pixX = 512 pixY = 512 bleep=intarr(pixX,pixY) mymini=-500 & mymaxi=5000 bleer=intarr(pixX,pixY) bleer(*,*)=0 filenm=' ' listfile='rpBlist2' init='y' ; init can be set to 'n' once everything ; has been initialized, ; i.e. once this routine has been run once... numimgs=88 ; When you want to stop animating, hit any character. ; You might then have to do a "retall" in idl if ( init eq 'y') then begin ;{ window,1,xsize=pixX,ysize=pixY,xpos=660,ypos=421 window,0,xsize=pixX,ysize=pixY,xpos=660,ypos=421 wset,0 xanimate,set=[pixX,pixY,numimgs,0] close,13 & openr,13,listfile ii=0 while ( not eof(13) ) do begin ;{ readf,13,filenm close,1 & openr,1,filenm readu,1,bleep & close,1 xanimate,image=bytscl(bleep-bleer,min=mymini,max=mymaxi),frame=ii ii=ii+1 endwhile ;} close,13 ; Set up a nice color table _a=intarr(256) & _b=intarr(256) & _c=intarr(256) openr,11,'/home/puu/cordyn/color_idl/bw0.rgb' readu,11,_a & readu,11,_b & readu,11,_c & tvlct,_a,_b,_c & close,11 endif ;} xanimate,5.0 ; When you want to stop animating, hit ^C. ; You might then have to do a "retall" in idl end