. munec 4092 MUI QC (0-3 <=> ok-bad) 1. muqc1 3627 SON CW angle from GM North for 3626-XY 1.E-02 deg nangle 880 log10 (AR number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) narl 3574 SON Neutral atmosphere model code 1. natmc 921 Number of coefficients in analysis 1. nc 3304 MLH Number calibration samples in prof 1.e+00 ncsamp 922 Number of directions in analysis 1. nd 510 Electron density 1.E+09 m-3 ne 512 Electron density 1.E+08 m-3 ne8 3603 SON Fit 2 log10 (ne in m-3) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nef2l 3613 SON Fit 3 log10 (ne in m-3) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nef3l 523 log10 (integrated electron density) 1.E-03 lg(m-2) nehil 511 Additional increment to code 510 (Ne) 1.E+05 m-3 nei 520 log10 (Ne in m-3) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nel 522 Line integrated electron density 1.E+15 m-2 neli 530 Maximum electron density 1.E+09 m-3 nemax 535 log10 (max Ne in m-3) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nemaxl 500 Uncorrected electron density (Te/Ti=1) 1.E+09 m-3 neuc 502 Uncorrected electron density 1.E+08 m-3 neuc8 501 Uncorrected electron density increment 1.E+05 m-3 neuci 505 log10 (uncorrected electron density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) neucl 536 log10 (max uncorrected Ne in m-3) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) neucml 531 Maximum uncorrected electron density 1.E+09 m-3 neucmx 905 log10 (Fe number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nfel 498 Number of frequencies used 1. nfrequ 3312 MLH H Number Density 1.e+00 nh 890 log10 (HE number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nhel 925 Number of hours filled in harm anal 1. hr nhf 900 log10 (H number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nhl 4151 NICT QC 1-h std dev rejection criteria 1.E-01 nictst 4152 NICT QC % threshold acceptance criteria 1.E-02 % nictth 3598 SON Ion-neutral collision freq. coeff. 1.E-12 cm-3/s niuc 418 No ACF lags calculated 1. nlags 499 Number of laser shots per second 1. sec-1 nlshts 903 log10 (N(2D) number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nn2dl 850 log10 (N2 number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nn2l 902 log10 (N(4S) number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nn4sl 904 log10 (Na number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nnal 901 log10 (NO number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nnol 3309 MLH Number noise gates in radar sweep 1.e+00 nnrswp 3303 MLH Number of noise samples in profile 1.e+00 nnsamp 860 log10 (O2 number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) no2l 870 log10 (O number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) nol 3306 MLH Number profile Noise level samples 1.e+00 npnswp 910 log10 (Neutral pressure) 1.E-03 lg(Pa) npresl 3302 MLH Number of signal samples in profile 1.e+00 nrp 3308 MLH Number of Radar Sweeps for Record 1.e+00 nrswp 842 log10 (relative neutral number density) 1.E-03 lg nrtotl 3347 MLH Num Samples SNR sum rule 1.e+00 nsamrl 417 No samples used in Fourier transform 1. nsmfft 422 No. samples in dir. 1 avg. (eastward) 1. nsmpd1 423 No. samples in dir. 2 avg. (northward) 1. nsmpd2 424 No. samples in dir. 3 avg. (upward) 1. nsmpd3 114 Number of samples in range ave 1. nsmpru 413 No samples available in time average 1. nsmpta 415 No smpls in time avg; or 414 