; ; Use mean image and cross correlations to improve shifts ; in SWRI calibrated eclipse images ; pixX = 1024 pixY = 256 img = fltarr(pixX,pixY) meanimg = img y0 = 20 numy = 30 x0 = 725 numx = 200 cross=fltarr(21,21) !x.title='X shift' !y.title='Y shift' !z.title='Cross correlation' !z.range=[0.90,1.0] loadct,9 filenm=' ' listfile='./elist.cal.sft' close,13 & openr,13,listfile close,14 & openr,14,'meanimg' & readu,14,meanimg & close,14 close,2 & openw,2,'fineshifts' ii=0 fred=meanimg(x0:x0+numx,y0:y0+numy) while ( not eof(13) ) do begin ;{ img=fltarr(pixX,pixY) readf,13,filenm close,1 & openr,1,filenm readu,1,img for jj=-10,10 do begin for kk=-10,10 do begin mary=shift(img,jj,kk) sally=mary(x0:x0+numx,y0:y0+numy) cross(jj+10,kk+10) = correlate(fred,sally) end end surface,cross m = max(cross) jj = !c/21 ii = !c-jj*21 print,filenm,ii-10,jj-10 printf,2,ii-10,jj-10 ii=ii+1 endwhile ;} close,13 close,2 stop end