date = ' ' print,'Enter the date of your data, like: Aug 18, 1995' read,date close,1 pixx=1534 & pixy=1029 if(n_elements(dPm ) eq 0) then dPm =intarr(pixx,pixy) if(n_elements(head) eq 0) then head=bytarr(2880*2) scl=1 & fcl = float(scl) xsz=(pixx/scl) ysz=(pixy/scl) xcen=xsz/2 & ycen=ysz/2 if(scl eq 1) then begin;{ wxsz=1024 & wysz=1024 & xspt=(wxsz-xsz)/2 & yspt=(wysz-ysz)/2 endif else begin ;}{ wxsz=xsz & wysz=ysz & xspt=0 & yspt=0 endelse;} pangle = 1. rnder = 0.5005 mywin=4 filenm=' ' fpos=0 fpos=lonarr(1000) & ftmp=long(0) & ii=0 mn=0 & mx=150 if( n_elements(dlistfile) eq 0) then begin ;{ dlistfile=' ' print,$ 'Enter in a filename that contains a list of the images you wish to convert.' print,'The list should include the entire path to the images.' read,dlistfile endif $ else begin ;}{ print,' ' print,'Your present listfile is: ',dlistfile print,'If you want to change it, enter the idl command: dlistfile=''newone''' print,'Where ''newone'' is an example new list file.' print,' ' endelse;} print,' ' print,'The images listed in file: ',dlistfile,' will now be displayed.' print,' ' print,' ' ; Open a window device,window_state=winst ;;if(winst(mywin) eq 0)then $ window,mywin,xsize=wxsz,ysize=wysz ; Load color table dome=1 if (dome) then begin ;{ _a=intarr(256) & _b=intarr(256) & _c=intarr(256) openr,11,'/home/cordyn/color_idl/bw0.rgb' readu,11,_a & readu,11,_b & readu,11,_c & close,11 tvlct,_a,_b,_c endif;} close,13 & openr,13,dlistfile while ( not eof(13) ) do begin ;{ point_lun,-13,ftmp & fpos(ii)=ftmp readf,13,filenm ;close,1 & openr,1,filenm & readu,1,head & readu,1,dPm & close,1 hdr=' ' dPm = readfits(filenm,fitshdr,noscale = 1) & hdr = [hdr, fitshdr] Txcen = sxpar( hdr, 'CRPIX1' ) Tycen = sxpar( hdr, 'CRPIX2' ) Dmx = sxpar( hdr, 'DATAMAX') pangle=sxpar( hdr, 'SOLAR_P0') Dmx = max(dPm(xcen-300:xcen+300,ycen))*1.15 if(scl ne 1) then begin;{ Txcen = Txcen/scl Tycen = Tycen/scl endif;} if(Dmx gt mx) then Dmx=mx if( pangle lt 0. ) then pangle = pangle + 360. rimg = ROT(dPm, pangle, 1.0, Txcen,Tycen,/INTERP,/PIVOT) dPm = rimg ;;;;;; LOOK OUT HERE spot=strpos(filenm,'95d') doy=strmid(filenm,spot,6)+' '+strmid(filenm,spot+7,6)+' ut' gifname=strmid(filenm,0,strlen(filenm)-6) wset,mywin smldpm=rebin(dPm(0:xsz*scl-1,0:ysz*scl-1),xsz,ysz) ;tv,bytscl(smldpm,min=mn,max=mx) tv,bytscl(smldpm,min=mn,max=mx),xspt+(xcen-Txcen),yspt+(ycen-Tycen) ;xyouts,4,496,'digital Prominence Monitor: Halpha',size=1.3,/dev ;xyouts,4,476,'MLSO / HAO ',size=1.3,/dev ;xyouts,4,456,date,size=1.3,/dev ;xyouts,4,436,doy,size=1.3,/dev ;xyouts,4, 25,'NORTH is straight up, EAST is to the left',size=1.1,/dev ;xyouts,4, 5,'Images are *not* co-alligned',size=1.1,/dev xyouts,8/fcl,992/fcl+yspt*2,'digital Prominence Monitor: Halpha',size=2.6/fcl,/dev xyouts,8/fcl,952/fcl+yspt*2,'MLSO / HAO ',size=2.6/fcl,/dev xyouts,8/fcl,912/fcl+yspt*2,date,size=2.6/fcl,/dev xyouts,8/fcl,872/fcl+yspt*2,doy,size=2.6/fcl,/dev xyouts,8/fcl, 50/fcl,'NORTH is straight up, EAST is to the left',size=2.2/fcl,/dev xyouts,8/fcl, 10/fcl,'Images are *not* co-alligned',size=2.2/fcl,/dev bbb=tvrd() gifname=gifname+'dpm_limb.gif' print,'Writing ',gifname write_gif,gifname,bbb,_a,_b,_c endwhile ;} close,13 end