Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Wed Mar 23 17:54:04 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 082
Observer: yasukawa

COMMENT: Wed Mar 23 17:54:20 GMT 1994
Heavy overcast, light rain, approx. 20 mph south wind.  3.9 degrees C.
No observations likely today.

COMMENT: Wed Mar 23 17:59:28 GMT 1994
LowL running OK this morning.  I had to disconnect SCSI connector
to install clips to prevent connector at back of processor from
falling out accidentally or in time with gravity.  This caused the
drive #0 to rewind upon reconnection.  Tape drive #1 started up
normally and began taking null (no sun) data.  Removed tape L00012
and installed tape L00014.  tape L00012 probably has no useable
data on it but it will be returned to Boulder as SOP.

DPMON COMMENT: Wed Mar 23 18:05:11 GMT 1994
Cannot check if Daystar is functioning properly today.  No sun.
If it isn't, when test is possible, we plan to call Daystar and 
probably send it back for repair.  It didn't feel very warm
this morning, although, everything was quite cold in the dome.

COMMENT: Wed Mar 23 18:07:48 GMT 1994
TAPES:  L00012 removed.   L00013 started.   L00014 loaded

Wed Mar 23 18:08:56 GMT 1994: Filemark