Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Tue Mar 22 18:54:02 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 081
Observer: koon

COMMENT: Tue Mar 22 20:06:50 GMT 1994
Very cold, lots of snow on the ground from last night and occassional light
snowfall.  Thick overcast.
No observing today.

COMMENT: Tue Mar 22 20:08:25 GMT 1994
Installed new SCSI controller board and tested with both drives, they both
work OK.  So we are back to the original tape drive #1.

Instrument wouldn't point to the sun upon startup this morning.  With help
from David Elmore the problem was fixed and the Low-L instrument is now
officially back on line.
Apparently, with the spring equinox and 360 degree change in Ecliptic
Longitude (and/or something else) the sunup.c program was trying to point
the instrument to the correct hour angle by going through west and the 
storage position (pointing down) where it would stop.  That is, it was 
trying to point to the correct HA +360.  Changing the code to correct for
this allowed the observing program to startup and run correctly.

Tue Mar 22 20:28:38 GMT 1994: Filemark