incremnt 1. nsmpti 414 No samples used in time average 1.E+04 nsmptu 419 No samples used 1. nsmpu 3348 MLH Num steps SNR sum rule 1.e+00 nstprl 840 log10 (neutral number density) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) ntotl 4061 AQF QC # Samples in time avg of 1411 1. nv1411 4063 AQF QC # Samples in time avg of 1421 1. nv1421 3565 SON log10 (obs uncertainty Ne) 1.E-03 lg(m-3) odnel 3563 SON Observed uncertainty on Te 1. odte 3561 SON Observed uncertainty on Ti 1. odti 980 2-day component period 1.E-02 hr p2d 230 PACE magnetic azimuth 1.E-02 deg pacaz 225 PACE magnetic latitude of meas volume 1.E-02 deg paclat 245 PACE magnetic longitude of meas volume 1.E-02 deg paclon 3102 JRO W beam log10(1+RxA coher. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pacwl 3101 JRO W beam log10(1+RxA incoh. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR paiwl 3104 JRO W beam log10(1+RxB coher. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pbcwl 3103 JRO W beam log10(1+RxB incoh. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pbiwl 3106 JRO E beam log10(1+RxC coher. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pccel 319 Polar Cap Index 1.E-01 pci 3105 JRO E beam log10(1+RxC incoh. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pciel 2302 Potential minimum 1.E+01 V pcmn 2303 Potential maximum 1.E+01 V pcmx 2301 Polar cap potential difference 1.E+01 V pcp 3108 JRO E beam log10(1+RxD coher. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pdcel 3107 JRO E beam log10(1+RxD incoh. pwr/noise) 1.E-03 lg 1+SNR pdiel 4003 PKR QC Avg of Galactic Noise 1. pfgn 3545 SON log10 (part flux el/cm**2-s-kev) 1.E-03 lg(e/m2s pfluxl 4002 PKR QC No records in noise avg 1. pfnnr 4004 PKR QC log10 (noise pwr in spectrm) 1.E-03 lg pfpnl 4005 PKR QC log10 (signl pwr in spectrm) 1.E-03 lg pfpsl 4001 PKR QC 0=Okay 1. pfqc 650 Ion Composition - [HE+]/Ne 1.E-03 phep 660 Ion Composition - [H+]/Ne 1.E-03 php 4111 PKF QC neut horiz wind fit los to az dir 1. m/s pkffhl 4112 PKF QC perp (left) compon. to code 4111 1. m/s pkffpn 402 Pulse length 1.E-06 sec pl 690 Ion Composition - [mol wt 28 to 32]/Ne 1.E-03 pmp 630 Ion Composition - [NO+]/Ne 1.E-03 pnop 3301 MLH Power Normalization constant 1.e-03 pnorm 3318 MLH D.P. Power Normalization constant 1.e-03 pnrmd 3319 MLH Additional increment to DP Pwr Nrm C 1.e-07 pnrmdi 3310 MLH Mean power prof Normalizatn Const 1.e+00 pnrmmp 3317 MLH Reflected Power 1.e+00 po 640 Ion Composition - [O2+]/Ne 1.E-03 po2p 620 Ion Composition - [O+]/Ne 1.E-03 pop 3608 SON Fit 2 composition - [o+]/ne 1.E-03 popf2 3618 SON Fit 3 composition - [o+]/ne 1.E-03 popf3 3316 MLH Profile Power Normalized to 1.0 1.e-03 popn 97 End of event flag (0=off, 1=on) 1. posf 96 Position number within cycle 1. posn 486 Peak power 1. kW power 920 Pressure scale height 1.E+01 m psh 953 log10 (12-h geopotential amplitude) 1.E-03 lg(m2/s2 pt12al 958 12-h max geopotential phase 1.E-03 hr pt12p 3374 MLH Plasma Temperature 1.e+00 K ptemp 3659 SON Energy input (=Le-Hc) 1. ev/cm3-s qe 3661 SON Joule heating (=Lin-Lei) 1.E+01 ev/cm3-s qj 2152 Joule heat rate hemisphere integrated 1.E+08 W qjouhe 2180 Joule energy heat rate fld-line integ. 