;goto, bypass ; FIRST, EIT DATA ; retrieve the eit data restore,'/swing/d/lites/eclipse98/eit/eit_spole_195.save' ; select frame at 18:13:26 UT tmpa = a(*,*,4) nxe = sizeof(tmpa,1) & nye = sizeof(tmpa,2) ; generate the radial enhancement factor of r^14 ; for eit image gencompeit,nxe,nye,rad ; get average background counts at bottom of image ttt = tmpa(*,2:10) medfilt,ttt,3,4,ttb wwh = where(ttb ne 0) totb = total(ttb(wwh))/float(n_elements(wwh)) tmpa = tmpa-totb ; enhance corona tot = total(tmpa(2:201,2:81))/float(200*80) tmpa = tmpa*rad/tot ; apply median filter medfilt,tmpa,4,2.5,tmpc tmpc = tmpc*100. ; insert into larger image format for comparison eitim = fltarr(500,400) eitim(*,*) = -5000. eitim(10:10+nxe-1,70:70+nye-1) = tmpc(*,*) ; shift eit image to compensate for upwards movement ; of unrotated PEPPI image eitim = shift(eitim,-4,31) eitim(6:6+nxe-1,101:104) = -5000. ; get rid of spurious data at bottom ; NEXT, PEPPI DATA ; generate the radial enhancement function for PEPPI data, ; based on the inferred limb position for EIT data, appropriately ; shifted, uses an r^7 enhancement function ;;; gencpeppi,500,400,10-4,70+31,radpep gencpeppi,500,400,-13,106,radpep ;;; An Alice change... ; retrieve the peppi data restore,'/swing/d/lites/eclipse98/peppi/sh_genseq10raw.save' ; select observation for PEPPI kk=5 pep = avimg(*,*,kk) nxx = sizeof(pep,1) & nyy = sizeof(pep,2) ; enhance the image in the radial direction pepim = fltarr(500,400) pepim(*,*) = 0 pepim(110:110+nxx-1,66:66+nyy-1) = pep(*,*) ;;; pepim = rot(pepim,-25.) pepim = rot(pepim,-20.9) ;;; An Alice change. pepim = pepim*radpep ppp = bytscl(pepim) ; pixel shift in horizontal, best shift seems to be 36 from ; trial and error jsh = 36 ; shift in vertical vsh = -10 pepmm = shift(pepim,jsh,vsh) ;;;; Alice will do this a different way. ; calculate byte images for display bpraw = bytscl( fix ( ( (pepmm < 19000.) > 3000. ) -3000. ) ) whrp = where(bpraw eq 0) & bpraw(whrp) = 255 beraw = bytscl(eitim<4000.)>(-3000.) whre = where(eitim eq -5000.) & beraw(whre) = 255 ; find overlap where two images are non-zero whr = where(pepmm gt 0 and eitim gt 0) ratio = pepim & ratio(*,*) = 0. ratio(whr) = pepmm(whr)/eitim(whr) brat = bytscl(ratio,min=-2.,max=10.) whr = where(brat eq min(brat)) & brat(whr) = 0 ; set backgrounds to zero bpraw(whrp) = 0 & beraw(whre) = 0 save,filename='dispcomp.save',beraw,bpraw,brat,pepmm,eitim,nxe,nye ;bypass: restore,'dispcomp.save' ; pixel coordinates of pentagon defining region common ; to both PEPPI and EIT images, starting at upper left ; corner xpent = [214,325,325,172,120,214] ypent = [260,260,105,105,215,260] xpent = [210,325,325,168,122,210] ;;; Alice mods ypent = [260,260,105,105,228,260] ;;; Alice mods ; setup image stuff ; new value of image scale from fitting limb of sun, assuming ; the standard mean solar radius ;mmpx = 2.518/959.63 ; actual solar radius at the time of the eclipse mmpx = 2.518/969.27 ; sizes in solar radii for plotting window: sets relative scaling of axes ; adjust for scaling of window to 8.5 x 11 sheet ; set for landscape mode ;xsz= 2. ;ysz=2.*8.5/11. ; set for portrait mode factr = 8.5/11. xsz= 2.*factr ysz=2. ;offsets of first image in window, in Mm xoff = 0.12/xsz yoff = 0.03/ysz ; space in x between panels xdel = .03 ; space in y between panels ydel = .03 ; now start postscript stuff ; set character, line thickness thick = 7. !x.thick=thick !y.thick=thick charthick = 1.5 dops = 1 if( dops ) then begin ;{ set_plot,'ps' device, /color, $ bits_per_pixel=8, file='mytry.ps', scale_factor=1.0, /inches, $ xoffset=0.0, yoffset=0.0, xsize=8.5, ysize=11.0 endif else begin ;}{ scl=70. window,xsize=fix(8.5*scl),ysize=fix(11.