Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
	Sat Feb 26 18:13:00 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 057
Observer: elmore
	Sat Feb 26 18:50:18 GMT 1994
Patrol Start
Sat Feb 26 18:51:20 GMT 1994
Clear, light wind from the north, temp=12.0 C.
Sat Feb 26 18:52:35 GMT 1994
  MkIII :
0 channel calibration.
Sat Feb 26 18:54:35 GMT 1994
  MkIII :
Redoing 0 channel calibration, was set to channel 5 (?) before.
	Sat Feb 26 19:00:17 GMT 1994
Sat Feb 26 19:11:25 GMT 1994
Before observing:  Disassembled CCD camera and replaced shutter and
shutter control board.  Were in contact with Kodak on the phone while doing
this.  Some video.
Don't try this at home.
Shutter works.  Centered camera on coude bench by rotating bench and 
following rotation of image.  Centered center of reticle.
Focused camera on disc features, limb, filaments.  Not much look with
hartman mask. (luck that is)
Determined exposures.  For now, disc, limb, reference and diffuser are all
the same at 27/100 second.
Sat Feb 26 19:19:21 GMT 1994
EPL at PA=65 looping up to PA+57, starting at ~1905ut, RV~1.1
and growing.
Sat Feb 26 19:43:15 GMT 1994
  MkIII :
Slight depletion visible at PA=260.
Bright radial streak visible at PA=0.
	Sat Feb 26 20:00:20 GMT 1994
Sat Feb 26 20:53:38 GMT 1994
Lost guiding due to dome non-rotation.  Both mkIII and dPMon fouled up
for several minutes.
	Sat Feb 26 21:00:18 GMT 1994
Sat Feb 26 21:45:04 GMT 1994
Identified problems so far...
	The bench angle is not correct.  The occulter post is not at 180
degrees.  Probably there is a zero offset problem with the bench encoder.
	The limb and reference images show a bright ring outside the occulter.
It tracks the brightness of the limb.  The ring is off center with more
showing on what we think is the East (right limb).
	Disc and limb images are somewhat displaced from each other.  Reference
and limb images are better aligned.
	Seeing changes the spill on the limb and reference images.  Subtraction may become difficult.
	In order to show a significant sky background for the limb images
bright prominences at the limb are saturated.
	The reported bench angle runs faster than the angle specified
by the ephemeris calculation.
	The dome needs to be rotated freqeuently and has ruined some
observations already today.  Yet another at 21:50 or so.
	Not a lot of experimentation has gone into determining the DayStar
(Halle replacement) filter temperature.  Right now the set point is 6.0.
This looks a tiny bit better than 5.9 did this morning.  Good news is that
the filter was on band when we started this morning and it is now at mid
day.  Image brightness has increased just a little but I bet that if
normalized by airmass there will have been no instrumental change (DFE).
	Dark images show a bright patch in the lower left.  There may
be a light leak somewhere.
Sat Feb 26 21:56:51 GMT 1994
corrected bench angle.
	Sat Feb 26 22:00:14 GMT 1994
Sat Feb 26 22:35:37 GMT 1994
  MkIII :
Cleaning has been going on in the dome following removal of the CVM.
Expect very dusty scans!
Sat Feb 26 22:37:23 GMT 1994
more identified problems:
	Dark level is going up at mid-day meaning light leaks.
	Occulting is wild.  Seeing is bad and the guider tries to track it.
Guider has gone into oscillation.  If I slip up and drive the dome too far
and block the guider for awaile, it takes a minute or so to settle down.
Sat Feb 26 22:47:47 GMT 1994
Guider shaded by dome slot.  Rather than close, release the bottom, and
re-open.  We will just wait a few minutes today.
	Sat Feb 26 23:00:15 GMT 1994
	Sat Feb 26 23:17:00 GMT 1994
Patrol End
Sat Feb 26 23:17:20 GMT 1994
P00005	Activity East limb
Sat Feb 26 23:17:46 GMT 1994
  MkIII :
H00706   No coronal activity.
	Sat Feb 26 23:19:01 GMT 1994
SCAN-LOG  18:11:39.  2/26/94 DOY 57       
    18:09:19      18:12:36      18:15:50      18:19:04      18:22:18  
    18:25:31      18:28:44      1832 0 CL     18:37:30      1841 15CL 
    18:54:26      1901 0 CL     19:04:24      1908 15CL     19:18:09  
    19:21:22      19:24:35      19:27:47      19:31:01      19:34:14  
    19:37:33      19:40:48      19:44:01      19:47:13      19:50:26  
    19:53:38      19:56:51      20:00:03      20:03:17      20:06:29  
    20:09:42      20:12:53      20:16:06      20:19:20      20:22:39  
    20:25:50      20:29:08      20:32:19      20:35:31      20:38:42  
    20:41:55      20:45:06      20:48:17      20:51:27      20:54:39  
    20:57:48      21:01:00      21:04:09      21:07:21      21:10:31  
    21:13:41      21:16:50      21:19:59      21:23:07      21:26:17  
    21:29:25      21:32:35      21:35:43      21:38:53      21:42:01  
    21:45:12      21:48:21      21:51:31      21:54:40      21:57:51  
    22:01:02      22:04:18      22:07:28      22:10:38      22:13:48  
    22:16:59      22:20:08      22:23:18      22:26:29      22:29:39  
    22:32:48      22:35:59      22:39:08      22:42:19      22:45:28  