1.E-04 W/m2 qjoulf 2150 Joule energy heat rate height integral 1.E-04 W/m2 qjoulh 2151 log10 (Joule heat rate height int.) 1.E-03 lg(W/m2) qjoull 2120 Joule energy specific heating rate 1.E-08 W/m3 qjoulv 2121 log10 (joule energy spec. heat rate) 1.E-03 lg(W/m3) qjouvl 2142 Particle energy heat rate 1.E+08 W qparhe 2140 Particle energy heat rate height int. 1.E-04 W/m2 qpart1 2170 Particle energy heat rate fld-line int. 1.E-04 W/m2 qpartf 2139 Particle energy heat rate height int. 1.E-05 W/m2 qparth 2141 log10 (part energy heat rate ht. int.) 1.E-03 lg(W/m2) qpartl 2110 Particle energy specific heating rate 1.E-08 W/m3 qpartv 120 Range 1. km range 3341 MLH Start Range 1.e+00 km range1 3342 MLH End Range 1.e+00 km range2 121 Additional increment to range 1.E-01 m rangei 2505 Relative line/band brightness 1. rbr 2555 Relative background radiance 1. rbrad 2506 log10 (Relative line/band brightness) 1.E-03 lg rbrl 494 Receiver bandwidth 1. kHz rcbw 492 Received doppler frequency offset 1. Hz rcdfo 496 Receiver delay time 1.E-06 sec rcdt 2495 log10 (Rayleigh counts) 1.E-03 lg rcontl 3595 SON Relative error in neutral atmos 1.E-03 rdna 3340 MLH Logical Record Number 1.e+00 recno 4172 RFP ave hourly zero los wind 1. m/s rfpavh 4173 RFP los wind before zero rm (+away) 1. m/s rfplos 4171 RFP median nightly zero los wind 1. m/s rfpmd0 125 Width of range gate 1. km rgate 126 Additional increment to rnge gate width 1.E-01 m rgatei 127 Range gate number 1. rgatn 113 Additional increment to normalizing alt 1.E-01 m rhalti 112 Normalizing altitude 1. km rhaltn 2507 Relative line emission rate 1.E-01 rlep1 2508 Relative emission rate 1.E-02 rlep2 2509 Relative emission rate 1.E-03 rlep3 3329 MLH Range resolution 1.e-02 km rngres 4121 IMF 1min S/C B: Bx!Vx IDx IDyz 1. scb 4124 IMF 1min S/C delay: d!Bx IDdel IDmeandel 1. scdel 94 Scan type (0=any,1=fixed,2=az,3=el) 1. scntyp 4123 IMF 1min S/C Pos: !IMF IDx IDyz 1. scpos 4122 IMF 1min S/C SW: Den!Vx IDx IDyz 1. scsw 4060 AQF QC Standard deviation in 1411 1.E-01 m/s sd1411 4062 AQF QC Standard deviation in 1421 1.E-01 m/s sd1421 188 Shadow distance (l-o-s terminator dist) 1. km sdwd 186 Earth's Shadow altitude (height) 1. km sdwht 44 Local solar time 1.E-03 hour slt 47 Local solar time at conjugate point 1.E-03 hour sltc 42 Local solar time diff (=SLT-UT) +E lon 1. hhmm sltmut 70 Sampling interval (time between sampls) 1. s smpint 410 Signal to noise ratio 1.E-02 sn 412 log10 (signal to noise ratio) 1.E-03 lg snl 411 Signal to noise ratio 1.E-03 snp3 4080 STM QC Solar scaling factor 1.E-04 solsf 3630 SON parameter 131 1. son131 3631 SON parameter 132 1. son132 3632 SON parameter 133 1. son133 3633 SON parameter 134 1. son134 3634 SON parameter 135 1. son135 3635 SON parameter 136 1. son136 3636 SON parameter 137 1. son137 3637 SON parameter 138 1. son138 3638 SON parameter 139 1. son139 3639 SON parameter 140 1. son140 3640 SON parameter 141 1. son141 3641 SON parameter 142 1. son142 3642 SON parameter 143 1. son143 3643 SON parameter 144 1. son144 3644 SON parameter 145 1. son145 3645 SON parameter 146 1. son146 3646 SON parameter 147 1. son147 3647 SON parameter 148 1. son148 3648 SON parameter 149 1. son149 3649 SON parameter 150 1. son150 3653 SON parameter 154 1. son154 3654 SON parameter 155 1. son155 3663 SON parameter 164 1. son164 3664 SON parameter 165 1. son165 3665 SON parameter 166 1. son166 3666 SON parameter 167 1. son167 3667 SON parameter 168 1. son168 3668 SON parameter 169 1. son169 3669 SON parameter 170 1. son170 3674 SON parameter 175 1. son175 3675 SON parameter 176 1. son176 3676 SON parameter 177 1. son177 3677 SON