Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Fri Mar 11 17:22:39 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 070
Observer: yasukawa

COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 17:22:53 GMT 1994
Cool, clear, scattered altocumulus and cirrus to west, no wind.

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 17:23:59 GMT 1994
Halle was cycling in and out when I opened up this morning.
Pressed reboot switch on Plessey.
Daystar temperature set at 5.6 (from 5.5).

Fri Mar 11 17:26:02 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 17:32:19 GMT 1994
Daystar runaway again, Halle status had erroneous data in it.
rebooted Plessey again.  Cursor appeared in Objective status
around the time of runaway.  I still don't know what causes that
to happen, but I think messing with it the other day is what
caused the IPX crashes I had.  I`ll keep hands off that one.

Fri Mar 11 18:00:18 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

MKIII COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 18:04:27 GMT 1994
Calibrating channel 1

Fri Mar 11 18:09:07 GMT 1994: Patrol End

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 18:09:47 GMT 1994
Something crashed again.  Rebooted Plessey.  Setting Daystar temp
from 5.6 to 5.7.

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 18:13:49 GMT 1994
It was Daystar that was cycling again.  Geez, it sure is touchy today!

Fri Mar 11 18:15:20 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

MKIII COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 18:42:15 GMT 1994
Calibrating channel 0

Fri Mar 11 19:01:13 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration
Fri Mar 11 19:13:18 GMT 1994: Patrol End

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 19:13:49 GMT 1994
Setting Daystar temp from 5.7 to 5.8.

Fri Mar 11 19:16:41 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 19:44:51 GMT 1994
System stopped.  Getting a NOTICE that /opt is full.`
In checking File Manager, I find that somehow, core is written
into /yasukawa -- that's core in RED and with a TIMEBOMB icon
in it.  Called Elmore, who is probably at lunch and left a 
message for him to call me back.  Standing by.

Fri Mar 11 20:00:09 GMT 1994: Patrol End
Fri Mar 11 20:10:06 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 20:10:27 GMT 1994
OK, got ahold of David Elmore and we got by the crash.

First, I confirmed that we should try removing CORE from /yasukawa.
After holding my breath, we did that with no disastrous consequences.
Then I removed image_memory file in /yasukawa, (I don't know how that
got there either, but it was in there for a while), as it wasn't 
needed there.

Then we examined what processes were running using   ps -g   command.
The list should be compared with list under "Run" in the SHELL SCRIPTS
section of the Software Manual.  Display was not running, so we did a
"Display &" command to restart the Display task.  This resumed the
Patrol program which ended as I had requested.

We weren't sure what caused core to be written to /yasukawa, but
that is what took up all the file space that caused the crash.

Fri Mar 11 21:02:14 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration
Fri Mar 11 21:14:46 GMT 1994: Patrol End
Fri Mar 11 21:17:42 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 21:17:56 GMT 1994
Set Daystar temp from 5.8 to 5.9.
Daystar was cycling.  rebooted Plessey.

COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 21:52:21 GMT 1994
$$$ Scattered cirrus approaching nearby.  Extensive cirrus deck
    to western horizon.

COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 21:55:58 GMT 1994
$$$ in thin cirrus.

Fri Mar 11 22:00:16 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration
Fri Mar 11 22:03:12 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Fri Mar 11 22:06:48 GMT 1994
Activity report:
QP:  47; 55; 300; 310;
No coronal activity

TAPES:   MKIII:  H00719
         DPMON:  P00019
         LOW-L:  L00010  removed L00009 this morning on arrival.

Fri Mar 11 22:09:36 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:26:31.  3/11/94 DOY 70       
    17:32:02      17:35:14      17:38:27      17:41:40      17:44:56  
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    1804 0 CL     18:08:04      1813 15CL     18:18:13      18:21:24  
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    1842 0 CL     18:45:56      1851 15CL     19:02:43      19:05:55  
    19:09:09      19:12:18      19:15:32      19:18:42      19:21:54  
    19:25:06      19:28:16      19:31:25      19:34:36      19:37:45  
    19:40:55      19:44:03      19:47:13      19:50:22      19:53:34  
    19:56:42      19:59:52      20:03:00      20:06:09      20:09:17  
    20:12:27      20:15:35      20:18:45      20:21:53      20:25:03  
    20:28:12      20:31:22      20:34:30      20:37:39      20:40:48  
    20:43:56      20:47:04      20:50:13      20:53:21      20:56:31  
    20:59:38      21:02:46      21:05:53      21:09:01      21:12:08  
    21:15:21      21:18:28      21:21:36      21:24:43      21:27:52  
    21:30:59      21:34:07      21:37:13      21:40:22      21:43:29  
    21:46:39      21:49:46      21:52:54      21:56:01      21:59:09