*scl) endelse ;} ; set background dumy = bytarr(85,110) & dumy(*,*) = 0 tv, dumy, 0., 0., xsize=1., ysize=1., /normal loadct,0 ; get dimensions of images nx = sizeof(pepmm,1) ny = sizeof(pepmm,2) ; limit of range in x-, y-dimension xdim = float(nx)*mmpx ydim = float(ny)*mmpx ; ranges of arrays range1 = [ [0., xdim] , [0.,ydim] ] ; sizes of images in normalized coordinates xsiz = xdim/xsz ysiz = ydim/ysz ; ; dummy xyouts to set font xyouts,.5,.5,'!17 ',charsize=1.5, $ charthick=3.0, /normal,color=254 ; Upper display: PEPPI intensity x_im1_p1 = xoff y_im1_p1 = yoff -.1 + 1.*(ydel + ysiz) x_im1_p2 = x_im1_p1 + xsiz y_im1_p2 = y_im1_p1 + ysiz ;; Alice mod below... ;; bpraw = bytscl( pepmm , 3000 , 20000 ) tv, bpraw, x_im1_p1, y_im1_p1, xsize=xsiz, ysize=ysiz, /normal plot,xpent,ypent, /noerase, /ynozero, /normal, $ xstyle=5,ystyle=5, $ xrange = [0,(nx-1)], yrange = [0.,(ny-1)], color=255, $ position=[x_im1_p1, y_im1_p1, x_im1_p2, y_im1_p2] ; label image xyouts,x_im1_p1+.00,y_im1_p2-.17, $ '!17PEPPI Image, Radially Enhanced: (r/R!l!9n!n!17)!u7!n',charsize=1.5, $ charthick=3.0, /normal,color=254 ; label columns xyouts,x_im1_p1+.00,y_im1_p2-.03, $ '!17HAO/NCAR PEPPI', $ charsize=1.8, charthick=3.0, /normal, color = 255 xyouts,x_im1_p1+.3,y_im1_p2-.03, $ '!17(Photometric Eclipse Polar Plume Imager)', $ charsize=1.4, charthick=3.0, /normal, color = 255 xyouts,x_im1_p1+.01,y_im1_p2-.06, $ '!17Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, 26 February 1998',charsize=1.8, $ charthick=3.0, /normal, color = 255 ; add squiggle below c in curacao xyouts,x_im1_p1+.12,y_im1_p2-.06, $ '!9s!17',charsize=0.7, charthick=3.0, /normal,orientation=180., color = 255 xyouts,x_im1_p1+.00,y_im1_p2-.10, $ '!17SOHO EIT', $ charsize=1.8, charthick=3.0, /normal, color = 255 xyouts,x_im1_p1+.16,y_im1_p2-.10, $ '!17(Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope)', $ charsize=1.4, charthick=3.0, /normal, color = 255 ; Middle display: EIT image ; size of array to plot nx = 325+1 ny = 260-105+1 ; limit of range in x-, y-dimension xdim = float(nx)*mmpx ydim = float(ny)*mmpx ; sizes of images in normalized coordinates xsiz = xdim/xsz ysiz = ydim/ysz x_im1_p1 = xoff y_im1_p1 = yoff + 1.1*(ydel + ysiz) x_im1_p2 = x_im1_p1 + xsiz y_im1_p2 = y_im1_p1 + ysiz beraw = bytscl(eitim, 400 , 6000 ) ;;; An Alice mod tv, beraw(0:325,105:260),x_im1_p1,y_im1_p1,xsize=xsiz,ysize=ysiz,/normal plot,xpent,ypent-105, /noerase, /ynozero, /normal, $ xstyle=5,ystyle=5, $ xrange = [0,(nx-1)], yrange = [0,(ny-1)], color=255, $ position=[x_im1_p1, y_im1_p1, x_im1_p2, y_im1_p2] ; label image xyouts,x_im1_p2+.01,y_im1_p2-.03,'!17SOHO-EIT Fe XII 195 A',charsize=1.5, $ charthick=3.0, /normal,color=254 xyouts,x_im1_p2+.01,y_im1_p2-.06, $ '!17Radially Enhanced:',charsize=1.5, $ charthick=3.0, /normal,color=254 xyouts,x_im1_p2+.01,y_im1_p2-.09, $ '!17(r/R!l!9n!n!17)!u14!n',charsize=1.5, $ charthick=3.0, /normal,color=254 ; Lower display: Ratio of Images x_im1_p1 = xoff y_im1_p1 = yoff + 0.17*(ydel + ysiz) x_im1_p2 = x_im1_p1 + xsiz y_im1_p2 = y_im1_p1 + ysiz ; restrict the imaging range of the ratio image as was ; done for the EIT image brat = bytscl(ratio,1.,9.) ;;; An Alice mod tv, brat(0:325,105:260), x_im1_p1, y_im1_p1, xsize=xsiz, ysize=ysiz, /normal plot,xpent,ypent-105, /noerase, /ynozero, /normal, $ xstyle=5,ystyle=5, $ xrange = [0,(nx-1)], yrange = [0,(ny-1)], color=255, $ position=[x_im1_p1, y_im1_p1, x_im1_p2, y_im1_p2] ; label image xyouts,x_im1_p2+.01,y_im1_p2-.03,'!17Ratio: PEPPI/SOHO-EIT',charsize=1.5, $ charthick=3.0, /normal,color=254 if ( dops ) then begin ;{ device, /close_file set_plot, 'x' cmnd = 'lp -dhaocolor mytry.ps' ;; spawn,cmnd cmnd = 'tekprint -pq hq_color_fl2 mytry.ps | lp -dhq_color_fl2 ;; spawn,cmnd cmnd = 'tekprint -pq hq_color_fl2 -Source Transparency mytry.ps | lp -dhq_color_fl2' ;; spawn,cmnd endif ;} ; ; Done. end