parameter 178 1. son178 3678 SON parameter 179 1. son179 3679 SON parameter 180 1. son180 3680 SON parameter 181 1. son181 3681 SON parameter 182 1. son182 3682 SON parameter 183 1. son183 3683 SON parameter 184 1. son184 3684 SON parameter 185 1. son185 3685 SON parameter 186 1. son186 3686 SON parameter 187 1. son187 3687 SON parameter 188 1. son188 3688 SON parameter 189 1. son189 3689 SON parameter 190 1. son190 3690 SON parameter 191 1. son191 3691 SON parameter 192 1. son192 3692 SON parameter 193 1. son193 3693 SON parameter 194 1. son194 3694 SON parameter 195 1. son195 3695 SON parameter 196 1. son196 3696 SON parameter 197 1. son197 3697 SON parameter 198 1. son198 3698 SON parameter 199 1. son199 3699 SON parameter 200 1. son200 3506 SON parameter 7 1. sonp07 3507 SON parameter 8 1. sonp08 3508 SON parameter 9 1. sonp09 3509 SON parameter 10 1. sonp10 406 Spectral sampling time 1.E-06 sec spcst 2416 Spectral displ. in vel units w arb 0 1.E-02 km/s spdvel 3505 SON Source of density profile 1. srcden 3501 SON EPEC E-Region source code 1. srce 3502 SON EPEC F-Region source code 1. srcf 3503 SON Source of temperature 1. srct 3504 SON Source of velocity 1. srcv 466 St. Santin data quality code 1 1. ssdqc1 467 St. Santin data quality code 2 1. ssdqc2 468 St. Santin data quality code 3 1. ssdqc3 469 St. Santin data quality code 4 1. ssdqc4 470 St. Santin data quality code 5 1. ssdqc5 360 Sunspot number 1. sspotn 3315 MLH Signal Temperature 1.e+00 K stp 3400 STS parameter 1 1. sts01 3401 STS parameter 2 1. sts02 3402 STS parameter 3 1. sts03 3499 STS parameter100 1. sts100 181 Solar azimuth angle 1.E-02 deg sunaz 180 Solar zenith angle 1.E-02 deg sunzen 2232 Solar Wind Plasma Density 1.E+05 m-3 swden 2236 IMF/Solar Wind Qualifier 1. swq 2234 Solar Wind Plasma Speed 1.E+02 m/s swspd 2244 Solar Wind velocity GSM x component 1.E+02 m/s swvxm 2246 Solar Wind velocity GSM y component 1.E+02 m/s swvym 2248 Solar Wind velocity GSM z component 1.E+02 m/s swvzm 483 Additional increment to system temp 1.E-04 K systmi 482 System temperature 1. K systmp 183 Conjugate solar zenith angle 1.E-02 deg szenc 3334 MLH Cycle Time of Experiment 1.e+00 hour tcycle 80 Time delay 1.E-01 min td 84 Daily mean time delay 1.E-01 min tda 560 Electron temperature 1. K te 524 Vertically integrated electron density 1.E+15 m-2 tec 525 log10 (Vert. integrated electron den.) 1.E-03 lg(m-2) tecl 3604 SON Fit 2 electron temperature, te 1. k tef2 3614 SON Fit 3 electron temperature, te 1. k tef3 363 Estim. Total Hemispheric Power Input 1.E+08 W tepow 4163 EHP original estim. Total Hp input 1.E+08 W tepow1 490 Transmitted frequency 1.E+05 Hz tfreq 550 Ion temperature 1. K ti 954 12-h ion temperature amplitude 1.E-02 K ti12a 959 12-h max ion temperature phase 1.E-03 hr ti12p 944 24-h ion temperature amplitude 1.E-02 K ti24a 949 24-h max ion temperature phase 1.E-03 hr ti24p 939 Mean ion temperature 1.E-01 K tia 3351 MLH TI searching TI,TR,FN only 1.e+00 K tibf 3605 SON Fit 2 ion temperature, ti 1. k tif2 3615 SON Fit 3 ion temperature, ti 1. k tif3 820 Exospheric temperature 1. K tinf 821 Model Exospheric temperature 1. K tinfm 552 Ion temperature 1.E-01 K tip1 54 Magnetic local time 1.E-03 hour Tmlt 73 UT of Moonrise (from US Naval Obs) 1.E-03 hour tmris 72 UT of Moonset (from US Naval Obs) 1.E-03 hour tmset 810 Neutral temperature 1. K tn 992 6-h neutral temperature amplitude 1.E-02 