pro gencpeppi,nxp,nyp,xsh,ysh,radpep ; routine to generate a multiplicative array rad ; of size nxp,nyp intended to compensate the radial ; fall-off of the PEPPI corona. Assumes ; an r^7 multiplicative function ; nxp,nyp = x,y dimensions of rot., interp. PEPPI ; xsh, ysh = x,y shifts of image from positions of ; original EIT image ; coordinates for sun center derived from least-squares ; fit to the EIT limb xc = 154.462 + xsh & yc = 490.518 + ysh & rsun = 381.728 ; radius array radpep = fltarr(nxp,nyp) for j = 0,nyp-1 do for i = 0,nxp-1 do begin radpep(i,j) = sqrt( (float(i)-xc)^2 + (float(j)-yc)^2)/rsun endfor ; get multiplicative factor whr = where (radpep gt 1.) ;;; radpep(whr) = radpep(whr)^7. radpep(whr) = radpep(whr)^6.5 ;;;; Alice's mod ;;;; just looks better... ; set remainder to 1 whr = where(radpep le 1.) radpep(whr) = 1. radpep(whr) = 11. ;;;; Alice's mod end