Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Tue Apr 26 17:05:56 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 116
Observer: yasukawa

COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 17:06:07 GMT 1994
Cool, clear, light southeast wind.  Temp = 48 degrees F.

Tue Apr 26 17:08:22 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

MKIII COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 17:14:28 GMT 1994
Opening shutter, changed mind about doing dark trace now, but forgot
to take shutter out until partway into first coronal scan.

Tue Apr 26 18:00:21 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 18:14:17 GMT 1994
Hydraulic ladder control had a broken wire in it, causing the ladder
to extend if control was jostled, creating a potential hazardous
situation if working close to the spar or dome.  Repaired it.

Tue Apr 26 19:00:17 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 19:45:55 GMT 1994
Opening top of dome shutter.  Stopping DPMON, MKIII continues.

Tue Apr 26 19:47:01 GMT 1994: Patrol End
Tue Apr 26 19:52:22 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Tue Apr 26 20:02:17 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 20:08:54 GMT 1994
$$$ Orographic clouds starting to congregate around site.

COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 20:14:53 GMT 1994
Finally found some time to take a look at the GONG drive mechanism
that failed a long time back.  This was the unit they sent out to
replace the one that is running now that had a loose shaft/clutch.
There is extensive corrosion on the internal wiring due to water
that leaked inside.  Uncertain if a repair is worthwhile at this time.

COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 20:17:59 GMT 1994
$$$ in orographic clouds.

MKIII COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 20:19:57 GMT 1994
I just noticed that the Exabyte tape is popped out.  Checking to see 
if Scan-log changes, i.e it still thinks it is writing files,
otherwise last complete file was written at 20:15:50.

Tue Apr 26 20:22:09 GMT 1994: Patrol End

MKIII COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 20:26:09 GMT 1994
Cleaning attempt failed, tape ejected when loaded.  
Cycled Exabyte drive power, loaded cleaning tape.  
Head cleaning successful.
Loaded tape that had popped out to see if I can rewind it.

MKIII COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 20:57:20 GMT 1994
Tape wouldn"t load.  Powered down and removed manually.  Tape was a bit
bent out of shape  ***** WATCH IT, FOLKS ! ***** H00750 *****
Reassembled unit and loaded another tape.  Load was successful.
Unload was successful.  Must have been a bad tape.  I hope Boulder can
retrieve the data on it.  DO NOT RECYCLE THIS ONE!

COMMENT: Tue Apr 26 21:01:59 GMT 1994
Activity report:
QP:  247; 265; 297;
No coronal activity

TAPES:  MKIII:  H00750 -- Possibly a bad cartridge, No double EOF 
                          at end of data, May not have EOF at end 
                          of last file (20:15).
        DPMON:  P00052
        LOW-L:  L00031 in unit 0 running.

Tue Apr 26 21:06:05 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:05:15.  4/26/94 DOY 116      
    17:11:51      17:15:04      17:18:19      17:21:31      17:24:45  
    17:27:55      17:31:08      17:34:18      17:37:30      17:40:41  
    17:43:54      17:47:05      17:50:18      17:53:30      17:56:44  
    17:59:56      18:03:09      18:06:20      18:09:32      18:12:43  
    18:16:00      18:19:12      18:22:24      18:25:35      1829 0 CL 
    18:32:59      1838 15CL     18:46:16      18:49:27      18:52:38  
    18:55:49      18:59:06      19:02:21      19:05:36      19:08:47  
    19:12:00      19:15:11      19:18:28      19:21:40      19:24:52  
    19:28:02      19:31:13      19:34:24      19:37:36      19:40:46  
    19:43:57      19:47:07      19:50:19      19:53:29      19:56:45  
    19:59:56      20:03:07      20:06:17      20:09:29      20:12:38  
    20:15:50  673 20:19:00  
  673 ERRORS