K tn06a 997 6-h max neutral temperature phase 1.E-03 hr tn06p 962 8-h neutral temperature amp 1.E-02 K tn08a 967 8-h max neutral temperature phase 1.E-03 hr tn08p 812 Neutral temperature 1.E-01 K tn1 952 12-h neutral temperature amplitude 1.E-02 K tn12a 957 12-h max neutral temperature phase 1.E-03 hr tn12p 942 24-h neutral temperature amplitude 1.E-02 K tn24a 947 24-h max neutral temperature phase 1.E-03 hr tn24p 937 Mean neutral temperature 1.E-01 K tna 811 Model Neutral temperature 1.E-01 K tnm 813 Relative neutral temperature 1. tnrel 570 Temperature ratio (Te/Ti) 1.E-03 tr 3352 MLH TR searching TI,TR,FN only 1.e-03 trbf 3606 SON Fit 2 temperature ratio, te/ti 1.E-03 trf2 3616 SON Fit 3 temperature ratio, te/ti 1.E-03 trf3 3320 MLH Transmitter phase velocity 1.e-01 m/s trphvl 79 UT of Astronomical sunrise (szen=108deg) 1.E-03 hour tsra 75 UT of Civil sunrise (szen=96 deg) 1.E-03 hour tsrc 77 UT of Nautical sunrise (szen=102 deg) 1.E-03 hour tsrn 78 UT of Astronomical sunset (szen=108 deg) 1.E-03 hour tssa 74 UT of Civil sunset (szen=96 deg) 1.E-03 hour tssc 76 UT of Nautical sunset (szen=102 deg) 1.E-03 hour tssn 3513 SON Umerid from ambipolar diffusn 1. m/s uambi 3612 SON Usability code fit 2 1. ucf2 3622 SON Usability code fit 3 1. ucf3 3514 SON Uambi from DNe/DH fit to ne 1. m/s uden1 3515 SON Uambi from DNe/DH fit to ln(ne) 1. m/s uden2 3517 SON portion of Uambi from gravity 1. m/s ugrav 4018 UIL QC log10 (av Rayleigh) = NrmlzFctr 1.E-03 lg uiarl 4016 UIL QC log10 (F factor) 1.E-03 lg uiffl 4015 UIL QC log10 (sodium counts) 1.E-03 lg uinacl 4017 UIL QC log10 (Na returns/bkgnd noise) 1.E-03 lg uinfl 3582 SON Horizontal magn neutral wind 1. umerid 3512 SON Portion of Umerid due to Vpar 1. m/s upar 3326 MLH Universal Time (Hours MOD 24) 1.e-03 hour ut 3336 MLH Start UT (0 = 0000 1JAN50) 1.e+00 s ut1 3337 MLH End UT (0 = 0000 1JAN50) 1.e+00 s ut2 982 UT at start of 2-day comp calc 1. hhmm ut2dp 3516 SON portion of Uambi from dTp/dH 1. m/s utemp 34 Time past 0000 UT 1.E-03 hour uth 36 Time past 0000 UT 1.E+01 s uts 37 Additional increment to time past 0 UT 1.E-03 s utsi 3585 SON Correction term = Ux-Vx 1. uxcor 3586 SON Correction term = Uy-Vy 1. uycor 2532 log10 (Dissoc-Recomb 630 nm vol.emis.) 1.E-03 lgp/cm3s v630dl 2530 log10 (Total 630 nm volume emis.) 1.E-03 lgp/cm3s v630l 2531 log10 (Thermal 630 nm volume emis.) 1.E-03 lgp/cm3s v630tl 3567 SON Amount subtracted from Vlos 1. m/s vbias 3350 MLH Line of sight Doppler V(pos = away) 1.e+00 m/s vdopp 3311 MLH H+ Line of site velocity 1.e+00 m/s vh 1300 Direction 10 Ion velocity 1. m/s vi10 1270 Direction 7 Ion velocity 1. m/s vi7 1272 Direction 7 Ion velocity 1.E-02 m/s vi72 1280 Direction 8 Ion velocity 1. m/s vi8 1282 Direction 8 Ion velocity 1.E-02 m/s vi82 1290 Direction 9 Ion velocity 1. m/s vi9 1260 Direction 6 Ion velocity (antiparallel) 1. m/s viap 1210 Direction 1 Ion velocity (eastward) 1. m/s vie 1211 Direction 1 F-region ion velocity 1. m/s vief 1220 Direction 2 Ion velocity (northward) 1. m/s vin 1221 Direction 2 F-region ion velocity 1. m/s vinf 1240 Direction 4 Ion velocity (perp east) 1. m/s vipe 1241 Direction 4 Ion velocity (perp east) 1.E-01 m/s vipe1 1242 Direction 4 Ion velocity (perp east) 1.E-02 m/s vipe2 3599 SON Direction 4 F Region ion velocity 1. m/s vipef 1250 Direction 5 Ion velocity (perp north) 1. m/s vipn 1252 Direction 5 Ion velocity (perp north) 1.E-02 m/s vipn2 