Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Tue Apr 12 17:03:56 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 102
Observer: yasukawa

COMMENT: Tue Apr 12 17:04:58 GMT 1994
Cold, in continued cirrus overcast, low clouds up to 11,000 ft,
light southeast wind.

COMMENT: Tue Apr 12 17:06:52 GMT 1994
Low-L crashed.  Date/time on screen halted at 4/09/1994 at 23:49:56.
94099 logs indicate that L00022 running on Unit 1, L00021 was removed
from unit 0 (sometime during the day, before shutdown at 21:03) and
L00023 was loaded onto unit 0.   This pattern seems to be the one that
repeats itself.  Crash occurs during the run of unit 1.  Before running
the standard crash recovery routine, I will shut down the rack power
and replace unit 1 with the spare again.  This should tell us in a 
couple of days, if the problem lies with the Exabyte drive unit.
First removing L00022 and L00023 to send back to Boulder.  Tomczyk
must be getting quite a collection of blank 3M tapes.   Maybe he should
substitute them with labelled "space-holder" boxes and send them back
for recycling.

COMMENT: Tue Apr 12 17:41:50 GMT 1994
Low-L restarted with spare unit 1 drive installed.

COMMENT: Tue Apr 12 18:33:26 GMT 1994
TAPES:  LOW-L:  Removed L00022 and L00023
                Loaded L00024 and L00025
                L00024 running on unit 0

No coronal data today, still in cirrus overcast and heavy haze.

Tue Apr 12 18:36:56 GMT 1994: Filemark