97d163.172946.hsh ARCHIVE 97d163.173300.hsh Good 97d163.173527.hsh Good 97d163.173828.hsh Good 97d163.174128.hsh Good 97d163.174428.hsh Good 97d163.174728.hsh Good 97d163.175028.hsh Good 97d163.175345.hsh Good 97d163.175628.hsh Good 97d163.175927.hsh Good 97d163.180445.hsh Good 97d163.180745.hsh Good 97d163.181029.hsh Good 97d163.181328.hsh Good 97d163.181628.hsh Good 97d163.181928.hsh Good 97d163.182228.hsh Good 97d163.182528.hsh Good 97d163.182827.hsh Good 97d163.183128.hsh Good 97d163.183428.hsh Good 97d163.183729.hsh Good 97d163.184028.hsh Good 97d163.184328.hsh Good 97d163.184628.hsh Good 97d163.184945.hsh Good 97d163.185228.hsh Good 97d163.185529.hsh Good 97d163.185828.hsh Good 97d163.190352.hsh Good 97d163.190646.hsh Good 97d163.190929.hsh Good 97d163.191245.hsh Good 97d163.191528.hsh Good 97d163.191845.hsh Good 97d163.192128.hsh Good 97d163.192446.hsh Good 97d163.192728.hsh Good 97d163.193028.hsh Good 97d163.194715.hsh Good 97d163.195028.hsh Good 97d163.195329.hsh Good 97d163.195646.hsh Good 97d163.195928.hsh Good 97d163.200856.hsh Good 97d163.201145.hsh Good 97d163.201429.hsh Good 97d163.201728.hsh Good 97d163.202045.hsh Good 97d163.202328.hsh Good 97d163.202628.hsh Good 97d163.202946.hsh Good 97d163.203228.hsh Good 97d163.200324.hfr 97d163.200403.hfr 97d163.200432.hfr 97d163.200458.hfr 97d163.200525.hfr 97d163.200551.hfr 97d163.200618.hfr 97d163.200644.hfr 97d163.200328.cfr 97d163.200405.cfr 97d163.200433.cfr 97d163.200500.cfr 97d163.200526.cfr 97d163.200553.cfr 97d163.200619.cfr 97d163.200645.cfr 97d163.180322.hbr 97d163.190225.hbr 97d163.200741.hbr 97d163.180409.wsr 97d163.190313.wsr 97d163.200823.wsr 97d156.200219.hpt Good Paint from 97d156 used for this day. 97d156.200223.cpt Good PAint from 97d156 used for this day. Start time: 17:29 Stop time : 20:32 Daily Summary : A very good day of observations, there were no bad or ugly images out of 54, but there still seems to be a problem with the lyot filter cutting off prominences on the limb. Events : Several items to report. There is a large active area at 10E/50N that is quite eruptive and gets smaller with each eruption through the day. There are several active spots and an active area (possibly a filament channel) along a line from 60E/60N-60E/0N. There are eruptions and flows along this line that suggest these are all associated. There are some tiny active spots in the area of 60-70W/30-50N that have tiny eruptions and flows that suggests they too are acssociated. There are tiny eruptions across the face today. There are quiescent prominences visible on the limb at 210 and 225 degrees. These notes recorded by Jim Paris, 27-Jun-1997