Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Sun Feb 20 17:38:18 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 051
Observer: elmore
	Sun Feb 20 17:38:28 GMT 1994
Elmore and Streander trying to get this day going.
Beautiful, coronal sky, 34 degrees.
	Sun Feb 20 17:43:07 GMT 1994
Started MkIII at 1741
Working on dPMon nd filter and focus.  Plan is to have it up in an hour
or so.  Howard will be working on th eMkIII today.  We will lose data
on account but we will try to get some good scans first.
	Sun Feb 20 17:44:55 GMT 1994
MkIII tape is H00701
dPMon tape if we get there is P00001
	Sun Feb 20 17:45:38 GMT 1994
Check out the first few data points for today.  I followed a non-standard
startup procedure (as might be expected for a novice), but I think the
drive was ready before the first scan so that the first few points may
not be lost.
	Sun Feb 20 19:04:09 GMT 1994
Calibration of MkIII started at 1903
	Sun Feb 20 19:18:12 GMT 1994
Messed up calibration the first time, did not send it to tape.
1918 started another.
	Sun Feb 20 20:25:00 GMT 1994
Patrol Start
	Sun Feb 20 20:25:07 GMT 1994
Attempting a run with dPMon.
Many problems this morning.  Halle has been running away.  Objective
wheel has run away.  Occulting wheel ran to limit.
Right Now image is dark as if something has failed like the Halle.
	Sun Feb 20 20:48:48 GMT 1994
Starting about 2040 things started getting better.  The objective
wheel quit rotating and the Halle started following commands.
It looks like sky reference will not work as the solar image is out
of focus when tuned off band.  
	Sun Feb 20 20:51:56 GMT 1994
Lost control of the MkIII from the terminal after the first CORONA plot
following the calibration.  It looks like it is taking data from the 
looks of the tape drive, scan positions, and scope diagnostics.
Bugs are really dust.  There was a big puff about an hour ago and 
less now.
	Sun Feb 20 20:54:07 GMT 1994
Objective wheel suddenly took off by itself.  No commands were issued
to start it!
	Sun Feb 20 20:58:35 GMT 1994
Objective wheel toggled into place by cycling power on J-box.  Objective
whell cable then disconnected and j-box powered back up.  Now back to
Occulting is quite tight.  I think a largger disc is called for.  Also,
the P angle of the occulting stem was not set today.  The orientation
of the frame should be EW heliocentric.
The accuracy I guess is to about a degree.
	Sun Feb 20 21:02:01 GMT 1994
	Sun Feb 20 21:03:22 GMT 1994
Since the objective wheel is disconnected, there will be no diffuser
images during the calibration.  It looked to me like there was a
gross overexposure instead.  Darks are good!
Today I have been running 1 summation per image.  I will try changing
to four and let us see if the images get fuzzier or whether the signal to
noise gets better.
	Sun Feb 20 21:21:36 GMT 1994
Lost about 10 minutes of data due to the dome shutter occulting the dPMon.
Had to close the shutter, unlatch the bottom section, and open it again.
Needless to say, the MMkIII too lost data in the gap though it was not
maxed out on the shutter.
It looks like the Halle has run away again, will attempt to fix it.
	Sun Feb 20 21:35:25 GMT 1994
Made changes to try to eliminate the reference exposures.
Shortened the disk exposure as the level had reached 7/8 saturation in some
The limb exposure at about 2135 shows what happens when the dome rotation is
neglected and it just inpinges upon the dPMon field of view.
	Sun Feb 20 21:42:47 GMT 1994
Attempt to fix Halle by turning off J-box  lasted so short a time we got
no exposures....will do it again.  This time it stuck long enough
for me to get downstarirs.
The dPMon and MkIII are so close to the sides of the shutter at this time
that the dPMon is very likely to get obstructed.  It shows up looking like
bad occulting and a band of light about as wide as the sun extending out
on both sides.
	Sun Feb 20 21:55:55 GMT 1994
hit the dome slot.
	Sun Feb 20 22:00:01 GMT 1994
	Sun Feb 20 22:27:44 GMT 1994
Noticed disc exposures were saturating again.  Took off a few more
hundredths of a second.
Have re-gained control of the MkIII.  Scans look good, but with quite
a few events due to dust.
	Sun Feb 20 22:28:48 GMT 1994
We  will be playing with the dPMon for the next period of time trying to
improve focus.  Also, I noticed that the Halle has run away again.  Yuk.
	Sun Feb 20 22:33:01 GMT 1994
Patrol End
	Sun Feb 20 23:03:33 GMT 1994
Patrol Start
	Sun Feb 20 23:09:02 GMT 1994
Focus change in an attempt to improve the Sun,
not the occulting disk.  How did we do?
