Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Sun May  1 16:58:37 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 121
Observer: koon

COMMENT: Sun May  1 16:58:42 GMT 1994
Clear sky, no wind, temp.=48 F.

Sun May 1 17:00:22 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Sun May 1 18:01:21 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Sun May  1 18:04:37 GMT 1994
LOW-L was crashed this morning, unloaded tapes and restarted w/o problem,
detailed parameter list mailed to David and Steve.

Sun May 1 19:01:16 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Sun May  1 19:06:13 GMT 1994
Cold southwest (downslope) wind gradually picking up, ~5 mph now.
Two large but relatively quiescent prominences on the west limb, there`s a 
fair amount of structure visible in the large loop at PA=235, and a series
of smaller loops at PA=260-280 may be associated with one or more large Active
Regions, no coronal changes noticed yet.

DPMON COMMENT: Sun May  1 19:51:51 GMT 1994
Pausing to extend slot. 
Will also do some manual testing with two other Lyot stop apertures (11 and 20
mm) will save some images to tape for both.

Sun May 1 20:13:44 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Sun May  1 20:13:53 GMT 1994
Installed 20mm Lyot stop with blue filter, set exposure to 115.

Sun May 1 20:22:08 GMT 1994: Patrol End
Sun May 1 20:25:17 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Sun May 1 20:35:02 GMT 1994: Patrol End

DPMON COMMENT: Sun May  1 20:40:39 GMT 1994
Installed 11.4mm Lyot stop with blue filter, cloudy now but will try to get
data on tape.

COMMENT: Sun May  1 20:41:25 GMT 1994
$$$ Orographic clouds moving in.

Sun May 1 20:53:00 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Sun May  1 20:53:04 GMT 1994
Will try to get a few good images between passing clouds.

Sun May 1 21:00:35 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Sun May  1 21:17:57 GMT 1994
$$$ Orographic clouds getting very thick, lots of clouds upwind, closing down.

DPMON COMMENT: Sun May  1 21:18:58 GMT 1994
I'm not sure if any good images were taken through the clouds with the 11.4mm
Lyot stop and blue filter, but the prominences did look sharper when I saw
some good Monitor images.

COMMENT: Sun May  1 21:20:46 GMT 1994

MKIII COMMENT: Sun May  1 21:21:19 GMT 1994
Doing a dark scan.

COMMENT: Sun May  1 21:22:10 GMT 1994
Activity report:
QP: 235; 250; 260-280.
No coronal activity.

MKIII: H00753
DPMON: P00055
LOW-L: L00036 in drive #0, program crashed yesterday, installed L00036 and 37.

Sun May 1 21:28:25 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:00:21.   5/1/94 DOY 121      
    17:06:22      17:09:36      17:12:48      17:16:02      17:19:13  
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    17:54:24      17:57:35      18:00:47      18:03:59      1808 0 CL 
    18:14:05      1829 15CL     18:37:43      18:40:56      18:44:12  
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    19:03:19      19:06:30      19:09:41      19:12:51      19:16:04  
    19:19:14      19:22:30      19:25:40      19:28:52      19:32:02  
    19:35:14      19:38:24      19:41:37      19:44:49      19:47:59  
    19:51:10      19:54:21      19:57:31      20:00:41      20:03:50  
    20:07:05      20:10:14      20:13:25      20:16:34      20:19:46  
    20:22:54      20:26:04      20:29:15      20:32:25      20:35:35  
    20:38:47      20:41:56      20:45:06      20:48:14      20:51:23  
    20:54:32      20:57:41      21:00:49      21:03:58      21:07:06  
    21:10:15      21:13:23      21:16:32      21:22:02