Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Fri Jun 10 17:17:16 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 161
Observer: koon

COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 17:18:13 GMT 1994
Still in medium cirrostratus, will wait until it clears before observing.
Wind ~5 mph from the south, temp ~50 F.

LOW-L COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 17:19:42 GMT 1994
Removed L00057 and installed L00058 in drive #0, restarted program.

Fri Jun 10 18:29:11 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 18:29:16 GMT 1994
Wind has shifted and is now ~5 mph from the north, cirrostratus has thinned
enough to start taking data, it is blowing over from the west.

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 18:32:13 GMT 1994
Current exposure times for the limb and disk are set to 120 ms.  O2B focus
is at 3.54 mm to get some initial disk images, I will change this later to 
get better limb images.  Using 0.8" Lyot stop w/ hr filter.

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 18:35:48 GMT 1994
Daystar filter was moving in and out of light path, I will reset Plessey and
manually reset the filter position.

Fri Jun 10 18:38:03 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 18:48:34 GMT 1994
I have changed the O2B mike to 4.7 mm for better limb focus.

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 18:53:47 GMT 1994
Nice prominence coming around the east limb.  The occulting disk is too big
so I will pause Patrol and install the best disk.

Fri Jun 10 19:10:49 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 19:11:02 GMT 1994
Changed to a 1931 arcsecond diameter occulting disk, restarted Patrol.

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 19:26:35 GMT 1994
Thin cirrus preventing me from doing limb focus testing, maybe later.

MKIII COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 19:27:26 GMT 1994
Thin cirrus preventing me from getting any calibrations.

MKIII COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 19:48:48 GMT 1994
In clear sky now, taking 0 chan calibration.

Fri Jun 10 20:02:14 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 20:18:14 GMT 1994
Extended the dome slot.

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 20:19:04 GMT 1994
Will pause the Patrol to do some manual limb image focus testing.

Fri Jun 10 20:20:15 GMT 1994: Patrol End

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 20:23:21 GMT 1994
Program crashed and I lost the Focus and Display windows, core was dumped to
my directory and /opt got 100% filled.  Will delete core file and logout/login
to see if this will correct problem.

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 20:41:25 GMT 1994
Had to reboot, couldn't logout.  Did an "End Day" and loaded a new tape 
(P00078) before rebooting.

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 20:51:20 GMT 1994
Crashed with the "Camera:Busy" message, rebooting.

DPMON COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 22:04:20 GMT 1994
The Weather cooperated and I was able to get all the focus test images.  Saved
images of the limb w/ O2B at 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 5.0, and 5.1 mm.  Also saved an
image of the disk w/o the hr filter and w/ 0.7" paper Lyot stop and exposure
at 50 ms., and saved a disk image w/ hr filter, 0.7" paper Lyot stop and
exposure of 140 ms for comparison.  The image w/o the hr filter is sharper
if you look at the active region w/ the two small sunspots (in the northeast).
Will stop observing for today now.

MKIII COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 22:09:21 GMT 1994
Doing dark scan now.

COMMENT: Fri Jun 10 22:13:35 GMT 1994
Activity report:
QP: 70-95; 305.
No coronal activity.

MKIII: H00772
DPMON: P00077
LOW-L: L00057 removed in morning, L00058 installed and running.

SCAN-LOG  17:13:19.  6/10/94 DOY 161      
    18:34:52      18:38:04      18:41:15      18:44:27      18:47:38  
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    19:06:47      19:09:59      19:13:10      1917 0 CL     19:26:07  
    19:29:18      19:32:29      19:35:41      1943 0 CL     19:48:44  
    1952 15CL     20:00:53      20:04:03      20:07:15      20:10:25  
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    21:01:41      21:04:57      21:08:06      21:11:17      21:14:27  
    21:17:37      21:20:47      21:23:58      21:27:07      21:30:18  
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    21:49:23      21:52:32      21:55:43      21:58:52      22:02:03  