puu.hao.ucar.edu: mk3/HOW_TO				14 Feb 94
HAO stores the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO) data on a UNIX workstation.
Daily images, synoptic data, logs and listings are available in our anonymous 
FTP directory.

****   See postscript file: DIR_DIAGRAM.ps for a pictorial representation ****
****   of the FTP directory. Under the UNIX operating system you 	  ****
****   may use one of the following commands to display a postscript 	  ****
****   file with X windows:                                               ****
****      on a SUN workstation type:                                      ****
****         pageview DIR_DIAGRAM.ps                                      ****
****         (Use the EDIT Menu and Properties option. Click on right     ****
****          and apply to rotate the page upright.                       ****
****      on an SGI workstation type:                                     ****
****         xpsview DIR_DIAGRAM.ps                                       ****

There are 3 subdirectories containing information:  
    mk3  (MKIII coronameter data)
    dpm  (Digital Prominence Monitor H-alpha data)
    mk3/pub  (public area; upon request, data is left here for specific users)

purpose of the directory. The INDEX file lists the names and a brief
description of all files in that directory.

daily_images: Currently, mk3 daily data is available in sun raster file format.
   You can view these images (on an X-windowing system) with 'xv filename' or
   'xloadimage filename'. If you use IDL you can use the read_srf command 
   to display them.

log : mk3.events.199? files contain Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) information
	  and daily activity reports;
      mlso.timelog.199? files contain time logs (daily start/stop times).

map : Synoptic maps in Carrington rotations at 2 heights:
      1.36 and 1.74 solar radii (Rsun units).

      The "old" directory contains the old calibrated maps in Postscript format.
      The old maps interpolated across large data gaps and were not properly
      calibrated.  In the coming months, these will be updated and placed in the
      /ftp/mk3/map/ps directories in Postscript format.

      Postscript-formatted maps are contours of polarization brightness vs.
      All maps are scaled versions of the data and are for display purposes
      only.  Maps with actual polarization brightness values are available upon

src : Source code for displaying, and doing simple anaylsis (such as measuring
      a pixel value, polar coordinate, radial and theta scans, etc.)
      Code is written in IDL and/or C.

-------------------------  HOW TO FTP    ------------------------------------

NOTE: In the following examples, any item enclosed by angle brackets <>
represents a name to be replaced by an appropriate string of characters.

If you are interested in accessing MLSO data from the public ftp directory,
please follow these steps:

1. ftp puu.hao.ucar.edu
   Connected to puu.hao.ucar.edu.
   220 puu FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready.

   NOTE: If the system asks you for a domain number for puu, that 
	 address number is:

2. Name (puu.hao.ucar.edu:cordyn):    anonymous
   331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.

3. Password: <user_id>	(your email address: e.g., cordyn@hao.ucar.edu)
   230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.

4. ftp> binary			(sets type to binary)

5. ftp> cd mk3 

6. ftp> ls			(to get directory listing)
TO GET MK3 data from November, 1993, ( the 11th month) type:

7a.ftp> cd daily_images/1993/11_nov/qual 

8. ftp> ls 			(to get directory listing)

8. ftp> prompt			(prevents ftp from prompting you if you
				 really want get an image)
9. ftp> mget *			(grabs all november images)
TO GET one image only, type:

10. ftp> get <imagename>

11. ftp> quit			(to exit)

TO GET coronal mass ejection(cme) and prominence activity reports:

Execute steps 1 through 5.  Then type:

6. ftp> cd log

Execute steps 7 through 9 to get reports.

If you need additional information, please contact one of the following people:

	Alice Lecinski (303) 497-1523  email: mlso_data_requests@ncar.ucar.edu