	Sun Feb 20 23:15:23 GMT 1994
MkIII chunking along.  Sky looks very nopisy.
	Sun Feb 20 23:21:05 GMT 1994
Patrol End
	Sun Feb 20 23:43:11 GMT 1994
Patrol Start
	Sun Feb 20 23:45:53 GMT 1994
Check the contrast of the disc h-alpha images in comparison
to before this patrol.  We shifted the knob by 1/4 turn to
get minimum intensity.
	Mon Feb 21 00:01:56 GMT 1994
	Mon Feb 21 00:05:11 GMT 1994
	Mon Feb 21 00:07:53 GMT 1994
	Mon Feb 21 00:11:02 GMT 1994
	Mon Feb 21 00:13:00 GMT 1994
One cal after another.  Must be a software problem on change of day.
	Mon Feb 21 00:24:42 GMT 1994
Patrol Start
	Mon Feb 21 00:26:20 GMT 1994
Found out that csh does not think that 0 = 00!  Fixed it up
in Program.
MkIII was looking cleaner, but now it is noisy again.
	Mon Feb 21 00:38:00 GMT 1994
Lost guider.  MkIII would be a mess ehile that happened.
	Mon Feb 21 01:00:56 GMT 1994
	Mon Feb 21 01:05:39 GMT 1994
PUt waveplate in beam.  Are try8ing to focus with it there.
	Mon Feb 21 01:55:27 GMT 1994
dPMon hit bottom of dome slot.  Shutting it down
MkIII still clear but we will stop it too.
Sky doesn't look too bad right now.
	Mon Feb 21 01:57:03 GMT 1994
Patrol End
	Mon Feb 21 01:58:46 GMT 1994
******************* NOTE by Alice Lecinski, Duc Chu, David Elmore 3/10/94
******************* The times below are INCORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
******************* Our best guess is to subtract 6 hrs 49 minutes from
******************* the times listed below.  This means the first time is 
******************* 17:29 (ish) and the last is 01:55 (ish).
SCAN-LOG  ??:??:??.  2/20/94 DOY 51       
                                                             018 0 CL 
     021 0 CL      024 0 CL      027 0 CL      030 0 CL      034 0 CL 
     037 0 CL      040 0 CL      043 0 CL      047 0 CL      050 0 CL 
     053 0 CL      056 0 CL      100 0 CL      103 0 CL      106 0 CL 
     110 0 CL      113 0 CL      116 0 CL      119 0 CL      123 0 CL 
     126 0 CL      129 0 CL      133 0 CL      136 0 CL      155 0 CL 
     2:01:58       208 15CL      2:17:25       2:20:42       2:24:00  
     2:27:16       2:30:32       2:33:48       2:37:04       2:40:19  
     2:43:36       2:46:50       2:50:06       2:53:21       2:56:36  
     2:59:51       3:03:06       3:06:21       3:09:36       3:12:50  
     3:16:05       3:19:19       3:22:34       3:25:48       3:29:03  
     3:32:17       3:35:32       3:38:46       3:42:01       3:45:15  
     3:48:29       3:51:43       3:54:58       3:58:12       4:01:27  
     4:04:41       4:07:56       4:11:10       4:14:25       4:17:39  
     4:20:55       4:24:09       4:27:24       4:30:38       4:33:53  
     4:37:06       4:40:21       4:43:34       4:46:48       4:50:01  
     4:53:15       4:56:29       4:59:44       5:02:57       5:06:12  
     5:09:25       5:12:40       5:15:52       5:19:06       5:22:19  
     5:25:34       5:28:46       5:31:59       5:35:12       5:38:27  
     5:41:40       5:44:55       5:48:08       5:51:23       5:54:36  
     5:57:51       6:01:03       6:04:19       6:07:32       6:10:45  
     6:13:58       6:17:12       6:20:25       6:23:40       6:26:53  
     6:30:09       6:33:21       6:36:35       6:39:49       6:43:04  
     6:46:18       6:49:33       6:52:46       6:56:00       6:59:13  
     7:02:29       7:05:42       7:08:58       7:12:12       7:15:28  
     7:18:41       7:21:57       7:25:11       7:28:25       7:31:39  
     7:34:55       7:38:08       7:41:24       7:44:38       7:47:54  
     7:51:08       7:54:23       7:57:37       8:00:53       8:04:07  
     8:07:23       8:10:37       8:13:52       8:17:06       8:20:23  
     8:23:37       8:26:52       8:30:05       8:33:22       8:36:36  
     8:39:51       8:43:04