Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Mon May  2 16:55:27 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 122
Observer: yasukawa

COMMENT: Mon May  2 16:55:46 GMT 1994
Cool, clear, light southeast wind.  temp +50 F.
Low-L running.

Mon May 2 16:59:51 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Mon May 2 17:02:00 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

DPMON COMMENT: Mon May  2 17:09:02 GMT 1994
Exposure fairly light, trying manual exposure to find a heavier 
exposure setting.

DPMON COMMENT: Mon May  2 17:11:15 GMT 1994
Ugh, 200 is the maximum exposure.

Mon May 2 17:12:34 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Mon May 2 18:01:26 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Mon May  2 18:02:18 GMT 1994
Time check with WWVH Barking Sands, Low-L time right on.
DPMON time correct also.

Mon May 2 19:01:15 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration
Mon May 2 19:04:11 GMT 1994: Patrol End

MKIII COMMENT: Mon May  2 19:17:22 GMT 1994
Replaced regular 36mm aperture Lyot stop with blue filter onto
its position.  Edited ProgramDefs exposures back to 100.

Mon May 2 19:19:24 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

MKIII COMMENT: Mon May  2 19:27:06 GMT 1994
MKIII crashed.  May be an Exabyte problem.  Drive seems stuck trying 
to write an EOF mark on tape.

MKIII COMMENT: Mon May  2 19:33:04 GMT 1994
Removed H00754, Rebooted 11/44, Loaded H00755.
That didn't work.  EOF command didn't seem to be working.
Cleaned the heads and shut down 11/44.  Will reboot back up
and try again while reconfiguring dome.

Mon May 2 19:43:01 GMT 1994: Patrol End
Mon May 2 19:47:51 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Mon May 2 20:00:22 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

MKIII COMMENT: Mon May  2 20:43:41 GMT 1994
When setting up 11/44 after reboot, I set the mkiii time one hour
early.  SCAN-LOG times after 1858 should be 1953.  Error continues until
1940 file.
Ran set-up again to correct time.

Mon May 2 21:00:14 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Mon May  2 21:32:47 GMT 1994
$$$ In orographic clouds.

Mon May 2 21:35:01 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Mon May  2 21:37:23 GMT 1994
Activity report:
qp:  110;  123;  236;  250;  255-270;  292;
No coronal activity

Tapes:   MKIII:  H00754 and H00755
         DPMON:  P00056
         LOW-L:  L00036 in unit 0

Mon May 2 21:40:41 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:00:40.   5/2/94 DOY 122      
    17:06:44      17:09:58      17:13:10      17:16:22      17:19:32  
    17:22:44      17:25:55      17:29:07      17:32:18      17:35:32  
    17:38:44      17:42:02      17:45:13      17:48:26      17:51:36  
    17:54:48      17:57:58      18:01:10      18:04:20      1808 0 CL 
    18:13:28      1817 15CL     18:29:48      18:32:58      18:36:09  
    18:39:18      18:42:33      18:45:43      18:48:53      18:52:02  
    18:55:14      18:58:24      18:53:56      18:57:07      19:00:13  
    19:03:22      19:06:28      19:09:35      19:12:42      19:15:51  
    19:18:58      19:22:06      19:25:12      19:28:20      19:31:27  
    19:34:35      19:37:43      19:40:57      20:49:03      20:52:10  
    20:55:22      20:58:29      21:01:38      21:04:45      21:07:53  
    21:11:01      21:14:09      21:17:17      21:20:27      21:23:34  
    21:26:42      21:29:50      21:32:59