Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Thu May 19 17:08:30 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 139
Observer: koon

COMMENT: Thu May 19 17:09:12 GMT 1994
Clear sky, no wind, temp.=45 F.

Thu May 19 17:13:08 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Thu May 19 18:02:23 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration
Thu May 19 19:02:29 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Thu May 19 19:49:13 GMT 1994
$$$ getting some cirrus overcast, wind ~5 mph from the northwest.

COMMENT: Thu May 19 20:02:19 GMT 1994
Stopping observations, further observations unlikely due to clouds.

Thu May 19 20:03:20 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Thu May 19 20:52:47 GMT 1994
Activity report:
QP: 105; 234; 293.
No coronal activity.

MKIII: H00765
DPMON: P00066
LOW-L: L00045 in drive #1, removed L00044 and installed L00046 in drive #0.

Thu May 19 20:55:18 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  17:12:54.  5/19/94 DOY 139      
    17:18:22      17:21:36      17:24:46      17:27:58      17:31:09  
    17:34:22      17:37:34      1741 0 CL     17:44:56      1749 15CL 
    17:56:59      18:00:09      18:03:20      18:06:30      18:09:40  
    18:12:52      18:16:08      18:19:18      18:22:28      18:25:38  
    18:28:48      18:31:57      18:35:08      18:38:19      18:41:30  
    18:44:39      18:47:51      18:51:02      18:54:13      18:57:21  
    19:00:31      19:03:39      19:06:52      19:10:01      19:13:11  
    19:16:19      19:19:28      19:22:37      19:25:46      19:28:55  
    19:32:06      19:35:14      19:38:23      19:41:31      19:44:41  
    19:47:49      19:51:03      19:54:11      19:57:21      20:00:30  