3600 SON Direction 5 F Region ion velocity 1. m/s vipnf 1230 Direction 3 Ion velocity (up) 1. m/s viu 4091 MUI QC Ion velocity (up from EW dirs) 1. m/s viuew 4090 MUI QC Ion velocity (up from NS dirs) 1. m/s viuns 2415 Local standard of rest velocity (VLSR) 1.E-02 km/s vlsr 1470 Direction 7 Neutral wind 1. m/s vn7 1475 Direction 7 Neutral wind horizontl comp 1. m/s vn7 1480 Direction 8 Neutral wind 1. m/s vn8 1490 Direction 9 Neutral wind 1. m/s vn9 1460 Direction 6 Neutral wind 1. m/s vnap 1410 Direction 1 Neutral wind (eastward) 1. m/s vne 990 6-h eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vne06a 995 6-h max eastward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vne06p 960 8-h eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vne08a 965 8-h max eastward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vne08p 950 12-h eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vne12a 955 12-h max eastward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vne12p 940 24-h eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vne24a 945 24-h max eastward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vne24p 943 24-h eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-01 m/s vne2a1 970 2-dy eastward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vne2da 975 2-dy max eastward neutral wind phase 1.E-02 hr vne2dp 935 Mean eastward neutral wind 1.E-02 m/s vnea 1411 Direction 1 Neutral wind (eastward) 1.E-01 m/s vnep1 1412 Direction 1 Neutral wind (eastward) 1.E-02 m/s vnep2 926 Eastwd Residual Sqrt[1/N*sum(ui-uf)**2] 1.E-02 m/s vneres 800 Line of sight neutral vel (pos = away) 1. m/s vnlu 802 Line of sight neutral vel (pos = away) 1.E-02 m/s vnlu2 803 Line of sight neutral vel (pos = away) 1.E-03 m/s vnlu3 801 Additional increment to Neutral Vlos 1.E-04 m/s vnlui 1420 Direction 2 Neutral wind (northward) 1. m/s vnn 991 6-h northward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vnn06a 996 6-h max northward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnn06p 961 8-h northward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vnn08a 966 8-h max northward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnn08p 951 12-h northward neutrl wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vnn12a 956 12-h max northward neutrl wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnn12p 941 24-h northwrd neutral wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vnn24a 946 24-h max northwrd neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnn24p 971 2-dy northward neutrl wind amplitude 1.E-02 m/s vnn2da 976 2-dy max northward neutrl wind phase 1.E-02 hr vnn2dp 948 24-h northward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-01 m/s vnn2p1 936 Mean northward neutral wind 1.E-02 m/s vnna 1421 Direction 2 Neutral wind (northward) 1.E-01 m/s vnnp1 1422 Direction 2 Neutral wind (northward) 1.E-02 m/s vnnp2 927 Northwd Residual Sqrt[1/N*sum(vi-vf)**2] 1.E-02 m/s vnnres 1440 Direction 4 Neutral wind (perp east) 1. m/s vnpe 1450 Direction 5 Neutral wind (perp north) 1. m/s vnpn 1455 Direction 5 Neutral wind horizontl comp 1. m/s vnpnh 1456 Direction 5 Neutral wind horizontl comp 1.E-01 m/s vnpnh1 1430 Direction 3 Neutral wind (up) 1.E-02 m/s vnu 988 12-h upward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-04 m/s vnu12a 989 12-h max upward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnu12p 986 