The files in the sub-directories below are named after by the date and 
their data type.

Typical subdirectories are named after the year and month, e.g.:

Typical image names are:   


These are composite limb and disk images available in either "gif" or "ras"
formats.  In the above example, the limb image was taken at 18:32 UT
and the disk image at 21:14 UT.   

There may be some images that have data across the date boundry.
For example the image: 


had the limb image taken at 20:51 UT on DOY 346, 1994, 
but the disk image was taken at 01:40 UT on DOY 347,1994.

"fits" data is available via special request.
This is because of limited disk space.  Typically the
most recent fits files are still on line, in the subdirectories
named above.

Logs by viewers of the data are also available.
A typical log file is named: 94d198.log
These are ascii files.  Logs are stored in dpm/logs directory.

The data in the fits files have a 2880*2 byte fits header, followed by
the image of 16-bit integers.

A typical limb image name is:  94d198.184605.l.fits
                          or:  mlso_dpmn_alr_96d262_011837.fts
A typical disk image name is:  94d198.185603.d.fits
                          or:  mlso_dpmn_asr_96d261_202018.fts

The array size of a 94d198.184605.?.fits            image is 1534 by 1029.
The array size of a mlso_dpmn_a?r_96d262_011837.fts image is 1534 by 1030.

In idl the images would be image=intarr(1534,1029)
   C                       short image[1029,1534]
   Fortran                 int*2 image[1534,1029]
In idl the images would be image=intarr(1534,1030)
   C                       short image[1030,1534]
   Fortran                 int*2 image[1534,1030]

In these images, the origin of the image array is in the lower left,
the center of the sun is unknown.

North straight up in the positive Y direction, 
East  to the left, in the negative X direction.

I've made the idl code "" to display the fits images.  
To use either, just enter idl and then type: 
    .r seedPmon

If you have any questions, ask Alice Lecinski (303) 497-1523