Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Sat May 21 17:09:32 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 141
Observer: koon

COMMENT: Sat May 21 17:09:39 GMT 1994
Thick cirrostratus overcast, wind ~5 mph from the southeast, temp ~45 F.
No observing today.

DPMON COMMENT: Sat May 21 18:54:23 GMT 1994
Installed new Lyot stop with IR filter that came in the mail yesterday.
Will have to wait for a good observing day to see how it works.

LOW-L COMMENT: Sat May 21 18:56:24 GMT 1994
Low-l crashed yesterday, will send out crash parameter list and then try the 
software changes suggested by David.

LOW-L COMMENT: Sat May 21 23:07:27 GMT 1994
Setup Low-l software to run without the graphics screen, enabling the viewing
of the error message the next time the Low-l crashes.
The Low-l is running now.

COMMENT: Sat May 21 23:09:47 GMT 1994
Worked on GONG test instrument, will try to make one good one from the two
marginal instruments that we have.

COMMENT: Sat May 21 23:11:13 GMT 1994
LOW-L: L00047 in drive #0, crashed with L00045 in drive #1, removed L00045
       and L00046 (from drive #0), installed L00047 in drive #0 and L00048
       in drive #1.