Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Sat Apr 30 17:08:38 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 120
Observer: yasukawa

COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 17:08:53 GMT 1994
In broken altocumulus and thin cirrus, remote chance of clearing 
later in the day.
Southeast wind, temp = 50 degrees F.
Low-L running OK this morning.  Tape L00033 ejected from unit 0,
Tape L00034 running in unit 1.  Loaded tape L00035 in unit 0.
Checked time display on Low-L with WWVH at Barking Sands, Kauai,
(1-335-4363), it is right on.

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 17:21:32 GMT 1994
Aperture wheel was running, rebooted Plessey, moved wheel back to
clear station in manual mode, tested other optical systems.

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 17:23:47 GMT 1994
Running a couple of dark scans, then will stop tape and wait for
clear sky to resume taking data.

COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 18:45:37 GMT 1994
Opened up dome (with top open), as cirrus is thinning and altocumulus
is more scattered.  Standing by.

Sat Apr 30 18:53:30 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 18:54:15 GMT 1994
Starting coronal scans.

Sat Apr 30 19:00:19 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

MKIII COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 19:38:12 GMT 1994
Clouds tainted calibration.

Sat Apr 30 20:00:19 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 20:17:05 GMT 1994
Checking thru past data, DOY 94109 looked as if corona file saved in
HISTORY was no good--taken in cirrus.  Removed it from HISTORY 
database, changed dot calendar to reflect the removal with an "N"
in the yellow dot.

DPMON COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 20:21:10 GMT 1994
Halle runaway.  rebooting Plessey and restarting Patrol.

Aperture was crashed too.  resetting it.

Sat Apr 30 20:24:20 GMT 1994: Patrol End

Sat Apr 30 20:25:40 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 20:36:07 GMT 1994
Sparcstation time (and MKIII time, as I set 11/44 time by the
Sparcstation clock display) is 6 seconds behind WWVH time-check.
This comment is logged long after the timecheck was done because I was
looking thru the manuals for a way to change the clock in the
meantime.  Apparently it takes a superuser to make the change.

Sat Apr 30 21:02:20 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 21:12:27 GMT 1994
$$$ sky quite noisy now.  Cirrostratus and orographic clouds
are forming overhead.

COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 21:14:27 GMT 1994
$$$ in the clouds now.  beginning shutdown process.

Sat Apr 30 21:16:02 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Sat Apr 30 21:16:26 GMT 1994
Activity report:
QP:  60; 265-282;
No coronal activity

TAPES:   MKIII:  H00752
         DPMON:  P00054
         LOW-L:  L00034 in unit 1

Sat Apr 30 21:19:52 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:15:31.  4/30/94 DOY 120      
    17:25:50      17:29:01      18:55:54      18:59:03      19:02:14  
    19:05:23      19:08:33      19:11:42      19:14:52      19:18:01  
    19:21:11      19:24:19      1928 0 CL     19:31:33      1935 15CL 
    19:40:28      19:43:39      19:46:46      19:49:54      19:53:01  
    19:56:08      19:59:14      20:02:21      20:05:28      20:08:35  
    20:11:41      20:14:53      20:17:59      20:21:06      20:24:12  
    2028 0 CL     20:31:12      2035 15CL     20:45:37      20:48:46  
    20:51:56      20:55:04      20:58:14      21:01:21      21:04:28  
    21:07:35      21:10:44      21:13:52