Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Mon Mar 21 17:18:13 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 080
Observer: yasukawa

COMMENT: Mon Mar 21 17:18:34 GMT 1994
Heavy overcast today.  No wind.  Will troubleshoot Daystar problem.
Yesterday's bench angle problem was likely due to the fact that
I spent Thursday working on the Low-L problem with the DPMON Dome
power on to enter logs on the SPARC.  Since it was not clear, the 
bench was not set in the morning so it must have run all day from
the angle it was left on Wednesday.  That's probably why it was
in the unusual position yesterday morning.

DPMON COMMENT: Mon Mar 21 18:43:43 GMT 1994
Checked for broken wires in Halle box and in Daystar controller and
found no obvious breaks.  Opened up Daystar and stuck thermometer 
down in between heater strip and insulation and so far, heater is

DPMON COMMENT: Mon Mar 21 22:08:33 GMT 1994
With thermometer in Daystar and dvm probes on the heater power
terminals in the controller box, I could determine that there was
current going to Filter heater most of the time,  it would fluctuate
if I put my hand over the filter aperture (sightly warming or cooling
the filter body), so I think the controller is operating ok.  There
were some wild fluctuations in voltage when I bent the cable between
the filter and the controller.  This is the section that was flexing
during in/out motion.  After a while, I couldn't repeat the fluctuations.
Decided to reinstall the filter and secure the cable.  There is no sun 
to test the filter today.  Plugged it in and left it at 5.0.

COMMENT: Mon Mar 21 22:17:36 GMT 1994
Mon Mar 21 22:18:07 GMT 1994: Filemark