Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Wed May 25 16:59:40 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 145
Observer: koon

COMMENT: Wed May 25 16:59:49 GMT 1994
Medium cirrostratus, no wind, temp. ~45 F, probably no observing today.

COMMENT: Wed May 25 17:17:20 GMT 1994
Wind is up to ~5 mph from the east, cirrus clouds continue from the west.

LOW-L COMMENT: Wed May 25 17:19:26 GMT 1994
Still running correctly, tape L00047 popped out of drive #0 and drive #1 is
taking data, installed tape L00049 in drive #0.

COMMENT: Wed May 25 21:09:07 GMT 1994
GONG TEST INSTRUMENT: Removed and inspected, looks good and water-tight, the
setscrew that couples the instrument mount to the polar axle was loose so I
tightened it.  Now there is very little slop in the drive mechanism, I also
loosened the clutch to prevent cable damage if it winds all the way up.
Reinstalled the same instrument and will align it over the next few days.

COMMENT: Wed May 25 21:36:20 GMT 1994
LOW-L: L00048 in drive #1, removed L00047 from drive #0 and installed L00049.