24-h upward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-04 m/s vnu24a 987 24-h max upward neutral wind phase 1.E-03 hr vnu24p 934 Mean upward neutral wind 1.E-03 m/s vnua 1432 Direction 3 Corrupt Neutral wind (up) 1.E-02 m/s vnuc 1431 Direction 3 Neutral wind (up) 1.E-01 m/s vnup1 928 Upwd Residual Sqrt[1/N*sum(wi-wf)**2] 1.E-03 m/s vnures 805 Neutral velocity spread 1.E-02 m/s vnus 806 Neutral velocity spread 1.E-03 m/s vnus3 580 Line of sight ion velocity (pos = away) 1. m/s vo 600 Velocity direction - local azimuth 1.E-02 deg voaz 590 Bisector ion vel (bistatic sys,pos=up) 1. m/s vobi 610 Velocity direction - local elevation 1.E-02 deg voel 3607 SON Fit 2 ion velocity (pos = away) 1. m/s vof2 3617 SON Fit 3 ion velocity (pos = away) 1. m/s vof3 581 Additional increment to code 580 1.E-04 m/s voi 585 Ion Velocity spread (spectral width) 1. m/s vos 3569 SON Velocity in xy plane perp to b 1. m/s vperph 2421 Channel 1 Wavelength 1.E-01 nm wavl1 2422 Channel 2 Wavelength 1.E-01 nm wavl2 2423 Channel 3 Wavelength 1.E-01 nm wavl3 2424 Channel 4 Wavelength 1.E-01 nm wavl4 2400 Wavelength 1.E-01 nm wavlen 425 Wide reduced-chi square of fit 1.E+00 wchisq 426 Additional increment to wide chi square 1.E-04 wchsqi 2455 Refernce rel 1/2-width (arb press unit) 1.E-02 wid2 2456 Relative 1/2-width deviation from 2455 1.E-02 wid2r 985 12-h upward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-03 m/s wn12a 984 24-h upward neutral wind amplitude 1.E-03 m/s wn24a 3580 SON Cross correlatn on Une from signeut 1.E-04 xcfenn 3581 SON Total cross correlatn for Ue and Un 1.E-04 xcfent 3577 SON Cross correlation coefficient Une 1.E-04 xcfuen 3576 SON Cross correlation coefficient Uxy 1.E-04 xcfuxy 3578 SON Cross correlatn on Uxy from signeut 1.E-04 xcfxyn 3579 SON Total cross correlation for Uxy 1.E-04 xcfxyt 295 X Coordinate Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re xgse 283 Begin X Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re xgseb 284 End X Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re xgsee 292 X Coord Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re xgsm 277 Begin X Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re xgsmb 278 End X Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re xgsme 3314 MLH Transmitter channel signal to noise 1.e-02 xmtsnr 10 Year (universal time) 1. yr year 296 Y Coordinate Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re ygse 285 Begin Y Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re ygseb 286 End Y Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re ygsee 293 Y Coord Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re ygsm 279 Begin Y Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re ygsmb 280 End Y Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re ygsme 15 Year (UT) of analysis date 1. yr yranal 3534 SON Begin year of composite (UT) 1. UT yrcb 3538 SON End year of composite (UT) 1. UT yrce 297 Z Coordinate Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re zgse 287 Begin Z Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re zgseb 288 End Z Geocentric Solar Ecliptic 1.E-02 Re zgsee 294 Z Coord Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re zgsm 281 Begin Z Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re zgsmb 282 End Z Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric 1.E-02 Re zgsme 3623 SON Zone number for fitted data 1. zonn