Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Fri Jul  1 16:51:22 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 182
Observer: yasukawa

WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul  1 16:51:41 GMT 1994
Clear, no wind, relative humidity 75%, temp=49F.

Fri Jul 1 16:53:03 GMT 1994: Patrol Start
Fri Jul 1 17:00:21 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration
Fri Jul 1 18:00:15 GMT 1994: Filemark-Calibration

WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul  1 18:02:24 GMT 1994
In orographic clouds.

Fri Jul 1 18:12:17 GMT 1994: Patrol End

COMMENT: Fri Jul  1 18:12:40 GMT 1994
Stopping observations, closing dome to prevent moisture from
compromising O1.
Will do some software modifications on MKIII program.

MKIII COMMENT: Fri Jul  1 19:17:05 GMT 1994
MKIII's CALIBRATE program modified.  NOAA scan routine at the end 
of the calibration sequence is disabled.  In its place, a dark
scan routine was added.  This will take a dark scan near the calibration
time.  The observer will be prompted to insert and remove the
shutter.  If getting coronal scans are a higher priority, a <CTRL>c
can be typed in after the calibration portion is completed,
at the "MOVE OPAL OUT (KEY TO CONTINUE)" prompt to bypass the
dark scan.  Remove opal, type KEEP, type SCAN,  coronal scans will

WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul  1 19:26:27 GMT 1994
In heavy overcast now with occasional fog.

COMMENT: Fri Jul  1 19:27:00 GMT 1994
Activity report:
Did not get PAs of prominences.  Clouds formed and overwhelmed
station quite rapidly and caught me by surprise before I could
record position angles.
No coronal activity.

Tapes:  MKIII:  H00789
	DPMON:  P00097
	LOW-L:  L00070 in unit 0

Fri Jul 1 19:32:20 GMT 1994: Filemark
SCAN-LOG  16:53:36.   7/1/94 DOY 182      
    16:59:01      17:02:16      17:05:27      17:08:40      17:11:52  
    17:15:06      17:18:19      17:21:33      17:24:45      17:27:58  
    17:31:10      17:34:23      17:37:34      17:40:49      17:44:02  
    17:47:15      17:50:26      17:53:39      17:56:51      18:00:03  
    18:03:14      18:06:26      18:09:38