Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log 
Fri Jul  8 18:04:28 GMT 1994
Year: 94  Doy: 189
Observer: yasukawa

WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul  8 18:05:12 GMT 1994
Heavy cirrus overcast, no wind, temp = 59F
Obbservations doubtful.

COMMENT: Fri Jul  8 18:07:04 GMT 1994
Rats, weather is not cooperating for Duc's first day of institutional
abuse.  Duc's first day on the mountain.

LOW-L COMMENT: Fri Jul  8 18:17:30 GMT 1994
Removed L00073 from unit 0 and loaded L00074 into it, restarted
low-l program.

COMMENT: Fri Jul  8 19:25:30 GMT 1994
No observations today.

Fri Jul 8 19:25:57 GMT 1994: Filemark