Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Sun Jun 19 16:46:54 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 170
Observer: yasukawa

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jun 19 16:51:02 GMT 1994
Cold, in cirrus deck that resides mostly to the east, 
scattered altocumulus earlier this morning, mostly burned off now,
high relative humidity, light southeast wind, temp=60.

Sun Jun 19 16:56:23 GMT 1994: Patrol Start

LOW-L COMMENT: Sun Jun 19 16:56:33 GMT 1994
Low-L found crashed this morning, light feed pointing down.
Will attempt to restart as soon as MKIII and PMON get going OK.

Sun Jun 19 17:00:10 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jun 19 17:15:13 GMT 1994
In thin cirrus.

LOW-L COMMENT: Sun Jun 19 17:15:56 GMT 1994
Removed L00062 from unit 0 and loaded L00063, loaded unit 1
with L00064.  Renamed TAPELOG.000 OLDTLO4.000.  Restarted Low-L.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jun 19 17:19:40 GMT 1994

Sun Jun 19 18:00:16 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

DPMON COMMENT: Sun Jun 19 18:12:37 GMT 1994
Running disc preferred routine.  0.7" occulter with no hr filter,
O2B focus at 3.85mm, exposure at 50 ms.

DPMON COMMENT: Sun Jun 19 18:52:28 GMT 1994
Resumed limb preferred obs.  Reset O2B to 3.95mm, replaced 0.8mm
(rather 0.8") Lyot stop with hr filter, and reset exposure to 120 mms.

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jun 19 18:54:51 GMT 1994

Sun Jun 19 19:00:14 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jun 19 19:08:47 GMT 1994
In heavy orographic cloud overcast.

Sun Jun 19 19:12:15 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Sun Jun 19 19:14:05 GMT 1994
Stopping observations for the day.

Activity report:
QP:  38; 55; 72; 257-265;

No coronal activity

Tapes:  MKIII:  H00779
        DPMON:  P00086
        LOW-L:  L00062 removed, L00063 running in unit 0

Sun Jun 19 19:16:56 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  16:53:31.  6/19/94 DOY 170      
    17:00:36      17:03:48      17:06:59      17:10:12      17:13:24  
    17:16:37      17:19:50      17:23:04      17:26:16      17:29:28  
    17:32:39      17:35:50      17:39:01      17:42:12      17:45:23  
    17:48:35      17:51:45      17:54:58      17:58:10      18:01:22  
    18:04:32      18:07:43      18:10:53      18:14:04      18:17:14  
    1821 0 CL     18:24:09      1828 15CL     18:36:09      18:39:19  
    18:42:37      18:45:47      18:48:56      18:52:05      18:55:14  
    18:58:21      19:01:30      19:04:37      19:07:45